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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Karen Posada


2012/11/12 at 12:00am

‘Skyfall’ owns the box office

11.12.2012 | By |

'Skyfall' owns the box office

The new 007 film ‘Skyfall’ takes over the box office by storm, with an outstanding $87.8 million ($90mil with its Thursday IMAX opening) dollars opening at number one. This is the highest earning debut for a Bond film, out of all the 23 films that have been produced in the last 50 years. There are a number of things that got it there, one of them was Javier Bardem’s involvement in the film; the Spanish actor just got a star in Hollywood’s walk of  fame and Latinos as one of the ever more influential movie going audiences certainly backed him up. The secret agent’s four year absence from the big screen, along with the tremendous amount of publicity and Daniel Craig’s acclaim from the last films all added up to its success as well.


Last week’s number one ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ dropped to number two with $33.1 million dollars. The animated family film still is holding its own, it remains to be seen how well it will hold up against ‘The Rise of the Guardians’ due in two weeks.

Denzel Washington’s ‘Flight’ ended up on the third spot with $15.1 million dollars. The film has become the actor’s second biggest success of the year and Paramount is still enjoying its success seeing that Bond didn’t crush it completely and it has already earned past its production cost.

The Top 10 in the Box Office are:

1. Skyfall – $87.8 mil

2. Wreck-It Ralph – $33.1 mil

3. Flight – $15.1 mil

4. Argo – $6.7 mil

5. Taken 2 – $4 mil

6. Here Comes the Boom – $2.6 mil

7. Cloud Atlas – $2.5 mil

8. Pitch Perfect – $2.5 mil

9. The Man With the Iron Fists – $2.5 mil

10. Hotel Transylvania – $2.4 mil

Mack Chico


2012/11/11 at 12:00am

Mexican actor Diego Boneta joins thriller ‘In the Blood’

11.11.2012 | By |

Mexican actor Diego Boneta joins thriller 'In the Blood'

According to, Mexican actor Diego Boneta, a singer/actor back in Mexico then turned Hollywood crossover actor in “Rock of Ages,” will join the cast of John Stockwell’s new film “In the Blood”

Stockwell, for those of you who are unfamiliar with his work, LOVES working with Hispanic actors. To prove it, his resume highlights Hispanics in his movies such as: Crazy/Beautiful (Jay Hernandez), Blue Crush (Michelle Rodriguez), Into the Blue (Jessica Alba), Cat Run (Paz Vega), Dark Tide (Olivier Martinez) and now In the Blood with Diego Boneta. 

“In The Blood” is about a woman who tries to track down her husband after he is kidnapped on their South American honeymoon. Haywire star and former American Gladiators Gina Carano plays Ava the wife. Boneta will play Manny, a local who ends up joining Ava on her search. 

Jack Rico


2012/11/08 at 12:00am


11.8.2012 | By |


“The… Best… Bond… Ever!” so says one reviewer from England whose zeal is so fervent, it is hard to take him or his review seriously. In my professional and less ardent opinion, “Skyfall” falls short of Daniel Craig’s quintessential Bond film, “Casino Royale,” a 007 motion picture which I think is unrivaled in its action, intensity, stunning cinematography and arresting plotline. That film, is in my mind, the ‘Best Bond Movie’ Craig has done, and, one of the Top 5 action movies I have ever seen. But by no means does my preferred choice signify that “Skyfall” is not worth watching. Au contraire, “Skyfall” is entertaining cinema worthy of multiple views, except it possesses two defects that lessen its acclaim.


“Skyfall” starts with Bond going on his latest assignment which goes gravely wrong and several undercover agents around the world are exposed, MI6 is attacked, thus, forcing M to relocate the agency. These events cause her authority and position to be challenged by Mallory (Ralph Fiennes), the new Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee.  With MI6 now compromised from both inside and out, M is left with one ally she can trust: Bond.  007 takes to the shadows – aided only by field agent, Eve (Naomie Harris) – following a trail to the mysterious Silva (Javier Bardem), whose lethal and hidden motives have yet to reveal themselves.


