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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Mack Chico


2008/10/04 at 12:00am

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist

10.4.2008 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for mature thematic material including teen drinking, sexuality, language and crude behavior.
Release Date: 2008-10-03
Starring: Lorene Scafaria, Rachel Cohn (novela), David Levithan (novela)
Film Genre:
Country: USA
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Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

If you like romantic teen movies and love Manhattan’s lower east side, you’ll be infatuated with the new cinematographic work of Michael Cera, North America’s sloppy king. Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist is an honest romantic tale full of authenticity, with a simple principle and a dialogue that’s intelligent and current.
Nick (Michael Cera) is a solitary character that wonders the world; meanwhile Norah (Kat Dennings) is an insecure person that is looking for herself. Although they don’t have anything in common except music, a casual encounter at a punk concert will become a romance that will change their lives forever.

This film perhaps won’t define the youth of our generation like “Sixteen Candles” from the master John Hughes, but it achieves to capture a real portrayal of the youth in NYC in 2008. This is credited to the young director Peter Sollet (Raising Victor Vargas, Five Feet High and Rising) who guides himself through big filmmakers such as Richard Linklater and Woody Allen, except that there are no neurotic characters or super-complex dialogues. What is evident is the relaxed vibe of the characters and of the movie. It’s a world where the only worry is the time it takes one to forget about one’s ex.

The main characters, Cera and Dennings are the new Allen and Keaton of today. There is a magnetism that exists between them and individually. The camera adores these two and their futures are almost guaranteed.

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist is directed to a young audience that is looking for love that is innocent and real, without radical idealisms or complicated answers to questions. This is a movie that will make you smile when you are sad and will make you remember the moments when love was pure and innocent.

Ted Faraone


2008/10/02 at 12:00am


10.2.2008 | By |

Rated: R for violence including sexual assaults, language and sexuality/nudity.
Release Date: 2008-10-03
Starring: Don McKellar
Film Genre:
Country: USA
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Anyone who has problems with cinematic squalor should avoid “Bilndness”, helmer Fernando Meirelles vehicle for Julianne Moore released via Miramax.  Much of it is set in a detention center for the newly blind, a facility lacking doctors, nurses, and even janitors.  After what appears to be a couple of months, judging by Moore’s roots, it — and the cast – get pretty filthy.
An unexplained epidemic of blindness overcomes a deliberately unidentified cosmopolitan city.  Authorities quarantine the blind, surrounding them with trigger-happy guards.  Among the first to suffer blindness are an eye-doctor (Mark Ruffalo) and a wealthy Japanese (Yusuke Iseya).  When police arrive to arrest the eye-doctor, his wife (Julianne Moore), who can see, feigns blindness and insists on joining him in detention.  There follows a sort of Milgram Experiment in human depravity among the detainees.  Hierarchies develop.  Villains are totally villainous.  Good guys, including the characters played by Ruffalo and Moore, are at turns fearful, courageous, smart, stupid, hopeful, hopeless, resentful, and angry.  Meanwhile, the outside world collapses as blindness spreads.  We know this because an old man with an eye patch (Danny Glover) has smuggled in a radio.
The bad guys commandeer the food, holding it for ransom.  Once the good guys run out of valuables, the bad guys demand their women.  Moore’s character (nobody has a name) leads a revolt in a sort of perverted Lysistrata without the jokes – foreshadowed by repeated shots of a sharp scissors.
Meirelles directs with a sort of moral neutrality. The asylum of the blind, like much of the rest of the picture, is shot with multiple cameras to good effect. One feels more like a voyeur than part of a theater audience.  Moore gets kudos for portraying a sighted person who has to act blind to fool her captors.
In the final reels the captives escape detention only to find the entire city, if not the world, has succumbed to blindness.  The electricity failed, shops are looted, trains no longer run, and hungry dogs eat the dead.  Yet amid a sudden rainstorm a sort of community develops as blind people, weeks without clean water or sanitary services strip and wash in nature’s shower.  It presages an ambivalent conclusion, almost holding the mirror up to the audience.
“Blindness,” an adaptation of Portuguese author José Saramago’s novel by Don McKellar (who also plays a blinded thief) is not easy to watch.  Because most trappings – backstory, names, a recognizable setting, an explanation for the epidemic – in other words most of the context – are stripped away – attention is focused on a compelling if unpleasant story, which feels shorter its 120 minute length.
Tech credits are excellent.  Lensing by César Charlone and editing by Daniel Rezende shine.  Special mention goes to production designers Matthew Davies and Tulé Peak.  Pic is rated R due to nudity (the blind can’t see each other naked), sex, and violence.

