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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Jack Rico


2015/07/01 at 7:21am

New Trailer: ‘Creed,’ The Reboot Of The Rocky Franchise

07.1.2015 | By |

The Rocky franchise is getting a reboot with ‘Creed‘, the saga which continues with the son of Apollo Creed, Rocky Balboa’s original arch nemesis. The first trailer is officially out, which you can see above along with Sylvester Stallone playing in a supporting role, but what makes us not discard this reboot altogether is the director Ryan Coogler and star Michael B. Jordan. Both gave us one of the best indie dramas of 2013. With that same tone, Coogler plans on reinvigorating the classic, crowd pleasing franchise with a more youthful, dramatic vibe. will it work? it just might. ‘Creed’ opens on November 25, 2015. Read More

Jack Rico


2015/06/29 at 1:13pm

This Week In Movies: ‘Magic Mike XXL,’ ‘Terminator Genisys,’ ‘Amy’

06.29.2015 | By |

This week in movies, a very small amount of releases, seven to be exact, are trying to garner the attention of moviegoers this weekend. The big commercial releases have Arnold (not to mention nostalgia), returning to his title role and Channing Tatum, along with his friends, takes their shirts off for the ladies and men looking for a striptease! But besides those sequels and franchise options, two Hispanic themed documentaries merit some attention such as: Cartel Land and Mala Mala. Both breakdown current social realities that push at the traditional American way of life.  Read More

Luis Ortega


2015/06/26 at 5:00am

‘The Third Man’ 4K Restoration (Movie Review)

06.26.2015 | By |

The 1-4-0: The 1949 classic still remains a successful film-noir masterpiece #TheThirdMan. Read More

Jack Rico


2015/06/24 at 11:42am

New Trailer: ‘Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension 3D’

06.24.2015 | By |

2015 has proven to be the year of franchises and sequels – Star Wars, Avengers, Terminator, James Bond, Taken, Hot Tub Time Machine, Divergent series, Maze Runner series and so forth – now it is Paranormal Activity’s turn with Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension which will be released in 3D. It will be the sixth film and the swan song film for the saga which will supposedly answer all of the questions that the series’ has left unanswered until now. Read More

Felix Dalgo


2015/06/19 at 2:04pm

The Vulture Festival’s Special Screening Of ‘The Overnight’

06.19.2015 | By |

*Note: This review appeared originally on June 3rd.

Let me start by mentioning this, I have always been a fan of the Netflix Original Series “Orange is the New Black” most notably of the character ‘Piper Chapman’ portrayed by the actress Taylor Schilling. So when I was told that the New York Vulture Festival had invited to the special screening of the film “The Overnight” starting Taylor Schilling, I was pleased that I would be able to see her as a character other then ‘Piper Chapman’ which I am so used to. I arrived at the Tribeca Theaters in Varick Street well before showtime. As I entered the theater I was greeted by the Vulture Festival staff, had a small chat with them about how much we were looking forward to this film and Schilling’s portrayal of not ‘Piper Chapman.’ Read More

Jack Rico


2015/06/19 at 10:10am

Richard Gere Is Homeless In New ‘Time Out Of Mind’ Trailer

06.19.2015 | By |

IFC is distributing the new Richard Gere drama, Time Out Of Mind, premiering September 9 in theaters. It will make it’s official debut as part of the New York Film Festival this year. Read More

Felix Dalgo


2015/06/16 at 11:14am

This Week In Movies… ‘Inside Out,’ ‘Dope,’ ‘Manglehorn’

06.16.2015 | By |

It’s the second week of June, which means two things: #1) Summer is about to officially begin. #2) Summer movies are hitting the big screen! And this week is proof of that, with films like The Overnight (read our review), a great comedy with Jason Schwartzman, Adam Scott and the very popular Taylor Schilling; about a crazy night between two couples in a Los Angeles home. Also Al Pacino is back with a film that could very well be another one of his classics – Manglehorn. Read More

Jack Rico


2015/06/12 at 11:45am

Viernes de Estrenos: ‘Jurassic World,’ ‘Me & Earl & The Dying Girl’

06.12.2015 | By |

Como crítico de cine profesional, cada semana reviso los últimos estrenos de cine para Telemundo NY en nuestro nuevo segmento de cine, Viernes de Estrenos. Con un enfoque en brindar comentarios perspicaces a los cinéfilos latinos, puedo ayudarlos a decidir si gastar o no su tiempo y dinero en una película determinada.

Esta semana, crítico las siguientes películas: ‘Jurassic World,’ ‘Me & Earl & The Dying Girl,’ y ‘Soaked In Bleach’.

Jack Rico


2015/06/12 at 10:11am

Jurassic World (Movie Review)

06.12.2015 | By |

The 1-4-0: #JurassicWorld is really an homage to the original. There are so many references. This is the real sequel using the blueprint of the first. Read More

Luis Ortega


2015/06/11 at 7:20pm

Redeemer (Movie Review)

06.11.2015 | By |

The 1-4-0: #Redeemer is a hard-hitting beat-em-up action film held back by some glaring flaws. Read More

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