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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Jack Rico


2012/12/14 at 12:00am

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

12.14.2012 | By |

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Finally, the long awaited prequel to “The Lord of the Rings,” “The Hobbit” is finally here. Is it worth going to see? Yes, but… Is it worth paying $20 to see its industry changing 3D? Yes, but… Ok, because of it’s 2hrs and 49 minutes duration will the length make you snore at some point? Maybe… So what’s the deal here!? Bottom line is this: If you like epic fantasy adventure, especially the ones like LOTR, then you will enjoy “The Hobbit”. If you’re not into any of these genre films, you’re going to be annoyed and irate at the experience.


This first of three movies, “The Hobbit” focuses on the life of Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman), a Hobbit who journeys to the Lonely Mountain with a vigorous group of Dwarves to reclaim a treasure stolen from them by the dragon Smaug.


Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, who at one point was directing this movie, is now the co-writer and has gifted us with a fun action-adventure tale full of imagination and ingenuity. Regrettably, there is excessive character developments in the first half hour that are just too mentally fatiguing, but from there, it’s a slow, steady climb to a rousing climax. Helping the proceedings is the action sequences that seem to be relentless, and in certain instances, overwhelming. Fortunately, del Toro writes in some spots to allow “breaks” to catch our wind and re-immerse ourselves in the plot. 


On the other side, director Peter Jackson, director of the previous three “The Lord of the Rings” (LOTR) films, has improved the visuals from his former trilogy, but not necessarily the pacing. Nevertheless, his use of special effects is a crowning cinematic achievement of epic proportions worth watching. 


The LOTR movies are targeted for everyone, but in particular to young adult men. It seems that the more adult working moviegoer, male or female, are not very attracted to anything these films have to offer, especially its duration. They find it too long and complicated to keep up with them. Unfortunately, they are right and Jackson would do better, in broadening the audience, if he did make these films shorter and subtracted some of the excess characters. I’m sure Tolkien purists would disagree.


The Hobbit” no longer carries the hype status that it’s predecessors did back in the early 2000’s, much perhaps because this is the fourth go around, as opposed to a new vision for fantasy that the previous LOTR films promised, yet director Peter Jackson does promise some new tricks up his sleeve.


New to the mix is Jackson’s much talked about visuals shot in 48fps and HFR 3D. What does that all mean? It means a higher, clearer resolution of image and a more brighter sharper 3D. This is all true except that the film ceases to look like film and assumes the  appearance of television video. Moviegoers are divided on this. Old school cats are not going to like the way “The Hobbit” looks, but the LED TV owners aren’t going to mind it at all, since it is what they’re used to seeing it at home. Ultimately, there is nothing like seeing film as part of the theatrical movie experience (I own a plasma for the purposes of conserving the film aspect). 


Despite the new 3D which looks like LED TV imagery, the action is the centerpiece of the film. It is an assault on the senses and it is much more abundant than the previous three.  


The movie is a fine collection to the pantheon of the LOTR series and purists will definitely enjoy this prequel.

Mack Chico


2012/12/13 at 12:00am

Complete 2013 Golden Globe movie nominations

12.13.2012 | By |

Complete 2013 Golden Globe movie nominations

Outside of Jessica Alba as a presenter, there was no Latino presence this year in the 2013 Golden Globe Film Nominations. You could argue that Joaquin Phoenix (The Master) is Puerto Rican, but he was only born there and has no Puerto Rican bloodline or cultural ancestry. He’s Russian, Jewish, French. But if you want to reach very far, you can include that Guillermo del Toro is the Executive Producer of the animation Rise of the Guardians, Ben Affleck plays a ‘Hispanic’ named Tony Mendez in Argo and that Zero Dark Thirty has Venezuelan Edgar Ramirez in a prominent secondary role. 

