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Movie Reviews

Jack Rico


2010/03/20 at 12:00am

The Princess and the Frog

03.20.2010 | By |

Rating: 3.5

Rated: PG
Release Date: 2009-12-11
Starring: Ron Clements, Rob Edwards, Greg Erb, Don Hall, John Musker, Jason Oremland
Film Genre:
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“The Princess and The Frog” is an historic moment for Disney, but it also represents a step forward in the entertainment industry to diversifying its films to reflect today’s current social landscape. Perhaps a long anticipated Latina on the horizon? Cinematically speaking, the film is an entertaining and amusing throwback to the classic Disney cartoons of old, but doesn’t really hold its own compared to the classics. The same formula is used with a twist, but its missing originality.

This animated romantic comedy set in the great city of New Orleans in the 1920’s features a beautiful girl named Tiana (Anika Noni Rose), a frog prince who desperately wants to be human again, and a fateful kiss that leads them both on an adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana.

The voices are top notch across the board. The music is not at the height of previous efforts and feels like producers just picked up some songs from the Disney archive catalog. The production quality of the animation though is a pleasure to behold. In a time when CG, 3D and even stop-motion animation are all the rage, this seems like an old friend coming back to visit.

Kids and parents will have a good time with it and sing along with the crocs and bugs, but is it a classic? No, but it is historic enough that it must be seen.

Jack Rico


2010/03/20 at 12:00am

The Fourth Kind

03.20.2010 | By |

Rating: 2.5

Rated: PG-13 for violent/disturbing images, some terror, thematic elements and brief sexuality.
Release Date: 2009-11-06
Starring: Olatunde Osunsanmi
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The Fourth Kind has many a scares, but it feels more like a made-for-tv movie than anything else. That doesn’t make it bad, it just makes the decision to wait for it on DVD that much easier. 


The film, based on ‘real events’ and shot juxtaposing documentary and reenactment footage, is a good thrill… for a few minutes. The film’s publicity and marketing material suggest that The Fourth Kind is based on actual occurrences , but the reality is that this is as “based on a true story” as Fargo was (not at all). It’s all part of a backstory that extends beyond the screen. The director, Olantunde Osunsanmi, purports include “real” footage of unexplained phenomenon that transpired in Nome, Alaska during the early years of the 21st century, but there are plenty of clues both in the footage and outside of it that debunk its veracity. One doesn’t need to be aware that no one named Abbey Tyler practiced psychology in Alaska to know this woman is not real. The makeup applied to her face during her “interviews” is not convincing and the unidentified actress playing Abbey may cause pause even for those who want to buy what Osunsanmi is selling.


Although it’s fascinating to dissect the movie on an intellectual level and examine what pieces and structural choices work and don’t work, I’m sure that’s not how the filmmakers intended their production to be approached. On a purely narrative level, The Fourth Kind offers the occasional “boo!” moment but is too tame (consider the PG-13 rating) to generate any lasting horror and too contrived to work on a dramatic level. The best thing I can say about it is at least it’s not another Asian horror remake.

Jack Rico


2010/03/19 at 12:00am

Repo Men (Movie Review)

03.19.2010 | By |

The first hour of the new futuristic action film Repo Men, one of the most violent and bloody films I’ve seen since Ninja Assassins, is a slow, gouge-your-eye experience that has you asking for a refund. But the second hour really picks up and it is where the true entertainment value of the film lies. The story is very compelling tied with a dose of dark comedy, but the dialogue is vacuous and there were some major miscasting calls with Jude Law and Forest Whitaker.
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Namreta Kumar


2010/03/18 at 12:00am

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

03.18.2010 | By |

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Unfortunately Diary of a Wimpy Kid does not make nearly as strong of an impact as the books do. The film never seems to capture the same charm, although it does have some reminiscent moments.

Greg Heffley, played by Zachary Gordon, is the middle child starting is first year at middle school, and his “diary” catalogs his plan for survival and the year. He is accompanied by the usual suspects: his older brother, Rodrick (Devon Bostick), whose favorite pass time is picking on Greg; the seriously weird kid, Fregley (Grason Russell), who is so far down the social ladder it almost seems like they had to create an underground; the overachieving spoiled, Patty (Laine MacNeil), who is hell-bent on revenge from kindergarten; and the endearing best friend, Rowley (Robert Caron), whose sincerity completely off-sets Greg’s “ambitions.” Along with that you have the cheese touch, the myth of the school, the one no one knows where it began but everyone continues to live by.

Jeff Kinney’s cartoon filled novel is filled with nostalgia without making anything epic or any of his characters highly noble. The driving force behind the story is with the kids, and as we all know kids can be cruel. Middle School is that ground where we begin to define and rank ourselves and Greg plans on being ahead of the curve, however there is no predicting what his schemes lead to.

Thor Freudenthal cleverly adapted the cartoons into the film’s treatment and never lost Greg’s original voice. Unfortunately it seems like it took Zachary Gordon a little while to warm up to the character of Greg and that off set the start of the film. As it rolls forward though the relationship between Greg and Rowley, becomes the focal point of the film and the contrasts give the film its own charming moments.

