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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Jack Rico


2010/08/05 at 12:00am

Will Ferrell to star in a movie completely… en Español?

08.5.2010 | By |

Will Ferrell to star in a movie completely... en Español?

Will Ferrell is going to extend his acting range… in Spanish!

This is really funny. According to, Ferrell will be the star in “Casa de mi padre,” or “House of My Father,”.

It is going to be fully in Spanish with English subtitles.

There are no plot details to report at the moment, but I imagine some of the biggest Latino movie stars are going to get a call to either to co-star or appear in cameo roles.

Ferrell will produce through his company Gary Sanchez Productions, where the project is in development. No director or release date is confirmed yet.

Jack Rico


2010/08/02 at 12:00am

Madonna directing her new movie, ‘W.E,’ in Paris

08.2.2010 | By |

Madonna directing her new movie, 'W.E,' in Paris

She’s up to it again! Madonna, The Material Girl is in Paris shooting her latest film, “W.E.“. The film will be two-tiered romantic drama focusing on the affair between King Edward VIII and American divorcée Wallis Simpson and a contemporary romance between a married woman and a Russian security guard. 

Think Julie and Julia style.

The 51-year-old singer made her directorial debut in 2008 with “Filth and Wisdom,” about a Ukrainian cross-dressing punk-rocker. That didn’t go so well.

Madonna is not the only U.S. star to film in the French capital this summer.

Last week, Woody Allen was shooting his “Midnight in Paris” on location near the Pantheon and in a park behind Notre Dame cathedral. The film, starring Owen Wilson, also includes a performance by France’s first lady, model-turned-singer Carla Bruni-Sarkozy.

Alex Florez


2010/08/01 at 9:46am

British translation agency

08.1.2010 | By |


However, its not all documents come through an international firm or agency. Usually, they derive from law suits and insurance investigations, or they could be personal documents including birth certificates, academic reports, marriage certificates, divorces certificates and separation agreements. In this sense, a translation company should trust an avid team of highly capable translators which carries out your document translation right into a plethora of languages. translator from russian For example, a fairly easy phrase like “Hello, I’m going to require forward the email from my German buyer onto our New York office by the end of the week please” translated forwards and backwards a few times comes out giving the impression of this “Hello, I am for the e mail client prior to the New York office of Germany sent greater than a week end, thanks.”. As you can see, it’s outright amusing gibberish, and this occurs widely countless times every day when individuals just put what they desire to convey into Google and trust what happens another end is going to make perfect sense.

Language translator english to russian

Generally, a reputed translation company will get your translations created by native speakers holding great fluency in both languages involved in assembling your shed. There are a number of benefits which a small business owner may have through these services if he/she wants to expand in the global front. For instance, they’re able to free themselves through the hassle of translating multi-layer piles of endless documents without help. The amazing part is that the translation companies hold only qualified and experienced translators and interpreters who’re capable enough to accurately translate information without causing any loss for the essence of one’s main message. Answers to these questions allow you to make intelligent decisions relating to your business foray into these countries, and assist you to refine your Farsi translation efforts to target your market as “surgically” precise as you possibly can. You do not want to get in selling your products “shotgun style”-or you might say where you ever have no clear idea of people or consumers you are targeting, thereby leaving you performing your marketing efforts in as general a feeling as you can-because which could cost you huge expenses, most of which were an overall total waste. Online translation services are incredibly much accessible. Actually they’re marketed to the people who need the translation of important documents and researches into universally-understood languages, but who’re can not travel and also have their documents translated by language firms and institutions, because of their prohibitive schedules. Yes, by using these online services, it is possible to submit the document you wish to be translated using your email account. Then, you permit the bank for you your payment to these Translation Agencies. After this, you simply need to wait for your translated document via your e-mail account too. Yes, this method is very convenient and incredibly time-efficient for busy individuals.

Mack Chico


2010/07/31 at 12:00am

Sylvester Stallone to do Rambo Prequel?

07.31.2010 | By |

Sylvester Stallone to do Rambo Prequel?

Looks like Rocky can’t leave Rambo. Sylvester Stallone either needs money or he just thinks he is still 30. As part of a fan Q&A at Ain’t It Cool News to publicise The Expendables, Sly was asked about going backwards rather than forwards with the franchise.