Mack Chico


2008/10/01 at 12:00am

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

10.1.2008 | By |

Rating: 2.5

Rated: R for sexual content, nudity and strong language.
Release Date: 2008-04-18
Starring: Jason Segel
Film Genre:
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Jack Rico


2008/09/27 at 12:00am

Paul Newman Dead at 83

09.27.2008 | By |

Paul Newman Dead at 83

Newman died Friday only a few months after pictures surfaced of him looking frail and thin as he was wheeled from the Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City, where he was said to be receiving treatment for lung cancer.

During Newman’s rise to fame in the 1950s, cigarette smoking was used in the movies and on television to convey masculinity, sophistication and sex appeal.

Late in his career, Newman — who at one time was considered a heavy smoker — famously quipped, “It’s absolutely amazing that I survived all the booze and smoking and the cars and the career.”

It’s been reported that he quit smoking some 30 years ago.

Mack Chico


2008/09/26 at 12:00am

The Lucky Ones

09.26.2008 | By |

Rated: R for language and some sexual content.
Release Date: 2008-09-26
Starring: Neil Burger, Dirk Wittenborn
Film Genre:
Country: USA
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The Lucky Ones

I can’t believe I’m going to say this, and probably never will again, but this is one of those rare times that I found a soldier film to be ‘delightfully lovable’. Yes, I said it. It is due in part to an endearing story concocted by director/writer Neil Burger and a great group of actors who turned on the charm.

In ‘The Lucky Ones’, three wounded soldiers come back from the war cherishing to return to a life of normalcy, or at least what is left of it. With flight delays threatening to hinder their plans, they rent a car to St. Louis where they hope the city’s airport will have a batch of planes ready to depart to Las Vegas. The road trip back home is where the true journey begins for these three servicemen.

Tim Robbins is a wonderful every-man’s actor. He manages to capture the reality of daily living in all his characters. Michael Peña continues to deliver solid performances demonstrating a range of emotion in his roles, even if they are confined in lawmen and soldier characters. I mustn’t dismiss though, the unexpectedly comical, yet solemn performance of Rachel McAdams, who in my mind, was the star of the film. I would dare say, this is an Oscar nominated performance. She is not known for her comic timing, nor delivering amusing lines with deadpan expressions, but McAdams not only proved she is actually funny, she showed she can carry and steal a movie from under the nose of a proven veteran actor such as Robbins.

If you are feeling lucky and in the mood for a small, independent, but very good film in the tradition of Little Miss Sunshine, do yourself a favor and see ‘The Lucky Ones’.

Mack Chico


2008/09/25 at 12:00am

Eagle Eye

09.25.2008 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence, and for language.
Release Date: 2008-09-26
Starring: John Glenn, Travis Wright, Hillary Seitz, Dan McDermott
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website:

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Eagle Eye

Eagle Eye has all the trademark elements of a box office hit: it is a a political thriller, it has action, car chases, explosions, sarcastic one liners, good acting and – the film begins with a great action sequence and ends on the same note. For a Friday night out with your friends, what else do you need?

Shia LeBouf has been Hollywood’s “It” boy for a year now and he has been delivering on the hype. With blockbuster after blockbuster, he is positioning himself as the A list actor of the future. Eagle Eye is his new Tom Clancyesque’ project about a kid who has been summoned to kill the president by a god-like computer owned by the government.

Even though the film is surprisingly good – Billy Bob Thornton deserves plenty of credit for that – expect the ridiculous and the absurd, a la Diehard. Most of those films were fun, in a guilty pleasure sort of way.

Nevertheless, some thought did go into the premise. Director D.J Caruso (Disturbia, Two for the Money) wants us to be aware of several key messages – to what extent does technology control our lives, the invasion of privacy by the government and the ineptitude of our political commanders.

Since most of us know how this is eerily similar to real life, the film serves as an inside look at how things would play out if someone had the “cojones” to do something about it. Eagle Eye is pure high-octane fun and exactly what going to the movies is all about.