The issue I have with “Skyfall” is that Sam Mendes – cheered on by Craig – tinkered with the Bond universe in such away that ‘I’ feel violated. The two worst offenders are: aging Bond and the reduced role of the Bond Girl. How could he have done this!? Doesn’t he comprehend that by developing a real aging gene to the 007 character, you are in essence, MAKING HIM HUMAN! Bond does not age. He’s been in his prime for 50 years! Now all of a sudden “he shouldn’t be ashamed to lose a step,” voiced to Bond by Gareth Mallory (Ralph Fiennes) in a tense scene. By Mendes opening up this Pandora’s box, this travesty sets in motion Bond’s eventual demise because of his future elder age. The producers would then have to reboot the series in its entirety with 007’s unknown son or new young agent, 008, similar to the way the ‘Bourne’ franchise did when they transitioned from Matt Damon to Jeremy Renner. Do you see what has been done?


Also, the selection of the Bond Girl is not just a carnal passage for Bond, but a symbol of long-lasting prestige for any woman in film. In “Skyfall,” Bérénice Marlohe is only a brief incident that is dealt with an anticlimactic shower scene and a quick dismissal. Naomi Harris’ character is an agent of the MI6, not a real Bond Girl, in the true sense of the term. These two grave and awful decisions have ramifications down the line for the franchise and I am aghast that many critics have not accentuated the discrepancies. 


The aforementioned blemishes ultimately were too distracting for me to suspend disbelief. It kept on haunting me, not allowing me to immerse myself in this new universe. Bond didn’t even ask the bartender for a “martini shaken, not stirred,” because the bartender supposedly knew the drill. The Heineken scene was had in a beach. Against the philosophies of Craig and Mendes, they need to understand that these are the classic elements fans look forward to in every movie. They endure because they work, that is why they become classic moments, every 2-4 years. We want to ascertain what new and creative ways they will approach it and we want to smile heartily at them. In “Skyfall,” they severed off those memorable and cherished cinematic souvenirs we anticipated so much. Hopefully, they will bring it back in all of their full glory one day.


Despite my vexing remarks, they do not apply to the grand production, the ambitious entertainment value and the multi-dimensional layers that James Bond is draped in. I will not be mentioning references of ‘best,’ but I will highlight reasons why you should still see “Skyfall”. The opening action sequence is once again one of the reasons you can’t come late to a 007 movie. Car chases, tractors, guns, trains and deadly jumps, devise a most energetic beginning. Adele’s sultry and enchanting opening number is Grammy and Oscar deserving. If you can dismiss the bumps on the road, ergo, my previous critical observations, Craig gives an affecting performance that blends the better parts of his acting in ‘Casino’ and ‘Quantum’. 


Then we enter Javier Bardem, the first Hispanic actor to ever play a Bond villain. As he made history by playing the effeminate and demented Raoul Silva (according to Bardem himself, Silva is Portuguese), Bardem holds his own against the pantheon of memorable evil adversaries Bond had to kill. He’s not as good as Anton Chigurh, the role he won the Oscar for “No Country for Old Men”, but he is nonetheless intimidating.


As an action movie, “Skyfall” works. It holds a sense of danger and peril not associated to the other films. I’ll give it that. Yet, I felt that 2012 offered better action with “The Raid: Redemption” and “The Dark Knight Rises” (who can forget its opening airplane scene!). 


“Skyfall” is not a masterpiece movie. It is better than average and has a lot to applaud, but not enough to revere. So go ahead and buy your ticket, watch it, enjoy it, but know that there are better out there. 

Mack Chico


2012/11/07 at 12:00am

‘The Hobbit’: 17 new character posters

11.7.2012 | By |

'The Hobbit': 17 new character posters

It’s getting closer to release date for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and that means it’s time to discover even more goodies. 17 character posters were released and give us another look at the characters that populate this world. It’s looking pretty good!

The movie stars Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins, Ian McKellen as Gandalf, Jed Brophy as Nori, Adam Brown as Ori, Mark Hadlow as Dori, John Callen as Oin, Peter Hambleton as Gloin, Dean O’Gorman as Fili, Aidan Turner as Kili, Stephen Hunter as Bombur, James Nesbitt as Bofur, William Kircher as Bifur, Ken Stott as Balin, Graham Mctavish as Dwalin, and Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield. The movie is directed by Peter Jackson.