Nevertheless, the nomination selection this year had many surprises and left many people surefire people out. The nominations in 25 categories for movies and television for the 2013 Golden Globe Awards are being announced this morning at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The nominees will be introduced by Hollywood Foreign Press Association president Aida Takla-O’Reilly along with Jessica Alba, Megan Fox and Ed Helms. Ballots were submitted to the accounting firm of Ernst and Young on Monday. The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards will air live on NBC on Sunday, January 13 hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

Here’s the list of nominees, which are being revealed in two parts:

Django Unchained
Life Of Pi
Zero Dark Thirty

Daniel Day-Lewis
Richard Gere
John Hawkes
Joaquin Phoenix
Denzel Washington

Ben Affleck
Kathryn Bigelow
Ang Lee
Steven Spielberg
Quentin Tarantino

Alan Arkin – ARGO
Leonardo DiCaprio – DJANGO UNCHAINED
Philip Seymour Hoffman – THE MASTER
Tommy Lee Jones – LINCOLN
Christoph Waltz  – DJANGO UNCHAINED

Amy Adams – THE MASTER
Sally Field – LINCOLN
Anne Hathaway – LES MISERABLES
Nicole Kidman – THE PAPERBOY

Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Les Miserables
Moonrise Kingdom
Salmon Fishing In The Yemen
Silver Linings Playbook

Emily Blunt
Judy Dench
Jennifer Lawrence
Maggie Smith
Meryl Streep

Rise of the Guardians
Wreck It Ralph
Hotel Transylvania

A Royal Affair
The Intouchables,
Rust and Bone

Zero Dark Thirty
Silver Linings Playbook,
Django Unchained


Music by: Monty Powell, Keith Urban Lyrics by: Monty Powell, Keith Urban
Music by: Jon Bon Jovi Lyrics by: Jon Bon Jovi
Music by: Taylor Swift, John Paul White, Joy Williams, T Bone Burnett Lyrics by: Taylor Swift, John Paul White, Joy Williams, T Bone Burnett
Music by: Adele, Paul Epworth Lyrics by: Adele, Paul Epworth
Music by: Claude-Michel Schonberg Lyrics by: Alain Boublil, Claude-Michel Schonberg

Jack Rico


2012/12/12 at 12:00am

Lengua, Cámara y Acción: 12/12/12

12.12.2012 | By |

Lengua, Cámara y Acción: 12/12/12


Esta semana en el segmento de noticias de cine, “Lengua, Cámara y Acción” en el Luis Jimenez Show por X96.3FM, Univision Radio, Jack Rico habla sobre: la muerte inesperada de Jenni Rivera, nuevos carros con cajas Blu-Ray y la demanda contra Indiana Jones.

Este segmento en español es el único en los Estados Unidos que se dedica a hablar de noticias de cine. El crítico de cine, Jack Rico, estará reportando las más importantes noticias de Hollywood de una manera conversada, entretenida e informativa, junto a la estrella de la radio, Luis Jimenez. De esta forma, usted se puede mantener al tanto de lo que pasa en Hollywood con una sonrisa en cara. Lengua, Camara y Acción será transmitido cada martes a las 9:50AM.

Además, no se pierda de PELICULEANDO, cada viernes a las 9:50am para escuchar las críticas y recomendaciones de los más recientes estrenos cinematográficos y EN ESPAÑOL! Ustedes pueden escuchar nuestro segmento de cine a través de ‘The Luis Jimenez Show’ cada viernes a las 9:50AM por Univision Radio ‘X96.3FM’ en Nueva York o por la red mundial visitando la página: ‘The Luis Jimenez Radio Show’ on ‘X96.3FM’ en New York, FM 97.7 Fort Myers, 98.5/101.1/100.3 FM, 890AM Boston, 1400AM Lawrence / Lowell Haz cliq al vídeo para escuchar el más reciente segmento radial.