Mack Chico


2008/09/23 at 12:00am

Top 5 scenes from Julianne Moore’s "Blindness"

09.23.2008 | By |

Top 5 scenes from Julianne Moore's "Blindness"

Here are the top 5 scenes from ‘Blindness’, directed by brazilian director Fernando Mereilles. The film stars Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Alice Braga, Danny Glover and Gael Garcia Bernal.

In essence, the story is a psychological thriller about the fragility of mankind. Adapted from Nobel Laureate José Saramago’s masterwork, the film revolves around a plague of blindness devastates a city, a small group of the afflicted band together to triumphantly overcome the horrific conditions of their imposed quarantine.

This week we’ll bring you the film review and our recommendation on whether you should see it or not. If you can’t wait any longer and you want to see video from the premiere, interviews with the cast, stills from the film and more, click here.

Mack Chico


2008/09/23 at 12:00am


09.23.2008 | By |

Rating: 3.0

Rated: PG-13 for some strong language.
Release Date: 2008-04-04
Starring: Duncan Brantley, Rick Reilly
Film Genre:
Official Website:

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Mack Chico


2008/09/22 at 12:00am

‘Lakeview Terrace’ is #1 at the box office

09.22.2008 | By |

'Lakeview Terrace' is #1 at the box office

“Lakeview Terrace” (Sony/Screen Gems), the new thriller starring Samuel L. Jackson as a policeman terrorizing his new neighbors, Patrick Wilson and Kerry Washington, earned $15.6 million, ousting the Coen brothers’ “Burn After Reading” from first place at the box office over the weekend, according to estimates from Media by Numbers, a box office tracking firm. “Burn After Reading” (Focus Features), starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt, slipped to second place with earnings of $11.3 million. It has made $36.4 million in two weeks. New releases grabbed third and fourth positions: “My Best Friend’s Girl” (LionsGate), the romantic comedy starring Kate Hudson, Dane Cook and Jason Biggs, earned $8.3 million and the animated comedy “Igor” (MGM) was close behind with $8 million. “Righteous Kill” (Overture Films), the action film starring Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, took fifth place with $7.7 million for the weekend and $28.8 million in two weeks. Over all the weekend was relatively weak with revenues of $93 million, 4 percent lower than the same weekend last year.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 “Lakeview Terrace” ($15.6 million)
#2 “Burn After Reading” ($11.3 million)
#3 “My Best Friend’s Girl” ($8.3 million)
#4 “Igor” ($8 million)
#5 “Righteous Kill” ($7.7 million)

Mack Chico


2008/09/22 at 12:00am

Sex and the City: The Movie will have a part 2

09.22.2008 | By |

Sex and the City: The Movie will have a part 2

Where to celebrate the launch of the Sex and the City: The Movie DVD?

Why, the same place where, in the film, Carrie Bradshaw gets stood up at the altar. Thursday night, the film’s stars Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall and Cynthia Nixon reconvened at the New York Public Library, which was lit up in pink and decorated with a custom-made interlocking-C white Chanel couch.

A radiant and friendly Parker, in Alexander McQueen, said she was ecstatic that her film was one of the year’s blockbusters. “I was surprised and thrilled and gratified and shocked,” said Parker. “I think we felt very honored that people connected to the story.”

Said Cattrall: “This has been an amazing year. It’s poignant that the year after we started shooting, the DVD is coming out. It just seems to get better.”

And now, word is, there’s a sequel in the works.

“I guess there’s been a lot of talk except that Michael Patrick and I haven’t spoken,” said Parker, referring to the film’s writer and director Michael Patrick King. “We’re going to have a conversation sooner rather than later. If Michael feels there’s a story worthy of an audience leaving their home and plunking down a significant amount of money for a ticket, then I assume we’ll move forward. We feel very indebted to this audience and it would be a disservice to them to make a movie because we can.”

If a second installment of Sex comes to fruition, Parker wants it to “be thoughtful and something that has some meaning — (we want) to tell a good story and produce it well.”

Cattrall too hopes it happens. “The deal is they’re making the deal and Michael Patrick King is writing the script. I don’t envy him that task. I’m very excited because Samantha is single and that’s real fun to play,” she said.

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