Finding Nemo 3D
09.10.2012 | By Karen Posada |

Pixar’s ‘Finding Nemo 3D’ directed by Andrew Staton comes to us nine years after it was released in May 30th, 2003. Obviously technology has advanced so much in this amount of time, that Pixar chose the right time to put one of their most successful films in a 3D format. I felt honored to have been a part of a very small group of people that got to see the film in 3D in Pixar Studios’ very own movie theater, before anyone else in the world. We received a presentation before the film by Bob Whitehill Pixar’s stereoscopic supervisor and Joshua Hollander Pixar’s director of 3D production. They explained to us how time staking the process of converting an old film to 3D is. Starting by the fact that they had to convert the files careful not to harm the original, fix colors and mistakes from the previous one, they also had to do a lot of rendering to give it depth. The team wanted to get it just the same but with a higher resolution, to give it about 144% more detail, to bring it to a level of comfortable viewing. It took them about a year and a half to convert the film. Knowing all of this before the film really made me and helped me appreciate it even more.
I felt like this was the very first time I saw the film, it already is so full of color that seeing it in 3D and high definition really takes you into the environment of the movie. A whole new generation of children that haven’t been introduced to this story will get to view it as never before, with its crisp clear colors, depth and beauty. If you loved the movie when it came out in 2003, you will love it even more now; it will feel like you are swimming in the ocean right along the characters. Pixar made a very wise decision to re-release this film in 3D and high definition in theaters September 14th as well as in Blu-ray 2D and 3D December 4th, 2012.
For those that don’t know the story, ‘Finding Nemo’ follows the adventurous journey of Marlin (Albert Brooks) a clownfish who gets separated from his beloved son Nemo (Alexander Gould) from their home in the Great Barrier Reef, where a dentist decides to capture him and give him a home in the tank in his office. In his search Marlin befriends Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), a forgetful fish that accompanies him throughout the ocean to rescue his son. Both clownfish find out things about themselves in their journeys and become heroes in their efforts to reunite and get back home.
The reason why ‘Finding Nemo’ was so successful when it premiered wasn’t only because of the beautiful animated images, but most of all because of the amazing journey the story takes us through. Despite of the fact that I’ve seen the film a number of times, I was still fully entertained for the duration of it, it gave me chills of joy and I relieved the whole story as if it were my first time experiencing it. I can certainly say I left Pixar Studios completely satisfied and excited to share with all of you the amazing experience.
‘Fidning Nemo’ was already such a success: having wan the Oscar in 2003 for Best Animated Feature, named among the top 10 greatest animated films ever made by the American Film Institute, being the highest grossing G-rated movie of all time and remaining the fifth highest grossing animated film worldwide. So, why bother converting it to 3D and why even spend money on watching a film your children have probably made you watch countless times? Well they made something that was already close to perfection, completely perfect, this is a whole new way of experiencing the sea voyague. Everyone that worked on this movie to convert it to 3D did such an amazing job and made it’s worth relieving this masterpiece that is completely at home in 3D format. The extra bonus you get from watching ‘Finding Nemo 3D’ in theaters is Mark Walsh‘s amazing short 3D film ‘Partysaurus Rex‘ right before the film, it definitely gets the party started (Click on the link below for a full review of the short film).What’s even better? Pixar is making ‘Monsters Inc.’ into 3D and it will be re-released in December 19th, 2012. There are rumors that more of Pixar’s beloved films will be re-released in 3D, so we have a lot to look forward to!