Jack Rico


2012/12/11 at 12:00am


12.11.2012 | By |

Es difícil ver en tiempo real un clásico instantáneo, pero eso será lo que usted experimentará cuando vea la comedia clasificada R – “Ted”. Es discutiblemente la mejor comedia de 2012 y una de las mejores desde “The Hangover” del 2009. La cinta es pura ‘shock comedia’ y sumamente chistosa, logrando producir risas que te harán llorar, toser fuertemente y hasta… ofenderte. Sin embargo, pudo haber sido aún mejor si la duración del filme fuese un poco más corta. Hubo momentos en que era obvio que no había mucho material jocundo para sostener un film de 1 hora y 46 minutos. 16 minutos menos hubiese hecho toda la diferencia.

En esta comedia de acción real y de animación digital, vemos la historia de un niño de Boston, John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg), que convive con un adorable osito de peluche que cobró vida después de un deseo infantil… y que, desde entonces, se niega a abandonarle. La mayor parte de la película transcurre con un adulto John de 35 años de edad y Ted (voz proporcionado por Seth MacFarlane) dando vueltas fumando marihuana. Ted inexplicablemente continua fumando hierba y perico, seduciendo a prostitutas, corrompiendo a John con fiestas llenas de alcohol y usando un vocabulario tan obsceno que el film debería de ser clasificado NC-17. Ted también se convierte en un importante obstáculo en la relación romántica entre John y su novia de cuatro años, Lori (Mila Kunis). Eventualmente, ella se vuelve tan cansada de las payasadas de Ted y la irresponsabilidad de John, que le exige escoger entre Ted o ella. Esto solo le complica las cosas más a John. 

La comedia aquí es espectacular y se puede describir como “shock comedia” – aquellos chistes que ofende con su sexualidad gráfica, situaciones perversas y depravadas y dialogo altamente cargados con obscenidades. Pero son dos factores que claramente establecen las risas y el éxito del film. La primera, y la más importante, es el oso de peluche Ted. La asociación que tenemos con peluches es algo infantil, sano e inocente.  Colocandolo en extremas situaciones contradictorios como las susodichas, inyectan una inquietante y nerviosa risa involuntaria difícil de cohibir. El segundo factor al éxito y risas incontrolables es ver a un macho-man musculoso comportandose como un pleno niño. Wahlberg nuevamente nos sació y atontó con su talento cómico y actúa estos personajes cómicos con mucha autenticidad y convencimiento. Si vas con un amigo o amiga, será inevitable no reirte.

Seth MacFarlane, el creador de la serie “Padre de familia”, hace su debut como director y pega un jonron como guionista, director y la voz de “Ted”. Aunque no catalogaría la película como una obra maestra cómica, se aproxima muy cercano a ella. Él nos provee con una historia original y un humor refrescante que no podremos olvidar por semanas. Pero con el fin de estirar la duración del largometraje, MacFarlane inserta algunas subtramas impares que apaciguan el ritmo cómico del film. Además, muy buen toque de darnos una fuerte dosis de nostalgia de los años 80 y apariciones especiales que incluyenNorah Jones, Tom Skerritt, y Ryan Reynolds. 

Mila Kunis por su parte desempeña un papel de tercera a Ted y Wahlberg. Si su trabajo en ‘Friends with Benefits’ es alguna indicación de su talento en comedias bruscas, ella fue un total desperdicio aquí. Mejor hubiesen escogido a una cara menos relevante. El guión, sin duda, defrauda a Kunis y su papel requería más que solo un aspecto atractivo.

Los efectos especiales del oso Ted son increíbles. Uno se olvida por completo que es un efecto creado en un ordenador especial. Los detalles de su pelo, ojos y sus manerismos lo dejarán patidifusos. 

Fuera de poder mantener el tempo jocoso por casi dos horas continuas, y una que otras deficiencias minúsculas no merecedoras de resaltar aquí, “Ted” es un clásico de la comedia para los próximos cuantos años hasta que llegue su secuela.  Eso sí, por favor tenga cautela que este osito no es Winnie the Pooh, es más bien el Diablo dentro de Winnie the Pooh. Muchos padres podrían malinterpretar el avance y pensar que es una película de familia. Este largometraje es exclusivamente para adultos con un sentido de humor muy fresco y experimentado. Sin mentirles, “Ted” es tan buena, que merece ser vista múltiples veces!

