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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Jack Rico


2016/03/23 at 10:52pm

Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice (Movie Review)

03.23.2016 | By |

The 1-4-0: #BatmanvSuperman is an important film that must be seen, but regrettably, it’s difficult not to be left with mixed emotions. Though flaws exist, the immensity of the characters and the significance of the film outweigh any negatives. Read More

Jack Rico


2016/03/21 at 3:11pm

This Week In Movies: ‘Batman v Superman,’ ‘Born To Be Blue’

03.21.2016 | By |

We’re a little more than half-way through March and this week’s movies offer a little somehting for everyone. One which has captivated my attention is Ethan Hawke’s Born To Be Blue, a jazz film about Chet Baker, arguably the most popular trumpeter after Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie. I had met with Hawke last year and he showed me several pics of the production and we discussed favorite albums plus his legacy. Also, we should address the armored bat in the room – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. This is the most anticipated film of 2016. The reason it is more anticipated than Captain America: Civil War, is the tremendous pressure and risk behind the success of WB and DC’s franchise set-up film. Read More

Jack Rico


2016/03/16 at 11:09am

Watch The New ‘Ben-Hur’ Movie Trailer!

03.16.2016 | By |

Coming to theatres on August 12, 2016, this remake of Ben-Hur has all the defects of whitewashing, but let’s not get into that right now. Will the film work? Will a historical drama about the Roman Empire work in 2016? There are no major stars, apart from Morgan Freeman in a minor supporting role. What are the expectations? Let’s begin by you seeing it.  Read More

Jack Rico


2016/03/14 at 6:10pm

This Week In Movies: ‘The Program,’ ‘Allegiant,’ ‘Midnight Special’

03.14.2016 | By |

It’s mid-March and Spring is in the air. With news of $50 dollar movie releases coming to a living room near you, watching movies in theaters will be less and less. Nevertheless, there are several films this week that possess and interesting premise, most of them on the indie side. Read More

Jack Rico


2016/03/10 at 12:56pm

‘Spider-Man’ Makes Triumphant Appearance In Final ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Trailer!

03.10.2016 | By |

Holy shit! Marvel actually pulled it off. They somehow managed to negotiate the rights of the character from Sony Pictures to use the Web Wonder in their Marvel films. Spidey’s appearance has easily catapulted Marvel’s ‘Captain America: Civil War‘ as the most anticipated film of 2016 over WB’s ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ film. Read More

Jack Rico


2016/02/22 at 10:56am

This Week In Movies: ‘Gods of Egypt,’ ‘Triple 9,’ ‘Crouching Tiger’

02.22.2016 | By |

We are close to the end of February and most of the films up until now have been mediocre – except Deadpool – at best. We can begin to detect a pulse this week with films such as Triple 9 and the Crouching Tiger sequel. Things will definitely start ramping up in March, post Oscars. In the meantime, there are 7 films being released this week that offer a dose of fun, laughs and high interest much like King Georges, a doc about the end of an iconic restaurant.  Read More

Jack Rico


2016/02/12 at 10:04pm

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, The Final Trailer

02.12.2016 | By |

Enough is enough! The criticism surrounding Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice might be deafening, but one look at this final trailer and it’ll leave you questioning those naysayers. Can a movie with this much epic action, superhero clashes, and sheer entertainment value truly “suck”? We won’t know for sure until release day, but one thing’s certain: this is a must-watch experience, even for the biggest skeptics. Read More

Jack Rico


2016/01/29 at 6:52pm

Viernes De Estrenos: ‘Kung Fu Panda 3,’ ‘The Finest Hours’

01.29.2016 | By |

¿Cuál es tu género favorito? Soy fanático del terror, la animación y el drama. En mi nuevo segmento de estrenos de los viernes, Viernes de Estrenos, repaso las películas imperdibles de la semana en Telemundo 47 Nueva York.

En la era de streaming como HBOMax y Netflix, puede ser difícil saber qué vale la pena ver. Estoy aquí para ayudar. Proporciono las reseñas más honestas de los nuevos lanzamientos para que pueda pasar su tiempo sabiamente.

Esta semana, crítico las siguientes películas: ‘Kung Fu Panda 3,’ ‘The Finest Hours’.

Jack Rico


2016/01/27 at 3:40pm

Watch New Fighting Clip From Netflix’s ‘Daredevil’ Season 2

01.27.2016 | By |

Recently, Netflix rolled out a new Daredevil tease showing a fighting clip of our blind, masked hero taking out some thugs. When you watch the clip, it is very reminiscent of the much talked about hallway fighting scene from Season 1. This new clip feels very real, unlike all of the other superhero films before it. Take a look and enjoy the upcoming new season on Netflix March 18. Read More

Jack Rico


2016/01/27 at 1:47pm

New TV Spots Footage From ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’

01.27.2016 | By |

If you’ve been foaming at the mouth to see the new WB/DC Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie on March 25th, you’re not alone. To diffuse the anxiety, we’ve compiled 5 videos showing some new footage – 4 are TV spots and 1 is a sneak peek you might have missed. Who will between these two heroes? My money is on Superman. Check out the videos below… Read More

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