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Movie Reviews

Ted Faraone


2010/07/28 at 12:00am

Get Low

07.28.2010 | By |

Get Low

Sometimes quirky works.  So it is for Aaron Schneider in “Get Low,” his feature film directorial debut.  Unfortunately for auds, “Get Low” is getting only limited US release beginning July 30 — almost a year after its bow at the Toronto Film Festival.  This is the picture “Winter’s Bone” could have been if anyone working on it had a sense of humor.  It will end up as an art-house feature stateside, but it should work wonders for Schneider’s nascent career.


What sets “Get Low” apart from typical indie fare is a fantastic cast of household names from back in the day, tight writing, economical editing (Schneider also gets editing credit), and a firm hand at the throttle.  What holds it back is an over-reliance on the owners of perfectly restored Model A Fords.


Pic, set about 1930, stars Robert Duvall as Felix Bush, an aging, noted Tennessee hermit largely hated by the residents of his nearby town.  Bush has a guilty secret.  His revelation thereof provides pic’s action, and it is a credit to writers Chris Provenzano (screenplay) (story), C. Gaby Mitchell  (screenplay), and Scott Seeke (story) that stretching it out over 100 minutes does not detract from the suspense.  Instead they tease auds with shreds of revelation the way some tantalize a hungry dog with a series of Milk-Bones.  Exposition is woven seamlessly into the plot.  The only knock on this score is a slow-moving opening reel featuring a man on fire running from a burning house followed by Bush’s shotgun wielding “deterrence” of small boys who throw stones at his windows.  Seemingly disconnected at first, the fire sets up pic’s denouement.  Ten minutes in, pic gains steam.  Other than Bush’s over-the-top character, the only clue at the outset that this is more comedy than drama is the casting of Bill Murray as Frank Quinn, the P.T. Barnum of undertakers.  Murray’s Quinn is by turns cynical, a con-man, creative, and empathetic.  He also gets pic’s best punch lines — including one that your critic knows is dead wrong.  “Nobody steals hearses” is not true.  The funeral of your critic’s great uncle, a noted Communist and atheist, was graced by the theft of the hearse during the service.  Fortunately Uncle Mariano was not in said hearse when it was stolen.  The irony of holding a Catholic Mass for the Dead for an atheist was not lost on your critic.


Bush has decided to “get low”, which means getting his affairs in order and planning his own funeral.  The process starts out serious with a visit to Rev. Gus Horton (Gerald McRaney).  The two don’t see eye-to-eye.  A visit to the Rev. Horton by Quinn’s assistant, Buddy (Lucas Black) at the same time provides the excuse to bring Murray on screen.  Not enough people die in the one-horse town to keep the Quinn Funeral Home afloat, he complains.  Bush is a Godsend.  The catch is that he wants a “funeral party” while he is still alive, a party at which he invites anyone to say about him whatever they know.  Quinn and Buddy get right to work on it with the latest 1930 publicity methods including a radio broadcast in which Bush says that the highlight of the event will be a raffle, $5 for a ticket, in which the winner will get his huge tract of virgin timber untouched for 40 years.  Ticket money pours into the Quinn Funeral Home. 


Enter Sissy Spacek as Mattie Darrow, a charming widow who returned to the town after her husband’s death in St. Louis.  She is pic’s only townsperson who has anything nice to say about Bush.  It is a joy to see her on screen, totally convincing.  The revelation of the nature of her relationship to Bush is pic’s only difficult plot twist to follow.  It seems that Bush’s secret is something that she would have known — he was dating her 40 years earlier when he fell in love with her married sister, but the realization does not strike Mattie until she see’s her sister’s faded photograph on Bush’s wall.  At that point she nearly strikes Bush.  Note to guys:  do not hit on girlfriend’s sister.


Only one other living person knows Bush’s story, Rev. Charlie Jackson (Bill Cobbs), an elderly Illinois preacher whose church Bush built.  Duvall’s Felix Bush is a noted carpenter whose work impresses everyone with its elegant simplicity.  Plot ultimately hangs on Rev. Jackson’s reluctance to speak at Bush’s funeral.


The payoff, when it comes, is emotionally satisfying largely due to the sympathy Duvall has engendered from auds as his Felix Bush was slowly revealed to be far more gentle and complicated than anyone would have imagined.  The flaw, if it can be called that, is that the guilty secret, when finally exposed — and there is a question until almost the last minute whether Bush will speak for himself or wimp out and let Rev. Jackson tell his story — is more the result of the law of unintended consequences than of any other cause.  Turning one’s back on society and becoming a hermit for 40 years seems like a penitent over-reaction.  Duvall, Cobbs, and Spacek are so compelling, however that this conclusion does not enter one’s mind until well after the closing credits.


