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Top 5 Monsters Archives -

Top 5 Monsters Archives -

Jack Rico


2012/10/24 at 12:00am

Guillermo Del Toro’s Top 5 Monsters of All Time!

10.24.2012 | By |

Guillermo Del Toro's Top 5 Monsters of All Time!

When such cinematic detritus as Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (read our review) is out in theaters, blatantly robbing people of their hard earned money, it is then when one can appreciate in a better light the remarkable work Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro.

Recently, he spoke to ABC/ about monsters and his realtionship with them in film and his perspective is far more than generic and equivocal – it is passionate and comprehensive. He is a connoisseur of the genre and his films reflect it, whether he is directing them or producing them. So when asked to name his Top 5 monsters in Hollywood history, he was not shy on quickly divulging the information:


1. Frankenstein’s Monster

2. The Loch Ness Monster

3. Ridley Scott’s Alien

4. The Bride of Frankenstein

5. Bram Stoker’s Dracula

You can read his insightful interview right here.

And if you’d like to check out the trailer of his new produced horror movie Mamá, catch it below. January 18th, 2013 seems too long to wait!

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