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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Jack Rico


2013/07/17 at 1:14am

Watch: ‘The Fifth Estate’ Trailer

07.17.2013 | By |

Dreamworks Pictures just released their first trailer of the WikiLeaks movie – The Fifth Estate.

The trailer has Star Trek villain Benedict Cumberbatch playing the lead role of Julian Assange who is set on taking justice into his own hands by leaking very confidential information from whomever is abusing their power. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/07/16 at 6:16pm

The Radio DVD Review: ‘Evil Dead,’ ‘Erased,’ ‘Bullet to the Head’

07.16.2013 | By |

As part of the universe, I partner and contribute with various high profile platforms in the English language and Latino market to talk movies. One of them is the Enrique Santos Morning Radio Show, where every Tuesday I rap in Spanglish about my personal picks of what DVD/Bluray reviews you should be watching over the weekend. Why Tuesday? That’s when the home videos are released.  Read More

Jack Rico


2013/07/16 at 7:00am

Top 5 Bloodiest Movies Of All Time!

07.16.2013 | By |

With the upcoming release of the horror film “The Conjuring,” I decided to make a list of the top 5 bloodiest movies in the history of cinema. This list will focus exclusively on the disturbing amount of blood that appears on a screen and not on the level of fear or suspense that it provokes. Be it bad, obscure, or unsettling, this list is about blood, thick curdling hoses of blood. Here are the 5 bloodiest movies that are sure to make anyone that watches them vomit from disgust. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/07/15 at 11:12am

This Week In Movies: ‘Only God Forgives,’ ‘The Conjuring’

07.15.2013 | By |

This is one of the rare weeks where Hollywood is releasing movies I want to go see, whether it’d be because of the leads in the movie (Ryan Gosling, Kristen Wiig) or the intriguing premise (The Conjuring, Turbo). Whatever it may be, I usually don’t experience this sort of excitement for a movie week. I’ve seen a few of these but will watch the rest of them and you should circle back this week to read my reviews.  I’m going to rank these new Hollywood movies in order of my interest level… Read More

Jack Rico


2013/07/14 at 1:01am

Watch ‘REC 4 Apocalypse’ Teaser Trailer and Motion Poster

07.14.2013 | By |

Jaume Balaguero is at it again. The Spanish director who spearheaded one of the most successful and international horror franchises, will direct the fourth and final [REC] movie – [REC] 4 Apocalypse. We have the brand new teaser trailer, motion poster and two teaser posters for you to check out! Read More

Jack Rico


2013/07/12 at 1:20pm

‘How To Train Your Dragon 2’- First Teaser Trailer!

07.12.2013 | By |

The first How To Train Your Dragon was such a surprise and lovable film experience that I had called it one of the best animated movies of 2010, mainly for its surreal flying sequences. We now get our hands on the first teaser trailer from How To Train Your Dragon 2 which exclusively boasts footage lasting almost 2 minutes of just flying. Crazy.

The film brings back the same voice cast from the original: Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, T.J. Miller, and Kristen Wiig.
Read More

Jack Rico


2013/07/12 at 12:23am

Pacific Rim (Movie Review)

07.12.2013 | By |

The “1-4-0”: #PacificRim is a visual masterpiece that combines a nice balance of comedy, drama and action. A solid movie that has more sizzle than steak. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/07/11 at 4:39pm

Watch the first trailer from Disney’s ‘Saving Mr. Banks’!

07.11.2013 | By |

How many times have you seen Mary Poppins? 5, 10? Ever wonder how it made it to the big screen? Disney’s brand new film, Saving Mr. Banks, will answer that question and we have the first trailer for you to see! Read More

Jack Rico


2013/07/09 at 5:33pm

Best Fan-Made Christopher Reeve Superman Trailer Ever?

07.9.2013 | By |

There have been a plethora of fan-made Superman trailers here and there, some of them even raising an eyebrow or two for its skill, but after I saw this trailer made by the very adroit YouTube host silverlightsaber, there is no need to see any other one. So far this is the definitive Christopher Reeve Superman trailer, in my opinion. I literally got chills watching it and hearing Hans Zimmer’s Man of Steel composition. It made me appreciate even more the hero, the character and the story of Superman. Read More

Juan Doe


2013/07/08 at 2:09pm

‘Koyakatsi’: The Coolest Trailer of 2013 You’ve Never Seen!

07.8.2013 | By |

With profound style, this proof of concept trailer from filmmaker Ayoub Qanir, will surely generate a lot of interest from Hollywood. Be sure to keep his name handy because in a couple of years he’ll be directing your next favorite movie!  Read More

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