The adventure follows the journey of title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the wizard Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of thirteen dwarves led by the legendary warrior, Thorin Oakenshield. Their journey will take them into the Wild; through treacherous lands swarming with Goblins and Orcs, deadly Wargs and Sorcerers. Although their goal lies to the East and the wastelands of the Lonely Mountain, first they must escape the goblin tunnels, where Bilbo meets the creature that will change his life forever…Gollum. Here, alone with Gollum, on the shores of an underground lake, the unassuming Bilbo Baggins not only discovers depths of ingenuity and courage that surprise even him, he also gains possession of Gollum’s “precious” ring that holds unexpected and useful qualities… A simple, gold ring that is tied to the fate of all Middle-earth in ways Bilbo cannot begin to know.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey will be released to theaters on December 14, 2012.

Jack Rico


2012/11/07 at 12:00am

Lengua, Cámara y Acción: 7 de noviembre

11.7.2012 | By |

Lengua, Cámara y Acción: 7 de noviembre

Esta semana en el segmento de noticias de cine, “Lengua, Cámara y Acción” en el Luis Jimenez Show por X96.3FM, Univision Radio, Jack Rico habla sobre: el arresto de Sam Worthington, Harrison Ford regresando a ser Han Solo en Star Wars, y Miley Cyrus haciendo pornografía, entre otros temas.

Este segmento en español es el único en los Estados Unidos que se dedica a hablar de noticias de cine. El crítico de cine, Jack Rico, estará reportando las más importantes noticias de Hollywood de una manera conversada, entretenida e informativa, junto a la estrella de la radio, Luis Jimenez. De esta forma, usted se puede mantener al tanto de lo que pasa en Hollywood con una sonrisa en cara. Lengua, Camara y Acción será transmitido cada martes a las 9:50AM.

Además, no se pierda de PELICULEANDO, cada viernes a las 9:50am para escuchar las críticas y recomendaciones de los más recientes estrenos cinematográficos y EN ESPAÑOL! Ustedes pueden escuchar nuestro segmento de cine a través de ‘The Luis Jimenez Show’ cada viernes a las 9:50AM por Univision Radio ‘X96.3FM’ en Nueva York o por la red mundial visitando la página: ‘The Luis Jimenez Radio Show’ on ‘X96.3FM’ en New York, FM 97.7 Fort Myers, 98.5/101.1/100.3 FM, 890AM Boston, 1400AM Lawrence / Lowell Haz cliq al vídeo para escuchar el más reciente segmento radial.

Jack Rico


2012/11/07 at 12:00am

‘Jurassic Park 3D’: Official poster released!

11.7.2012 | By |

'Jurassic Park 3D': Official poster released!

Perhaps my favorite film of all time, if not my top 5 of all time, is Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park. I always had a fascination with dinosaurs when I was wee ol’ boy, but of course, the mere thought of ever seeing one move implicated time traveling. Not in this lifetime. But when I stood in line at the theaters back in the summer of 1993 in Queens, NY, I thought I traveled back in time and was there to see a dinosaur in the flesh. That is the power this movie had on me back then and still holds over me today.

So you could just imagine how I reacted when I heard that the re-release in 3D was coming for 2013. It gives me another chance to relive some very happy memories.

Arriving in theaters next summer, Jurassic Park is celebrating it’s 20th Anniversary. The 1993 dinosaur Steven Spielberg/Michael Crichton classic, has been digitally restored and will be re-released in 3D next April.

The Jurassic Park Facebook page has unveiled this brand new poster for the release, featuring the iconic gigantic wooden doors re-stamped with a 3D logo.

If you never saw the film or just need a refresher, the plot goes like this: Huge advancements in scientific technology have been able to create an island full of living dinosaurs. John Hammond has invited four individuals, plus his two grandchildren to join him at Jurassic Park. But will everything go to plan? Especially when one of the parks own workers attempt to steal the dinosaurs embryos, and have to shut down all the electricity in the process. It’s now a race for survival with everyone located all over the island.

The re-release of another classic – Raiders of the Lost Ark – made $3 million dollars at the box office for 1 week. I think Jurassic Park will do just as much if not better!

Jurassic Park 3D

Jack Rico


2012/11/05 at 12:00am

Top 10 Hispanic directors that could direct Star Wars VII!