Karen Posada


2012/12/11 at 12:00am

Ice Age: Continental Drift

12.11.2012 | By |

Ice Age: Continental Drift’ is 94 minutes of fun for all; this might be the best out of the last two sequels. It’s hard for three main characters to entertain over so many movies, perhaps the reason why it works here is because they take a back seat at points and let the new characters tell the story. This movie combines drama with comedy very well, so that even in the most dramatic moments there’s an upside to it all. Also, the 3D works well throughout the movie, but it works best in the first part where there are a lot of objects popping out of the screen.


In this chapter thanks to Scat’s (Chris Wedge) endless pursuit of the acorn, he triggers a continental drift. As Manny (Ray Romano) is learning to deal with his teenage daughter Peaches (Keke Palmer), Sid (John Leguizamo) is reunited with his Granny (Wanda Sykes) and Diego (Denis Leary) ferociously helps them both. The gang all learn a lesson after they get separated from part of their pack and they face a rare group of pirates that use an iceberg as a ship. Their captain, Captain Gutt (Peter Dinklage) rules the oceans and with the help of his best crew members Shira (Jennifer Lopez) and Squint (Aziz Ansari) he will fight anyone that gets in their way.  


My favorite new character is Sid’s Granny, everything she does and says it’s adorably cranky and funny; she’s one of those old people that don’t hold back. Also, the tiny hyraxs (chipmunk like animals) are awesome with their ‘Braveheart’ skit. One of the most substantial new characters is Louis (Josh Gad), a molehog who is Peaches’ best friend.


The new group of villains is an interesting mix but Captain Gutt is the only that’s worth mentioning, his yellow teeth really shine with the 3D making him all the more disgusting and scary. One thing I could have lived without is the pirate jig they use to introduce Gutt. Manny still has a lot of screen time and is certainly the leader, but Sid and Diego really are secondary characters. There are also appearances by Nicki Minaj and Drake, which obviously were just added to the film to draw in a bigger audience.


What makes this movie more entertaining than the 3rd part is the fact that there are two simultaneous stories developing, the action shots of one complements the heart of the other. The introduction of new characters that lead the story gives it a more refreshing look. Of course Scrat is basically a third part of the story that always makes it all the more interesting as he’s the catalyst to everything that occurs.


If you are a fan of The Simpsons make sure to arrive early as there’s a short 3D film ‘The Longest Daycare’ with Maggie. This movie is better rounded than the last one of the series and there’s a lot more humor that will keep you and your children entertained. There are a few lessons the film tries to teach as an undertone, but they don’t over take the movie, this is more fun, action and laughter than anything else.

Mack Chico


2012/12/11 at 12:00am

Javier Bardem nominated for Critics’ Choice Movie Awards!

12.11.2012 | By |

Javier Bardem nominated for  Critics' Choice Movie Awards!

The James Bond film ‘Skyfall,’ considered a commercial Holywood action movie, received a nomination for Javier Bardem‘s villainous character in Best Supporting Actor from the BFCA (Broadcast Film Critics Association). It seems like anytime he does a movie, he’s instantly in the nomination conversations.

Lincoln” received a record 13 nominations Tuesday for the Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, held by the Broadcast Film Critics Association.

With nominations for picture, director Steven Spielberg, scribe Tony Kushner, lead actor Daniel Day-Lewis and supporting thesps Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones, “Lincoln” surpassed the 12 noms that went to “Black Swan” in 2010.

Les Miserables” was second this year with 11 Critics’ Choice noms, joining “Lincoln” among the 10 films tapped as best picture candidates. Also nommed for picture were “Argo,” “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” “Django Unchained,” “Life of Pi,” “The Master,” “Moonrise Kingdom,” “Silver Linings Playbook” and “Zero Dark Thirty.”