“I certainly think this is worth pondering,” was his response. “It’s intriguing to find the whys and wherefores of how peope have become what they are. The traumas, the loss and the tragedy of being in Vietnam would certainly be a great challenge for a young actor, and it would be ironic that Rambo directs younger Rambo having played it for twenty years plus…”

First Blood starring John Rambo may one day resurface as a prequel, but god please tell me it will be a reboot

Karen Posada


2010/07/29 at 12:00am

Dinner for Schmucks

07.29.2010 | By |

Dinner for Schmucks

One thing I can say about Dinner for Schmucks is that it was well developed. It is not sloppy in a way a lot of comedies tend to get, but it is a bit too long for a comedy. It was funny although its humor is not clever, it is more ridiculous and idiotic than anything. Nonetheless, it will make you laugh and maybe even crack up a few times. I wouldn’t rush to the movie theater to watch it, waiting for it on DVD would be the smarter option. It is inspired by a French comedy Le Dîner de Cons, which was quite successful.

The movie develops with Tim Conrad (Paul Rudd) who is working hard to get a promotion and making his almost perfect life completely perfect. He steps to the plate when one of the main guys at his office is fired and he is offered his position after a bold presentation; the catch is that he has to join his boss and the other big shots at a secret dinner to get the new position. This isn’t just any dinner, everyone must bring an extraordinary person a.k.a schmuck meaning idiot and whomever brings the most strangest specimen wins; while their idiot gets a trophy and is “released back into the wild”. Tim’s better half, whom he’s proposed to several times Julie (Stephanie Szostak) is appalled when Tim tells her what he has to do and she puts some sense into him. Unfortunately, by a chance encounter Tim is blessed with one of these rare people, Barry Speck (Steve Carell) and he is not able to turn away from this easy opportunity. Barry is an amateur taxidermist, he uses dead mice to create art pieces and his naivety pushes him over the edge to idiocy.

Barry takes over Tim’s life, he’s trying to help him but he ends up destroying every aspect of Tim’s life and plans. The more Barry “helps” the worse things get for Tim. The easy promotion is not so easy anymore. Barry forces his friendship upon Tim and teaches him that nothing is more important that sticking to one’s values and appreciating someone for who they are.

I don’t believe Steven Carell to be one of the funniest comedians of today, in this role he is the same character as in Anchorman and a bit less clever than his character in The office. The same goes for Rudd, he’s always the passive aggressive guy with a girlfriend that has to put up with the dummy. Although these are not refreshing roles for them they do fill the shoes well, Carell does a great innocent idiot. Another comedian that appears here and always does a great psycho is Zach Galifianakis. Finally, Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Concords completes the movie with his wild character.

If you’ve seen director Jay Roach‘s work such as Meet the Parents and the Austin Powers movies then you probably know what to expect. It is not a hilarious movie, except for a couple of scenes/jokes but it will give you a good giggle all throughout with its silliness and absurdity. If you want to watch a witty comedy then this would be the wrong movie to choose.

Jack Rico


2010/07/29 at 12:00am

Guillermo del Toro, Cameron pair up for ‘Madness’!

07.29.2010 | By |

Guillermo del Toro, Cameron pair up for 'Madness'!

Mexican director Guillermo del Toro will direct “At the Mountain of Madness,” adapted from the novel by HP Lovecraft, with the production help of James Cameron, director of “Avatar.”

The plot tells the story of an expedition to Antarctica in the 30s, during which a group of scientists found a mysterious and ancient city. According to Deadline Hollywood, the movie will be made in 3D.

Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy) will create a fantasy and horror film, which will require a substantial budget.

Ted Faraone


2010/07/28 at 12:00am

Get Low

07.28.2010 | By |

Get Low

Sometimes quirky works.  So it is for Aaron Schneider in “Get Low,” his feature film directorial debut.  Unfortunately for auds, “Get Low” is getting only limited US release beginning July 30 — almost a year after its bow at the Toronto Film Festival.  This is the picture “Winter’s Bone” could have been if anyone working on it had a sense of humor.  It will end up as an art-house feature stateside, but it should work wonders for Schneider’s nascent career.


What sets “Get Low” apart from typical indie fare is a fantastic cast of household names from back in the day, tight writing, economical editing (Schneider also gets editing credit), and a firm hand at the throttle.  What holds it back is an over-reliance on the owners of perfectly restored Model A Fords.