One more tip of the hat to Duvall:  He plays a number of scenes with an utterly charming mule.  To his credit, the mule does not steal them.


“Get Low” is rated PG-13 for some language, largely uttered by Murray.  No grammar school child will be unfamiliar with it.  It is told with respect and dignity.  Have no fear of taking the kids.  They may enjoy it.

Jack Rico


2010/07/27 at 12:00am

Repo Men

07.27.2010 | By |

Rating: 3.0

Rated: R for strong bloody violence, grisly images, language and some sexuality/nudity.
Release Date: 2010-03-19
Starring: Garrett Lerner, Eric Garcia
Film Genre:
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The first hour of the new futuristic action film Repo Men, one of the most violent and bloody films I’ve seen since Ninja Assassins, is a slow, gouge-your-eye experience that has you asking for a refund. But the second hour really picks up and it is where the true entertainment value of the film lies. The story is very compelling tied with a dose of dark comedy, but the dialogue is vacuous and there were some major miscasting calls with Jude Law and Forest Whitaker.

In the future humans have extended and improved our lives through highly sophisticated and expensive mechanical organs created by a company called “The Union”. The dark side of these medical breakthroughs is that if you don’t pay your bill, “The Union” sends its highly skilled repo men to take back its property… with no concern for your comfort or survival. Former soldier Remy (Law) is one of the best organ repo men in the business. But when he suffers a cardiac failure on the job, he awakens to find himself fitted with the company’s top-of-the-line heart-replacement… as well as a hefty debt. But a side effect of the procedure is that his heart’s no longer in the job. When he can’t make the payments, The Union sends its toughest enforcer, Remy’s former partner Jake (Whitaker)4, to track him down.

What will be most talked about Repo Men is the high level of graphic violence and gore it possesses. It is really a cringing, hands-over-your-eyes type of brutality that takes place in the scenes when these repo men are extracting organs from their clients who are late on their bills. Violence is used very gratuitously here and it wouldn’t surprise me people being repulsed by it. Does it help push the story forward? No, its purely for shock value.

The film suffers from a variety of problems commencing with the first hour which is filled with contrived situations, bad dialogue, a slow, churning pace, and in my opinion, a miscasting of the protagonists. Am I really supposed to believe that pretty boy Jude Law and plump Forest Whitaker are vicious, intimidating animals? Hardly, all their roles are mainly summed up as bewildered, warm and fuzzy characters. Credibility here was an obvious issue. I couldn’t take their roles seriously.

Nevertheless, the film was made to entertain people and make tons of money at the box office. If it weren’t for the first hour being so off, we could have been talking about a better reviewed movie. Go watch it if you like uber-hyper violence that will make you squirm in your seat, but stay away if you’re sensitive to heads being squashed.

Jack Rico


2010/07/27 at 12:00am

Repo Men

07.27.2010 | By |

Rating: 0.0

Rated: R for strong bloody violence, grisly images, language and some sexuality/nudity.
Release Date: 2010-03-19
Starring: Garrett Lerner, Eric Garcia
Film Genre:
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Karen Posada


2010/07/21 at 12:00am


07.21.2010 | By |


Salt is THE summer’s action flick. No other actress can do an action film like Angelina Jolie, she gives an amazing performance in this one. We haven’t seen a movie by her since Wanted and that was pretty much a preview to what you can expect from her in Salt. The script was made originally for a male lead, it is rumored that Tom Cruise turned it down, which is a good thing because I doubt a male lead would have made it as successful. The movie will keep you guessing the entire running time up to the end. The one question running through your mind at every turn of the movie is: how will she get out of this one?

Since the beginning we realize that CIA officer Evelyn Salt (Jolie) is a tough female, the movie begins with her capture by the North Korean government, they try to beat the loyalty out of her, but can’t. We shortly meet Ted Winter (Liev Schreiber)her boss at the CIA and friend, he’s along on her side throughout most of the movie trying to help her. After we get a brief backstory on Salt’s life both the private and professional sides of it, we are in Washington D.C. in CIA headquarters where we meet Peabody (Chiwetel Ejiofor). As a CIA counter-intelligence agent he is not sympathetic to anyone specially to Salt after she is accused of being a sleeper Russian spy and she runs away to avoid being captured. This is when the action begins and where we are left to wonder: ‘who is Salt?’