From that group, Ben Affleck (“Argo”), Kathryn Bigelow (“Zero”), Tom Hooper (“Les Miserables”), Ang Lee (“Life of Pi”), David O. Russell (“Silver Linings”) and Spielberg grabbed director noms.

Silver Linings” grabbed 10 nods, followed by “Life of Pi” with nine and seven apiece for “Argo,” “The Master” and “Skyfall.” Bradley Cooper of “Silver Linings” earned noms in three categories: actor, comedy actor and as part of the “Silver” acting ensemble.

Actor nominations went to Cooper, Day-Lewis, John Hawkes (“The Sessions”), Hugh Jackman (“Les Miserables”), Joaquin Phoenix (“The Master”) and Denzel Washington (“Flight”). For actress, scoring noms were Jessica Chastain (“Zero”), Marion Cotillard (“Rust and Bone”), Jennifer Lawrence (“Silver”), Emmanuelle Riva (“Amour”), Quvenzhane Wallis (“Beasts of the Southern Wild”) and Naomi Watts (“The Impossible”).

Foreign-film nominees were “Amour,” “The Intouchables,” “A Royal Affair” and “Rust and Bone,” while “Brave,” “Frankenweenie,” “Madagascar 3,” “ParaNorman,” “Rise of the Guardians” and “Wreck-It Ralph” were tapped in animation and “Bully,” “The Central Park Five,” “The Imposter,” “The Queen of Versailles,” “Searching for Sugar Man” and “West of Memphis” in documentary.

Nominated for top comedy were “Bernie,” “Silver Linings Playbook,” “Ted,” “This Is 40” and “21 Jump Street,” and for action were “The Avengers,” “The Dark Knight Rises,” “Looper” and “Skyfall.”

The CW will air the kudocast live Jan. 10, the day the Academy Award nominations are released. The deadline for BFCA members to vote on the nominees is Jan. 8.

The full list of nominees:



“Beasts of the Southern Wild”

“Django Unchained”

“Les Misérables”

“Life of Pi”


“The Master”

“Moonrise Kingdom”

“Silver Linings Playbook”

“Zero Dark Thirty”



Bradley Cooper – “Silver Linings Playbook”

Daniel Day-Lewis – “Lincoln”

John Hawkes – “The Sessions”

Hugh Jackman – “Les Misérables”

Joaquin Phoenix – “The Master”

Denzel Washington – “Flight”



Jessica Chastain – “Zero Dark Thirty”

Marion Cotillard – “Rust and Bone”

Jennifer Lawrence – “Silver Linings Playbook”

Emmanuelle Riva – “Amour”

Quvenzhané Wallis – “Beasts of the Southern Wild”

Naomi Watts – “The Impossible”



Alan Arkin – “Argo”

Javier Bardem – “Skyfall”

Robert De Niro – “Silver Linings Playbook”

Philip Seymour Hoffman – “The Master”

Tommy Lee Jones – “Lincoln”

Matthew McConaughey – “Magic Mike”



Amy Adams – “The Master”

Judi Dench – “Skyfall”

Ann Dowd – “Compliance”

Sally Field – “Lincoln”

Anne Hathaway – “Les Misérables”

Helen Hunt – “The Sessions”



Elle Fanning – “Ginger & Rosa”

Kara Hayward – “Moonrise Kingdom”

Tom Holland – “The Impossible”

Logan Lerman – “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”

Suraj Sharma – “Life of Pi”

Quvenzhané Wallis – “Beasts of the Southern Wild”




“The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”

“Les Misérables”


“Moonrise Kingdom”

“Silver Linings Playbook”



Ben Affleck – “Argo”

Kathryn Bigelow – “Zero Dark Thirty”

Tom Hooper – “Les Misérables”

