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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Felix Dalgo


2015/08/14 at 8:05am

Mistress America (Movie Review)

08.14.2015 | By |

The 1-4-0: #MistressAmerica is different take on what you could consider a romantic comedy. We are so used to having a ‘chick flick’ in which a guy is romantically involved at some point in the central plot. But this film is different. Read More

Jack Rico


2015/08/11 at 7:29am

This Week In Movies… ‘Straight Outta Compton,’ ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.’

08.11.2015 | By |

The second week of August brings us very little cinematic value despite seeing the anticipated hip-hop biopic, Straight Outta Compton, and Guy Ritchie’s The Man From U.N.C.L.E. on the calendar release. Ritchie, the inconsistent, but influential British helmer with a profusion of talent, is back to his lightning speed editing and MTV visual style in the new TV show spy adaptation. Will this film reinvigorate his career?   Read More

Adam Garcia


2015/08/06 at 3:04pm

Fantastic Four (Movie Review)

08.6.2015 | By |

The 1-4-0: Josh Trank fails spectacularly to reboot Marvel’s first family in a grossly ill-conceived film. Read More

Felix Dalgo


2015/07/28 at 9:38am

This Week In Movies: ‘Mission Impossible 5,’ ‘Vacation,’ ‘End Of Tour’

07.28.2015 | By |

This last week of July great films are releasing for you to really take advantage of that quality time together. July closes up with a ‘Based on True events’ type of week on the big screen. With films like, “Listen to me Marlon”, a documentary that speaks about the life of one of the greatest American actors of all time Marlon Brando. Additionally, the film “A LEGO Brickumentary” takes a look back at the world’s most popular toy and how it has affected our society from its very beginnings. Read More

Adam Garcia


2015/07/24 at 5:00am

Pixels (Movie Review)

07.24.2015 | By |

The 1-4-0: Adam Sandler and Chris Columbus try, and fail, to tap into 80’s nostalgia to make an ultimately forgettable alien invasion film. Read More

Felix Dalgo


2015/07/24 at 5:00am

The Vatican Tapes (Movie Review)

07.24.2015 | By |

The 1-4-0: #TheVaticanTapes is complex, but in a way that doesn’t bore the audience, while at the same time keeping you at the edge of your seat, biting your nails. Read More

Jack Rico


2015/07/23 at 10:26pm

Viernes de Estrenos con Jack Rico: ‘Southpaw’, ‘Paper Town’, ‘Pixels’

07.23.2015 | By |

Si es su primera vez aquí… “Viernes de Estrenos”, un segmento televisivo de criticas de cine y producido por Telemundo 47 NY. Es conducido por el crítico de cine Jack Rico.

Esta semana, crítico las siguientes películas: ‘Southpaw’, ‘Paper Town’, ‘Pixels’.

Jack Rico


2015/07/22 at 1:11pm

Gabriel García Márquez Documentary Coming To A Theater Near You

07.22.2015 | By |

Colombian Nobel Prize for Literature winner and Best-Selling Latin American writer, Gabriel García Márquez, will have a new documentary titled, Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel García Márquez, coming to a theater near you soon.  Read More

Jack Rico


2015/07/22 at 9:58am

James Bond Travels To Mexico City In Official ‘Spectre’ Trailer

07.22.2015 | By |

In this brand new official trailer, James Bond infiltrates a secret meeting and uncovers the existence of the sinister organization known as SPECTRE. It’s great to see Bond visiting a Latin American city, specially one as culturally impressive as Mexico City. This is Daniel Craig‘s last Bond movie and from the looks of it, it should be on equal footing as Casino Royale, which to me, is the best Bond movie Craig has done. The movie will release November 6th. Read More

Jack Rico


2015/07/21 at 4:16pm

This Week In Movies: ‘Southpaw,’ ‘Paper Towns,’ ‘Pixels’

07.21.2015 | By |

The middle of July means three things: It’s time to head to the beach; it’s time to relax and its time to check out some movies. For that last summer fact, we are here to help. There are eight films being released and there is a little something for everyone. Mexican American actor Michael Peña is starring in The Vatican Tapes, a film that one wouldn’t expect at this time of the year. The lovely Cobie Smulders, with whom we had a chance to chat with, is starring in Unexpected, a peculiar comedic drama about a teacher and a student who become pregnant in the same time frame. If you are into foreign films, you will not be disappointed with Samba or Phoenix. Read More

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