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Mads Mikkelsen Archives -

Mads Mikkelsen Archives -

Jack Rico


2016/12/13 at 11:44am

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Movie Review)

12.13.2016 | By |

The 1-4-0: RogueOne: A Star Wars Story is not a better film experience than #TheForceAwakens, but it is a solid sci-fi, action film that provides high entertainment value and some nostalgic “cameos” for old-school fans. Read More

Jack Rico


2016/04/19 at 2:26pm

This Week In Movies: ‘The Huntsman,’ ‘Elvis & Nixon,’ ‘A Hologram for the King’

04.19.2016 | By |

We’re in the middle of April and this week in movies offers us some bizarre movie releases. First, we need to talk about this new Tom Hanks movie, A Hologram for the King, which isn’t getting any buzz, no coverage, no interviews with Hanks and no marketing or promotion whatsoever. What Twilight Zone reality are we living in? Never have we ever been privy to a Tom Hanks film that isn’t some event. Just bizarre all around.

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Jack Rico


2016/04/07 at 8:27am

‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Trailer Debuts With Multicultural Cast

04.7.2016 | By |

Star Wars fans… watch this trailer debut of ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,’ aka Star Wars VIII. See anything different, see anything that stands out? The whole cast is basically diverse! I believe it is the first time a Star Wars film has introduced a full lead diverse cast.  Read More

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