Ang Lee – “Life of Pi”

David O. Russell – “Silver Linings Playbook”

Steven Spielberg – “Lincoln”



Quentin Tarantino – “Django Unchained”

John Gatins – “Flight”

Rian Johnson – “Looper”

Paul Thomas Anderson – “The Master”

Wes Anderson & Roman Coppola – “Moonrise Kingdom”

Mark Boal – “Zero Dark Thirty”



Chris Terrio – “Argo”

David Magee – “Life of Pi”

Tony Kushner – “Lincoln”

Stephen Chbosky – “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”

David O. Russell – “Silver Linings Playbook”



“Les Misérables” – Danny Cohen

“Life of Pi” – Claudio Miranda

“Lincoln” – Janusz Kaminski

“The Master” – Mihai Malaimare Jr.

“Skyfall” – Roger Deakins



“Anna Karenina” – Sarah Greenwood/Production Designer; Katie Spencer/Set Decorator

“The Hobbit” – Dan Hennah/Production Designer; Ra Vincent & Simon Bright/Set Decorators

“Les Misérables” – Eve Stewart/Production Designer; Anna Lynch-Robinson/Set Decorator

“Life of Pi” – David Gropman/Production Designer; Anna Pinnock/Set Decorator

“Lincoln” – Rick Carter/Production Designer; Jim Erickson/Set Decorator



“Argo” – William Goldenberg

“Les Misérables” – Melanie Ann Oliver and Chris Dickens

“Life of Pi” – Tim Squyres

“Lincoln” – Michael Kahn

“Zero Dark Thirty” – William Goldenberg and Dylan Tichenor



“Anna Karenina” – Jacqueline Durran

“Cloud Atlas” – Kym Barrett and Pierre-Yves Gayraud

“The Hobbit” – Bob Buck, Ann Maskrey and Richard Taylor

“Les Misérables” – Paco Delgado

“Lincoln” – Joanna Johnston



“Cloud Atlas”

“The Hobbit”

“Les Misérables”




“The Avengers”

“Cloud Atlas”

“The Dark Knight Rises”

“The Hobbit”

“Life of Pi”





“Madagascar 3”


“Rise of the Guardians”

“Wreck-It Ralph”



“The Avengers”

“The Dark Knight Rises”





Christian Bale – “The Dark Knight Rises”

Daniel Craig – “Skyfall”

Robert Downey Jr. – “The Avengers”

Joseph Gordon-Levitt – “Looper”

Jake Gyllenhaal – “End of Watch”



Emily Blunt – “Looper”

Gina Carano – “Haywire”

Judi Dench – “Skyfall”

Anne Hathaway – “The Dark Knight Rises”

Jennifer Lawrence – “The Hunger Games”




“Silver Linings Playbook”


“This Is 40”

“21 Jump Street”



Jack Black – “Bernie”

Bradley Cooper – “Silver Linings Playbook”

Paul Rudd – “This Is 40”

Channing Tatum – “21 Jump Street”

Mark Wahlberg – “Ted”



Mila Kunis – “Ted”

Jennifer Lawrence – “Silver Linings Playbook”

Shirley MacLaine – “Bernie”

Leslie Mann – “This Is 40”

Rebel Wilson – “Pitch Perfect”



“The Cabin in the Woods”






The Intouchables

A Royal Affair

Rust and Bone




The Central Park Five

The Imposter

The Queen of Versailles

Searching for Sugar Man

West of Memphis



“For You” – performed by Keith Urban/written by Monty Powell & Keith Urban – Act of Valor

“Learn Me Right” – performed by Birdy with Mumford & Sons/written by Mumford & Sons – Brave

“Skyfall” – performed by Adele/written by Adele Adkins & Paul Epworth – Skyfall

“Still Alive” – performed by Paul Williams/written by Paul Williams – Paul Williams Still Alive

“Suddenly” – performed by Hugh Jackman/written by Claude-Michel Schonberg & Alain Boublil & Herbert Kretzmer – Les Misérables



“Argo” – Alexandre Desplat

“Life of Pi” – Mychael Danna

“Lincoln” – John Williams

“The Master” – Jonny Greenwood

“Moonrise Kingdom” – Alexandre Desplat

Karen Posada


2012/12/11 at 12:00am

‘The Hobbit’: Interviews with Peter Jackson and the cast!

