‘The Possession’ #1 on Labor Day Wknd
09.4.2012 | By Karen Posada |

The horror film ‘The Possession’ which claims to be based on true events, took the number one spot for Labor Day weekend with $21.3 million dollars. The film surprised many by doing so well; it has even gotten compared to ‘The Exorcist’ and although it’s rated PG-13 it does the job.
‘Lawless’ a movie about moonshine that is headlined by a star-studded cast, landed the second spot with $13 million dollars. Despite of the great reviews not only by critics but moviegoers themselves the film didn’t do as well as expected, considering that it opened two days before the three day weekend.
Finally, the movie that has been number one for the last two weeks, ‘The Expendables 2’ falls to the third spot with $11.2 million dollars. This way the summer box office closes, giving way to the fall line up which offers plenty of movies we can’t wait to see!
The Top 10 Movies in the Box Office are:
1. The Possession – $21.3 mil
2. Lawless – $13 mil
3. The Expendables 2 – $11.2 mil
4. The Bourne Legacy – $9.4 mil
5. ParaNorman – $8.9 mil
6. The Odd Life of Timothy Green – $8.5 mil
7. The Dark Knight Rises – $7.9 mil
8. 2016: Obama’s America – $7.1 mil
9. The Campaign – $7 mil
10. Hope Springs – $6 mil