Pic, set about 1930, stars Robert Duvall as Felix Bush, an aging, noted Tennessee hermit largely hated by the residents of his nearby town.  Bush has a guilty secret.  His revelation thereof provides pic’s action, and it is a credit to writers Chris Provenzano (screenplay) (story), C. Gaby Mitchell  (screenplay), and Scott Seeke (story) that stretching it out over 100 minutes does not detract from the suspense.  Instead they tease auds with shreds of revelation the way some tantalize a hungry dog with a series of Milk-Bones.  Exposition is woven seamlessly into the plot.  The only knock on this score is a slow-moving opening reel featuring a man on fire running from a burning house followed by Bush’s shotgun wielding “deterrence” of small boys who throw stones at his windows.  Seemingly disconnected at first, the fire sets up pic’s denouement.  Ten minutes in, pic gains steam.  Other than Bush’s over-the-top character, the only clue at the outset that this is more comedy than drama is the casting of Bill Murray as Frank Quinn, the P.T. Barnum of undertakers.  Murray’s Quinn is by turns cynical, a con-man, creative, and empathetic.  He also gets pic’s best punch lines — including one that your critic knows is dead wrong.  “Nobody steals hearses” is not true.  The funeral of your critic’s great uncle, a noted Communist and atheist, was graced by the theft of the hearse during the service.  Fortunately Uncle Mariano was not in said hearse when it was stolen.  The irony of holding a Catholic Mass for the Dead for an atheist was not lost on your critic.


Bush has decided to “get low”, which means getting his affairs in order and planning his own funeral.  The process starts out serious with a visit to Rev. Gus Horton (Gerald McRaney).  The two don’t see eye-to-eye.  A visit to the Rev. Horton by Quinn’s assistant, Buddy (Lucas Black) at the same time provides the excuse to bring Murray on screen.  Not enough people die in the one-horse town to keep the Quinn Funeral Home afloat, he complains.  Bush is a Godsend.  The catch is that he wants a “funeral party” while he is still alive, a party at which he invites anyone to say about him whatever they know.  Quinn and Buddy get right to work on it with the latest 1930 publicity methods including a radio broadcast in which Bush says that the highlight of the event will be a raffle, $5 for a ticket, in which the winner will get his huge tract of virgin timber untouched for 40 years.  Ticket money pours into the Quinn Funeral Home. 


Enter Sissy Spacek as Mattie Darrow, a charming widow who returned to the town after her husband’s death in St. Louis.  She is pic’s only townsperson who has anything nice to say about Bush.  It is a joy to see her on screen, totally convincing.  The revelation of the nature of her relationship to Bush is pic’s only difficult plot twist to follow.  It seems that Bush’s secret is something that she would have known — he was dating her 40 years earlier when he fell in love with her married sister, but the realization does not strike Mattie until she see’s her sister’s faded photograph on Bush’s wall.  At that point she nearly strikes Bush.  Note to guys:  do not hit on girlfriend’s sister.


Only one other living person knows Bush’s story, Rev. Charlie Jackson (Bill Cobbs), an elderly Illinois preacher whose church Bush built.  Duvall’s Felix Bush is a noted carpenter whose work impresses everyone with its elegant simplicity.  Plot ultimately hangs on Rev. Jackson’s reluctance to speak at Bush’s funeral.


The payoff, when it comes, is emotionally satisfying largely due to the sympathy Duvall has engendered from auds as his Felix Bush was slowly revealed to be far more gentle and complicated than anyone would have imagined.  The flaw, if it can be called that, is that the guilty secret, when finally exposed — and there is a question until almost the last minute whether Bush will speak for himself or wimp out and let Rev. Jackson tell his story — is more the result of the law of unintended consequences than of any other cause.  Turning one’s back on society and becoming a hermit for 40 years seems like a penitent over-reaction.  Duvall, Cobbs, and Spacek are so compelling, however that this conclusion does not enter one’s mind until well after the closing credits.


One more tip of the hat to Duvall:  He plays a number of scenes with an utterly charming mule.  To his credit, the mule does not steal them.