12.11.2012 | By |

It’s been almost 10 years since ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King’ premiered and now finally the prequel to ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is here, ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ will open in the United States this Friday December 14. This one will be followed by ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’ to open December 13, 2013 and then, ‘The Hobbit: There and Back Again’ July 18th 2014. In this first part, we will join young Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) in his first adventure with some new faces such as Thorin (Richard Armitage) the Dwarf King of Erebor and the rest of the twelve dwarves, whose kingdom has been taken away by a dragon named Smaug. Familiar faces accompany us on the trip such as the wizard Gandalf the Grey (Ian McKellen) and they will bump into Goblins, Orcs, Giant Spiders, Sorcerers and even Gollum (Andy Serkis) among others. In this journey he will discover himself as well as the wanders that the world outside of The Shire has to offer. Read More

Karen Posada


2012/12/10 at 12:00am

‘Skyfall’ reclaims #1 spot

12.10.2012 | By |

'Skyfall' reclaims #1 spot

The box office was shaken up this week when ‘Skyfall’ reclaimed the number one spot, after having lost it for three weeks with $11 million dollars. The movie has been out for five weeks and now has become Sony’s highest earning film. This is a big deal for the Bond franchise all around.

The animated film ‘Rise of the Guardians’ also made a jump this week taking the second spot with $10.5 million dollars. Perhaps its theme and Santa Claus hero character have made it more appealing with the holidays nearing. Surprisingly though this film has not been a success for Dreamworks Animation.

After three weeks at number one ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2’ fell to number three with $9.2 million dollars. Either way this last chapter of the saga is the highest earning out of all of them, holding on to $751.1 million dollars world wide it probably will reach the $800 million mark before its run is over.

The Top 10 in the Box Office are:

1. Skyfall – $11 mil

2. Rise of the Guardians – $10.5 mil

3. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 – $9.2 mil

4. Lincoln – $9.1 mil

5. Life of Pi – $8.3 mil

6. Playing for Keeps – $6 mil

7. Wreck-It Ralph – $4.9 mil

8. Red Dawn – $4.3 mil

9. Flight – $3.1 mil

10. Killing Them Softly – $2.7 mil

Karen Posada


2012/12/10 at 12:00am

Guillermo Arriaga to unveil new horror short at Sundance

12.10.2012 | By |

Guillermo Arriaga to unveil new horror short at Sundance

Acclaimed Mexican screenwriter, director and producer Guillermo Arriaga’s next project is a short horror film called ‘Broken Night’. The interesting thing about this short is that it has been shot entirely with a Nikon D800, which the movie’s website describes it as giving “the highest possible image quality.”  Not to get too technical, but worth mentioning, “the camera has a 36 megapixel FX- format CMOS sensor; spectacularly low noise and high dynamic range.” The camera is so versatile that the page states “it’s as much at home on a movie set as on a landscape shoot or in a photo studio.” Pay attention film students, your film might just have gotten cheaper to shoot.

‘Broken Night,’ is about a young mother and her four-year-old daughter who are driving across desolated hills on a joyful trip that suddenly becomes a nightmare when they get into a car accident. Arriaga spoke on a video about how it is based on a car accident he had a couple of years ago. He continues on to say that he became involved in the project because he wants to play with horror, which he describes as an unexpected event such as a car crash.

He worked on this short horror film with Janusz Kamiński, one of the preeminent cinematographers in Hollywood who won the Oscar for ‘Schindler’s List’ and ‘Saving Private Ryan’. He was also nominated for ‘Amistad’, ‘The Diving Bell and the Butterfly’ and ‘War Horse,’ also beautiful looking movies. 

