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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Mariana Dussan


2013/04/02 at 12:00am

Guillermo Del Toro Directing New DC Comics Movie?

04.2.2013 | By |

Guillermo Del Toro Directing New DC Comics Movie? The amazing Guillermo Del Toro is once again making buzz in the comics community. The Mexican director spent this past Saturday at WonderCon in Anaheim, Calif. where he spoke about his upcoming film “Pacific Rim” and showed a special trailer made just for WonderCon, but as exciting as it might have been from the crowd we have news that is more exciting for the rest of us. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/04/01 at 12:00am

EVIL DEAD: Win free tix to an advanced screening!

04.1.2013 | By |

EVIL DEAD: Win free tix to an advanced screening!

We’re bringing evil to a theater near you! Win complimentary tickets to an advance screening of EVIL DEAD from Uruguayan director Fede Alvarez and produced by Sam Raimi. 

Want to win these hard to get tickets? If you live in Los Angeles, New York, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Miami, San Diego, San Francisco, Phoenix and Sacramento be one of the first 10 people to answer the following question in the comments section below: 

What was the name of the lead actor in the 1981 EVIL DEAD original?

Answer correctly and you’ll win a pair to go with a guest! Be the envy of your friends and see it before anyone else does! Read More

Jack Rico


2013/03/29 at 12:00am

G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Movie Review)

03.29.2013 | By |

G.I. Joe: Retaliation” the best action movie of 2013 so far? The year is still too young to give a credible opinion, but “Olympus has Fallen” might take that prize. It is rated R and it is hyper-violent. We also have to wait for “Iron Man 3,” “Man of Steel” and “Pacific Rim” to make a final decision. Nevertheless, G.I. JOE 2 is a Red Bull overdose as soon as you walk into the theater. In regards to its entertainment value, it is going to be a ridiculous hit. All the violence, one-line bad jokes, and 3D action your brain can handle are all present – and I must admit it is fun! Read More

Mariana Dussan


2013/03/29 at 12:00am

The Host (Movie Review)

03.29.2013 | By |

After her fame with “The Twilight Saga” author Stephenie Meyers is at it again, this time with director Andrew Niccols (Gattaca), with another one of her best-selling novels, “The Host.” Now the questions lingering in everyone’s mind are: will it do as well at the box office as it did in print and will it outshine its predecessor? Read More

Mariana Dussan


2013/03/27 at 12:00am

"White House Down": The 8 Minute Extended Trailer!

03.27.2013 | By |

"White House Down": The 8 Minute Extended Trailer!

Yesterday afternoon a privileged few were able to partake in a rare experience. At the Regal Cinemas in Union Square, New York less than 200 fans and some members of the press saw the official trailer and an exclusive 8 minute sneak peek of what is sure to be a summer hit – “White House Down.”

Upon arrival into the theater we were all greeted with a warm bag of popcorn and choice of water or soda. Inside two cameras were set up in the middle of the room and right below the screen there were three director-style chairs. Sam Champion from Good Morning America comes out and introduces Roland Emmerich director of the film, and the actor Jaime Foxx, who made their way into the room through a separate elevator and entrance. Read More

Mariana Dussan


2013/03/26 at 12:00am

Mexican to direct remake of "Death Wish"

03.26.2013 | By |

Mexican to direct remake of "Death Wish"

A groovy 1974 New York vigilante will get a contemporary makeover by an up-and-coming Mexican filmmaker. Gerardo Naranjo will take over the director role for the remake of the crime thriller “Death Wish.”

According to Variety, helmer Joe Carnahan was initially set to direct the project and it was rumored that he was courting various artists for the lead role of Paul Kersey played by Charles Bronson in the original film, among the actors considered were Brad Pitt, Will Smith and Bruce Willis. After not being able to land a lead, Carnahan left the project back in February and MGM decided to bring in Naranjo.  Read More

Mariana Dussan


2013/03/26 at 12:00am

Diego Boneta "auditions" for Batman

03.26.2013 | By |

Diego Boneta "auditions" for Batman

Imagine Batman. You are seeing a powerful man in an all-black skin-tight leather suit which outlines his muscular body, a black flowing cape, and a black mask with pointy bat ears that only reveals his mouth and eyes.  For years, many gentlemen have taken on this heroic role, each one giving the character a personal influence.

Last week, The Hollywood Reporter gave a new chap the opportunity to “don the figurative cape” and let’s just say that his influence on the legendary character was nothing less than unforeseen.  Read More

Jack Rico


2013/03/26 at 12:00am

Lengua, Cámara y Acción: Ryan Gosling, Tilda Swinton

03.26.2013 | By |

Lengua, Cámara y Acción: Ryan Gosling, Tilda Swinton

Esta semana en el segmento de noticias de cine, “Lengua, Cámara y Acción” en el Luis Jimenez Show por X96.3FM, Univision Radio, Jack Rico habla sobre el retiro de Ryan Gosling de la actuación, la eliminación de palabras gay de las películas, un chico superheroe que le dieron una paliza en Inglaterra y Tilda Swinton y su exhibición de arte en una caja transparente.  

Este segmento en español es el único en los Estados Unidos que se dedica a hablar de noticias de cine. El crítico de cine, Jack Rico, estará reportando las más importantes noticias de Hollywood de una manera conversada, entretenida e informativa, junto a la estrella de la radio, Luis Jimenez. De esta forma, usted se puede mantener al tanto de lo que pasa en Hollywood con una sonrisa en cara. Lengua, Camara y Acción será transmitido cada martes a las 9:50AM.

Además, no se pierda de PELICULEANDO, cada viernes a las 9:50am para escuchar las críticas y recomendaciones de los más recientes estrenos cinematográficos y EN ESPAÑOL! Ustedes pueden escuchar nuestro segmento de cine a través de ‘The Luis Jimenez Show’ cada viernes a las 9:50AM por Univision Radio ‘X96.3FM’ en Nueva York o por la red mundial visitando la página: ‘The Luis Jimenez Radio Show’ on ‘X96.3FM’ en New York, FM 97.7 Fort Myers, 98.5/101.1/100.3 FM, 890AM Boston, 1400AM Lawrence / Lowell Haz cliq al vídeo para escuchar el más reciente segmento radial.

Mariana Dussan


2013/03/25 at 12:00am

Paraguayan "Cuchillo de Palo/108" makes some noise

03.25.2013 | By |

Paraguayan "Cuchillo de Palo/108" makes some noise

Today in the twenty-first century the topic of homosexuality is still a hard pill to swallow for many, but imagine the same topic during the 80s under an oppressive government – unthinkable.

Renate Costa, a young woman from Paraguay, attempts to search for the answers to questions about her uncle Rodolfo that have lingered in her mind for years, questions that lead her to unearth an unspoken and violent history of her country while under the regime of President Alfredo Stroessner.  Read More

Mariana Dussan


2013/03/25 at 12:00am

America Ferrera To Star In Indie Film XY With Husband

03.25.2013 | By |

Honduran actress America Ferrera and her husband Ryan Piers Williams have begun to look into the struggles of their relationship. No, they are not breaking up, even better they are actually teaming up on a new Indie Film “X/Y.”

According to, Ferrera and Williams are producing the film as well as starring in it as a couple: Silvia and Mark.  The film looks inside the lives and minds of a group is friends in New York City by exploring the challenges of communication and connecting.  Read More

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