Salt is married to an entomologist who is fully aware of her career path and the risks that are involved. He is one of the few reasons we ever see this character be soft, the rest of it is all tough CIA training from the fights to her assertive actions.In fact, this female character is the one that carries all the action of the movie, the other two secondary characters Winter and Peabody do very little physical work. Salt’s independence and kick-ass attitude is what keeps her going.

Jolie prepared for this character by talking to former CIA agents such as Melissa Boyle Mahle who worked for the force for 16 years. She spoke of Jolie’s relentlessness of getting every aspect of the character right, asking her how she felt and what she went through; she learned how spies live. Although Mahle says Jolie in the film makes it look way more fun and glamours than it really is. Oleg Kalugin a former KGB member and spy said Salt is very real, and she is tough like a Russian spy. Tom Ridge former Secretary of Homeland security spoke of the realities of the film as seen by current events and how the government has dealt with it since the Cold-War.

If you are into action films this one is for you, it is pure entertainment. There’s bits and pieces of romance in the way but it doesn’t disrupt the action. You can compare it to current events but remember this is hollywood, which means that nothing is to be taken to heart. The main subject here is loyalty, towards family, country, beliefs etc; which is what keeps the movie going and will keep you wondering.

Karen Posada


2010/07/20 at 12:00am

Entre Nos

07.20.2010 | By |

Rating: 2.0

Rated: Not available
Release Date: 2009-04-25
Starring: Gloria La Morte, Paola Mendoza
Film Genre:
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If this moving story would have been more developed and the ending wouldn’t have been rushed it would be worth watching. When the filmmaker Paola Mendoza told us that the movie was made in only 18 days this explained why it was so short and felt so rushed. The emotional connection is very strong, this could have taken it farther and it would be a better film that I could recommend.

The protagonist and producer  Paola Mendoza plays a convincing role, she is a woman who suffers a lot because she is married to a man that’s worthless, he can’t settle anywhere. They’ve lived in Bogotá, Medellín, the coast of Colombia, and after only living two weeks in New York City he decides to move to Miami and leave his family behind. Mariana (Mendoza) tries all sorts of things for her family to have a good future and to follow her husband to Miami, she tries selling empanadas, washing dishes, but nothing works as well as recycling cans; this is the only way she can work and be with her children at the same time. Her children Gabriel (Sebastian Villada) 10 years old and Andrea (Laura Montana) 6 years old, take their mother’s work as a game and have fun recycling. Thanks to her children Mariana is able to surpass some of the hardest moments of her life. They are her strength. Gabriel understands a lot of what’s going on and when they are kicked out of her apartment for not paying the rent he goes and works recycling by himself when he’s able, to help his mom; as a kid sometimes he’s rebellious and gives her headaches but he has good intentions.

Some of the strongest points in this movie is the family connection, it shows how far we can get if we have the support of our family even if it’s only made up of three people. Gabriel’s behavior melts anyone’s heart, although he wants to study and play he understands that helping his mom is more important. The kindness of strangers is another strong point that is shown, a woman who rents out rooms (Sarita Coudhury) who feels pity for Mariana offers her friendship and support to her when she needs it the most.

Since this story is based in Paola Mendoza’s mom real life and her own it has a lot of real elements. These elements work well and create an honest environment full of harshness with which many can identify with. Unfortunately these elements are not squeezed to its greatest to create a movie that leaves you with something. As the other producer said Gloria La Morte, they wanted to make a film that would show the real side of New York City, that wouldn’t glamorize the american dream. This was accomplished until a certain point. The rushed ending ruins the rhythm of the movie and it’s essence in itself, because suddenly it becomes a fairy tale and from one moment to the next everything is ok and they are not poor anymore and we suddenly arrive to a summery of their lives up to adulthood without a warning.

Jack Rico


2010/07/20 at 12:00am

The Losers

07.20.2010 | By |

Rating: 3.0

Rated: PG-13 for sequences of intense action and violence, a scene of sensuality and language.
Release Date: 2010-04-23
Starring: Peter Berg, James Vanderbilt
Film Genre:
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An action film with some heart, family values and a Latino flair is the way I would describe WB’s new film ‘The Losers’. The genres, though, do not necessarily fit well together. It’s a fun movie, but somewhere along the way it goes through a bit of an identity crisis. Does it want to be an action film or a family film? The producers seem to think both.

Based on the 1970 comic book of the same name, The Losers is about 5 members of a CIA black ops team who are betrayed and left for dead. Their mission now is to find out who wanted them killed.