Arriaga got Hollywood’s attention with ‘Amores Perros’ a story that is certainly known as one of Mexican cinema’s best films. Soon after he was asked to write ’21 Grams’ a crime thriller, which started Naomi Watts, Benicio del Toro and Sean Penn; the aforementioned actors won an Oscar for their performances. He went on to write ‘Babel’ another acclaimed film, which was nominated for an Oscar and starred Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett and Gael García Bernal. To bring my point home, he wrote and directed ‘The Burning Plain’ with Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lawrence and José María Yazpik and went on to win an award at the Venice Film Festival. 

This man has an impressive resume and is certainly one of the best storytellers of our time, whether he’s putting his stories down on paper or getting behind the camera.

It’s been announced that ‘Broken Night’ will be part of Sundance’s 2013 Short Film program, which will take place from Jan 17-27 and it’s under the “U.S. Narrative Short films” category. Out of the 65 films in this list, this is definitely a film many are keeping their eyes on.

For more info check out the movie website

Jack Rico


2012/12/09 at 12:00am

NYFCO names ‘Chico & Rita’ Best Animated Feature

12.9.2012 | By |

NYFCO names 'Chico & Rita' Best Animated Feature

One of the movie critic’s group I belong to is The New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO). We held our thirteenth annual meeting on December 9th, 2012 at the LGBT Center in New York City to select our annual best of movie awards.

Kathryn Bigelow’s “Zero Dark Thirty” gathered momentum as NYFCO voted the film about the hunt for Osama Bin Ladin as the Best Film of 2012, with Bigelow honored for her direction and Mark Boal for his screenplay.  Daniel Day-Lewis received honors for his performance as Abraham Lincoln in Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” while veteran French actress Emmanuelle Riva was esteemed for her performance in Michael Haneke’s drama “Amour,” which also received NYFCO’s award for Foreign Language film.

Tommy Lee Jones and Anne Hathaway received kudos for Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress respectively in Spielberg’s “Lincoln” and Tom Hooper’s “Les Misérables.” Ben Affleck’s “Argo” received an award for its Ensemble Cast

Benh Zeitlin’s “Beasts of the Southern Wild” was feted for a Breakthrough Performance by then five-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis, and Zeitlin was honored as Debut Director.  The Spanish language “Chico & Rita” was honored as Animated Feature while “The Central Park Five” was selected as Documentary.

These are the awards selected by the 35-member organization in fifteen categories:


A complete list of winners follows:

Best Picture:
 Zero Dark Thirty

Best Actor:
 Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln

Best Actress
: Emmanuelle Riva, Amour

Best Director: Kathryn Bigelow, Zero Dark Thirty

Best Supporting Actor
: Tommy Lee Jones, Lincoln

Best Supporting Actress: 
Anne Hathaway, Les Miserables

Breakthrough Performer:
 Quvenzhane Wallis, Beasts of the Southern Wild

Debut Director: 
Benh Zeitlin, Beasts of the Southern Wild

Ensemble Cast
: Argo

Best Screenplay
: Zero Dark Thirty

Best Documentary: 
The Central Park Five

Best Foreign Language
: Amour

Best Animated Feature:
 Chico and Rita

Best Cinematography:
 Life of Pi

Best Use of Music: 
Django Unchained


NYFCO’s TOP TEN FILMS (alphabetical)

   Argo (Warner Bros)

   Beasts of the Southern Wild (Fox Searchlight)

   Django Unchained (The Weinstein Company)

   Les Misérables (Universal)

   Life of Pi (20th Century Fox)

   Lincoln (DreamWorks)

   The Master (The Weinstein Company)

   Moonrise Kingdom (Focus Features)

   Silver Linings Playbook (The Weinstein Company)

   Zero Dark Thirty (Columbia Pictures)

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