11.5.2012 | By |

As you might have heard, Disney purchased Lucasfilm for 4 billion dollars, and with it, the Star Wars and Indiana Jones saga. The big talks to come out of that deal is that Disney is gun-ho on continuing the Star Wars saga, ergo, the seventh chapter of the series. For now Indy is out of the conversation.

With a look into the future of the iconic sci-fi franchise, we pick 10 directors – Hispanic directors – that possess the skill, vision and passion to take it into the next 35 years. By selecting these helmers and cinephiles, we break Hollywood conventions and give rise to a new generation of directors whom most likely grew up wanting to be the new George Lucas, laser-sword fighting like Luke Skywalker, quoting Han Solo, crushing on Princess Leia and fearing Darth Vader. 

So without further adieu, we pick the Top 10 Hispanic directors we think can and should helm the new Star Wars trilogy. Read More

Karen Posada


2012/11/05 at 12:00am

‘Wreck-It Ralph’ scores first place at the box office!

11.5.2012 | By |

'Wreck-It Ralph' scores first place at the box office!

Disney’s ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ opens at number one in the box office with $49.1 million dollars. The much anticipated cartoon film had no problem getting here, since it has received great reviews and its colorful story easily captivates kids and adults. The studio is gearing up for the upcoming holidays!

Denzel Washington’s ‘Flight’ opened at number two with $25 million dollars; he certainly attracts a crowd. Director Robert Zemeckis reminds the public that he still has it with this adult film that not only pleased many, but also has a lot of Oscar buzz around it.

Argo’ has been up and down the box office and once again it’s at number three with $10.2 million dollars.  This is another film that has gotten a lot of Oscar buzz and has achieved a grand total of $75.9 million dollars after being in theaters for four weeks.

The Top 10 in the Box Office are:

1. Wreck-It Ralph – $49.1 mil

2. Flight – $25 mil

3. Argo – $10.2 mil

4. The Man With the Iron Fists – $8.2 mil

5. Taken 2 – $6 mil

6. Cloud Atlas – $5.2 mil

7. Hotel Transylvania – $4.5 mil

8. Paranormal Activity 4 $4.3 mil

9. Here Comes the Boom – $3.6 mil

10. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D – $3.3 mil

Jack Rico


2012/11/03 at 12:00am

The Man with the Iron Fists (Movie Review)

11.3.2012 | By |

So you saw the trailer to “The Man with the Iron Fists” and it adrenalized you to see it. I mean, it has all the elements you personally like such as: martial arts movies that are impressively choreographed, violently-bloody-driven action sequences, hokey jokes from the villains and heroes, Russell Crowe who is one of your favorite actors and one who adds credibility to the cast, a hip hop infusion from the respected Wu-Tang’s RZA to make it “cool” and Quentin Tarantinoputting his name and reputation on it. Yes, I thought the exact same thing too until… I saw the movie.

The story is an action-adventure martial arts throwback film, inspired by the kung-fu classics from the 80’s such as “Fury of the Dragon,” “Black Samurai,” “Godfather of Hong Kong,” “Fists of Double K” and “Five Deadly Venoms”. It tells the story of warriors, assassins and a lone outsider hero who all descend on one fabled village in China for a winner-takes-all battle for a fortune in gold. 

On paper, it’s hard for any studio to dismiss this movie, but, not everything that is on paper works. Not to bog you down with sports analogies, but look at the powerful offensive minded New York Yankees who were swept in the playoffs by the Detroit Tigers for exactly not hitting, and your Los Angeles Lakers, who by far have the best starting lineup in basketball history, are 0-3 to start the season. So how does one explain these things? Chemistry. When you have great film elements at your disposal, it is the director’s job to have them flow seamlessly amongst each other, and not live individually. This is where you have to blame tyro helmer and screenwriter RZA (real name Robert “Bobby” Fitzgerald Diggs) for not having the experience to recognize the devil in the details. Is it all bad? No, but as a result, the movie is lifeless.

Visually, the movie is top notch. It is the jokes that aren’t funny and the acting as a whole is just abominable. All your left with then is the action to propel the film forward. In this regard, the martial arts sequences are intricate and ambitious. It truly is the movie’s only saving grace. 