This revenge film means well. It has a cast of characters comprised of a diverse and simpatico bunch (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans, Idris Elba, Columbus Short, Óscar Jaenada and Jason Patric) that draws you into them and their plights. What most vexed me was their jobs – they’re killers for the government who have hearts of gold? Not sure verisimilitude played a role there, or at least, I don’t think director Sylvain White pulled it off well. You hate to be gripped into a storyline to then detour somewhere opposite. It’s not good storytelling and it’s what happened here. In the end, The Losers is hit and miss and it has more hits than the latter. You can forgive some of its deficiencies for some laughs and charm and some old PG-13 action.

On a side note, just like Fast and Furious, this movie has a very big Latin American feel to it that begins with the opening credits in Bolivia and lasts throughout the ending. Most of the film was shot in Puerto Rico, which we hope they film there much more. Stay for the closing credits, there some funny sketches that belong to the storyline of the movie.


To follow Jack Rico’s film review check him out on Twitter at @jackricofficial

Jack Rico


2010/07/16 at 12:00am

Inception (Movie Review)

07.16.2010 | By |


What is undoubtedly one of the top 3 films of the year, Inception is a visual and production achievement infused with entertaining CGI and action sequences all while engaging you intellectually… characteristics that I wish every movie would set out to do. The premise is not a simple one to follow and it demands more focused attention from you than 90% of the films out there, but the payoff will be one of the great cinematic experiences of 2010 and perhaps the past decade.

Inception, in dictionary terms, means the beginning of something. In Christopher Nolan’s new film it is defined as the implanting of an idea through the dreams of a subject. That is what Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) sets out to do for the very first time in this story. He is a skilled thief, the best in the dangerous art of extraction: stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb’s rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved. Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible–inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse; their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one.

You’d have to go back to the The Matrix movies to even remotely experience anything like ‘Inception’. Director Christopher Nolan has perfected the craft of the cavernously dark, cerebral, tension filled films which have now become his stylistic stamp. His films such as The Following, Memento, The Prestige, amongst others, all carry the singularities and traits that have build up to ‘Inception’.

The assembled cast (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Dileep Rao, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Marion Cotillard, Pete Posthethwaite, Michael Caine), many from The Dark Knight project, is top notch. Dicaprio, the star of the film, is intense, affecting, and captivating. I do think though, his best performance was captured by Martin Scorsese in this year’s Shutter Island. In regards to the CGI, it functions as a compliment to the plotline instead of overwhelming it. Make sure you await with anticipation the hallway fight scene which seemed extremely hard to shoot and produce. That scene alone is worth the price of admission.

If you are looking for an action/adventure film that is layered with puzzles and mysteries, then you are going to love Inception, but remember, in order to fully enjoy it, your trip to the concession stand or the bathroom will have to wait. Don’t look at that text or that guy that’s gasping too loud in amazement. Just focus, just enjoy.

Namreta Kumar


2010/07/13 at 12:00am

Saint John of Las Vegas

07.13.2010 | By |

Rating: 1.5

Rated: R for language and some nudity.
Release Date: 2010-01-29
Starring: Hue Rhodes
Film Genre:
Official Website: No disponible

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There are some films that you love instantly, and others that you hate; this film does not fit either category. Saint John of Las Vegas is distinctly unmemorable.

John, played by Steve Buscemi, is a “recovering” gambling addict, whose journey starts and ends in Las Vegas. The film follows John from his unexciting job in insurance, back to Vegas. Along the way we meet the typical boss, Mr. Townsend, and some particularly peculiar characters that drive along the fraud investigation of a car “accident.”

I really cannot find anything to say about this film, neither good nor bad; and unfortunately that in itself is bad. Everything about the film is mediocre. Steve Buscemi does a convincing enough job playing John, however it is nothing we haven’t seen before. The story is too reminiscent of every other film of its genre and the characters albeit quirky aren’t altogether new either.

The hundreds gambled at a gas station that form the crux, and narrate the larger story, are perhaps the best moments of the film. Luckily they are spread out intermittently to form a strong writing arc and keep the story moving. Unfortunately though it makes the feature film feel like an addition to a better short.

This character based film lacks character. First time writer/director Hue Rhodes’ attempt at creating another independent comedy of manners is grossly unoriginal. Saint John of Las Vegas is a film that can be missed for better films of the same genre.

Jack Rico


2010/07/13 at 12:00am

Our Family Wedding

07.13.2010 | By |

Rating: 3.0

Rated: PG-13
Release Date: 2010-03-12
Starring: Wayne Conley, Malcolm Spellman
Film Genre:
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Jack Rico


2010/07/13 at 12:00am


07.13.2010 | By |

Rating: 2.0

Rated: R for some strong sexuality, drug use, and language.
Release Date: 2010-03-26
Starring: Noah Baumbach, Jennifer Jason Leigh
Film Genre:
Official Website:

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