“Get Low” is rated PG-13 for some language, largely uttered by Murray.  No grammar school child will be unfamiliar with it.  It is told with respect and dignity.  Have no fear of taking the kids.  They may enjoy it.

Jack Rico


2010/07/27 at 12:00am

Repo Men

07.27.2010 | By |

Rating: 3.0

Rated: R for strong bloody violence, grisly images, language and some sexuality/nudity.
Release Date: 2010-03-19
Starring: Garrett Lerner, Eric Garcia
Film Genre:
Official Website:

 Go to our film page

The first hour of the new futuristic action film Repo Men, one of the most violent and bloody films I’ve seen since Ninja Assassins, is a slow, gouge-your-eye experience that has you asking for a refund. But the second hour really picks up and it is where the true entertainment value of the film lies. The story is very compelling tied with a dose of dark comedy, but the dialogue is vacuous and there were some major miscasting calls with Jude Law and Forest Whitaker.

In the future humans have extended and improved our lives through highly sophisticated and expensive mechanical organs created by a company called “The Union”. The dark side of these medical breakthroughs is that if you don’t pay your bill, “The Union” sends its highly skilled repo men to take back its property… with no concern for your comfort or survival. Former soldier Remy (Law) is one of the best organ repo men in the business. But when he suffers a cardiac failure on the job, he awakens to find himself fitted with the company’s top-of-the-line heart-replacement… as well as a hefty debt. But a side effect of the procedure is that his heart’s no longer in the job. When he can’t make the payments, The Union sends its toughest enforcer, Remy’s former partner Jake (Whitaker)4, to track him down.

What will be most talked about Repo Men is the high level of graphic violence and gore it possesses. It is really a cringing, hands-over-your-eyes type of brutality that takes place in the scenes when these repo men are extracting organs from their clients who are late on their bills. Violence is used very gratuitously here and it wouldn’t surprise me people being repulsed by it. Does it help push the story forward? No, its purely for shock value.

The film suffers from a variety of problems commencing with the first hour which is filled with contrived situations, bad dialogue, a slow, churning pace, and in my opinion, a miscasting of the protagonists. Am I really supposed to believe that pretty boy Jude Law and plump Forest Whitaker are vicious, intimidating animals? Hardly, all their roles are mainly summed up as bewildered, warm and fuzzy characters. Credibility here was an obvious issue. I couldn’t take their roles seriously.

Nevertheless, the film was made to entertain people and make tons of money at the box office. If it weren’t for the first hour being so off, we could have been talking about a better reviewed movie. Go watch it if you like uber-hyper violence that will make you squirm in your seat, but stay away if you’re sensitive to heads being squashed.

Jack Rico


2010/07/27 at 12:00am

Repo Men

07.27.2010 | By |

Rating: 0.0

Rated: R for strong bloody violence, grisly images, language and some sexuality/nudity.
Release Date: 2010-03-19
Starring: Garrett Lerner, Eric Garcia
Film Genre:
Official Website:

 Go to our film page

Mack Chico


2010/07/26 at 12:00am

Inception: #1 at the box office!

07.26.2010 | By |

Inception: #1 at the box office!

It was close, but not close enough. Leonardo Dicaprio established who the true superstar is against Angelina Jolie’s ‘Salt’.

“Inception” remained the No. 1 movie for the second-straight weekend with $43.5 million, according to studio estimates Sunday. Sony’s spy caper “Salt” premiered a solid No. 2 with $36.5 million. The movie stars Jolie as a CIA operative who goes rogue after she’s accused of being a Russian sleeper agent.

Coming in at No. 3 with $24.1 million was Steve Carell’s family hit “Despicable Me.” The animated comedy raised its domestic total to $161.7 million.

The weekend’s other new wide release, 20th Century Fox’s family comedy “Ramona and Beezus,” took in $8 million to finish at No. 6. The movie is based on Beverly Cleary’s children’s books about a teenage girl and her accident-prone little sister.

“Inception” hung in strongly in its second weekend, its total down just 31 percent from its $62.8 million opening. During the busy summer, top hits often drop 50 percent or more in the second weekend and rarely repeat as the No. 1 movie.

The film will quickly shoot past the $200 million mark at the domestic box office and has a good shot at topping $300 million, said Dan Fellman, head of distribution at Warner Bros.

The ticket sales are estimates for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Final figures will be released today.

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