Overall, “The Man with the Iron Fists” doesn’t have that much to offer on the inside. It’s just flash, all steak and no sizzle. Do yourself a favor and save your money if you can. I recommend you catch a better selection of contemporary martial arts classics on Bluray/DVD that will surely provide you with a superior and more memorable cinematic experience:

– “The Raid: Redemption” (this year’s best action film marked by its harshly gruesome Indonesian martial arts sequences)

– “Ong-back” (no wires, stunt doubles, or CGI, just beat downs in every sense of the word)

 Tarantino’s “Kill Bill” 1 & 2 (they’re intense, engrossing, filled with rib-cracking laughs and you just can’t seem to get enough from them)

 Ang Lee’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” (one of the best of all time)

– Jackie Chan’s “The Legend of Drunken Master” (this is one of Chan’s career defining works)

– “Kung Fu Hustle” (perhaps the most entertaining movie on this mini list because of it’s bizarre, outlandish humor and exciting action kung fu scenes)

– “Chocalate” (a rarely talked about gem featuring a female fighter), “Hero” (some say better than ‘Crouching Tiger’)

– “Fearless” (one of, if not, Jet Li’s finest work)

As of the posting of this movie review, “Ong-bak” and “Fearless” are currently on Netflix streaming, thus allowing you watch these immediately. 


Rated: Rated R for bloody violence, strong sexuality, language and brief drug use
Release Date: 2012-11-02
Starring: Eli Roth, RZA
Official Website:

Jack Rico


2012/11/02 at 12:00am

Wreck-It Ralph

11.2.2012 | By |

Wreck-It Ralph

There is a difference between doing a movie based on a video game and a movie about a video game. Films like “Doom,” “Super Mario Bros,” “Resident Evil,” and “Max Payne,” are prime examples of the former, and films such as “Gamer,” “Tron,” “eXistenZ” and “WarGames,” depict the latter description. But Disney’s animated 3D film “Wreck-It Ralph” is by far the best film about a video game ever done. This comment doesn’t necessarily mean that it is the best animated movie of the year – “Frankenweenie,” “Rise of the Guardians,” “Paranorman” and “Brave” might have something to say against that, but it should be amongst the favorites at the Oscars in 2013. Nevertheless, it is visually nostalgic, sensorially exuberant, vivaciously mirthful and emotionally moving. 


The plot is simple and has been done before, but it is always about the execution. For decades, Ralph (voice of John C. Reilly) has been overshadowed by Fix-It Felix, Jr. (voice of Jack McBrayer), the good-guy star of their game who always gets to save the day. Tired of playing the role of a bad guy, Ralph takes matters into his own massive hands and sets off on a journey across the arcade through multiple generations of video games to prove he’s got what it takes to be a hero. On his quest, Ralph meets tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun (voice of Jane Lynch) from the first-person action game Hero’s Duty, and feisty misfit Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Sarah Silverman) from the candy-coated cart-racing game Sugar Rush, who may just be his first real friend. But everything changes when a deadly enemy is unleashed, threatening the entire arcade and Vanellope herself. Ralph finally gets his chance to save the day—but can he do it in time? 


For anyone who has ever played video games circa 1980’s and 90’s, novice film director Rich Moore, a cartoon veteran, does a magnificent job in getting his animators to reproduce the exact Nintendo and arcade images of yesteryear. It almost felt like it was 1988 in the movie and outside of the theater. He managed to capture vast inside references and minutiae like kids placing their quarters against the front border of the arcade to gesture that they were next to play, etc. It is that attention to detail that makes a difference in the emotional cinematic experience of the spectator. 


The 3D is surprisingly subtle, I’d actually say too subtle for a film of this nature. Instead of seeing pixels fly out of the screen, I had to lift my glasses to make sure I wasn’t watching 2D. When the result is this uneventful, the extra investment is completely unnecessary. 


This is a movie hard not to enjoy. Adults will appreciate it because it’ll remind them of their youth when they would run home from school to play ‘Q*bert,’ along with all the inside references and retro cliche’s, and kids today will have fun with it because it possesses all the color, fast paced imagery and gags they come to expect from today’s animated assemblage.


Latinos, the highest movie going demographic in the United States, love animated movies more than any one else. They’re sure to make this movie a #1 hit at the box office!

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