Although the film has its own magnetism, it failed to capture the appeal of the illustrated novel. The fun that children of all ages (and adults alike) can have with the “diary” in their own hands is almost lost in film form. The visual element of the film can be appreciated best in certain scenes that are larger than the book, for example Halloween, and the school play. However overall the charm lies in the book and the film is best appreciated by a family movie night.

Jack Rico


2010/03/15 at 12:00am

Los Abrazos Rotos

03.15.2010 | By |

Rating: 3.0

Rated: R for sexual content, language and some drug material.
Release Date: 2009-11-20
Starring: Pedro Almodóvar
Film Genre:
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One of Spain’s most talented sons gives cinema a new work titled ‘Broken Embraces’. Pedro Almodóvar reunites with Penélope Cruz to once again give us a visually sensual and beautiful, bold and impressive theater of the mind, but one that regrettably doesn’t break new ground. It is not his best film and thus the reason it wasn’t selected to participate in Spain’s Oscar selections for this upcoming ceremony. It is by no intention a bad film, it simply isn’t overwhelming. Were we asking for too much? Was that the problem?

The premise is interesting and very Almodovar. Harry Caine (Lluís Homar), a screenwriter/director, suffers a near fatal crash that leaves him blind. After healing from his wounds 14 years later, he finds himself directing and editing his last movie which starred his eternal love.

There is beauty in his work, but I believe there was also writers block, which is why he recycled so much of his favorite films such as Elevator to the Gallows, Voyage to Italy and his own Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. Pedro took the opportunity to become Tarantino in this film and craft a class in filmmaking to us all. His new work combines amour fou, crime-noir melodrama, satirical comedy, complex structures and subplots and anything else his head could devise. He’s good but his ambition got the best of him and the construction of the story ultimately did not rise to the levels of his previous works. It looks as if his focus left the narrative and shifted to the technical aspects and look of the film. Almodovar is accountable for his own success and it burns him here.

Nonetheless, the minor imperfections do not damage his reputation as a dexterous helmer nor should it influence your decision to see the movie. Penelope Cruz gives another mesmerizing performance as the “femme fatale” but one that doesn’t rival her character in passion and charm from ‘Volver’. The rest of the cast shows why Spain is a gold mine full of talented actors.

In a broad comment, this year was specifically a great year for Spanish movies. The box office has reaped the benefits of their marvelous stories and productions and we’re all the better for it. Almodovar is being challenged by other filmmakers such as Isabel Coixet, Fernando Trueba, Daniel Sánchez Arévalo and Alejandro Aménabar (half Chilean). I hope to see their work rival his because Hollywood awaits them desperately.

Jack Rico


2010/03/12 at 12:00am

Green Zone (Movie Review)

03.12.2010 | By |

‘Green Zone’ is the army version of the Bourne movies. It’s a full blown political thriller a la Tom Clancy with high octane action. The acting is superb, but the action is relentless. From the tense opening scene, and then for almost two hours, it’s non stop bullet battles, zig-zagging car and helicopter chases, and enough explosions to uncomfortably increase your heart rate and blood pressure! Is it as good or better than The Hurt Locker, another action war drama? No way. But it is definitely more entertaining.  Read More

Namreta Kumar


2010/03/11 at 12:00am

She’s Out of My League

03.11.2010 | By |

She's Out of My League

She’s Out of My League is quite possibly the best romantic-comedy out, thus far, this year. The best part about this bromance is that it is equally a chick-flick.

In a nutshell she (Alice Eve) is a 10 and he (Jay Baruchel) is desperately trying to hold onto the status of 5. Essentially his family, friends, and lack of any real aspirations fail him; but she tiers of “perfection” and finds it all refreshing. The multitude of characters is what makes the film so much fun. From Kirk’s friends down to Molly’s parents everyone lends great talent and character to the film.

Kirk is more than just a five and Jay Baruchel makes this a reality. I must equally commend Jim Field Smith for this as well, because his direction gives each actor/character their shining moment.  And at the end of it all, what makes this film work are those shinning moments. Smith’s direction has created a comedic piece that every guy can enjoy, and every girl will adore.

What makes the comedy here fun and unique is that all the characters are just that, characters. All of Kirk’s friends remind you of those same guys from high school down to your office and the advice they honesty dole out to Kirk make them all the more real. On the other hand Molly’s best friend and sister make this equally a chick flick, with their own frankness about her imperfections.

She’s Out of My League is not as good as Wedding Crashers but it does equal I Love Your Man. It has a lot of little laughs and plenty of charm to finally leave you satisfied with a romantic comedy this year.

Karen Posada


2010/03/11 at 12:00am

Remember Me

03.11.2010 | By |

Remember Me

‘Remember Me’ does a fine job at making you part of it without you realizing it. If you are into romantic dramas you are going to love it, it is more than just romance though, the importance of family is felt strongly as well. The plot is made up of love and loss and the sense that we have to ‘live in the moments’ because we don’t know when our last day on Earth will be. It is your typical boy-meets-girl story but with a sense of reality in it and a twist of faith.

Our main character Tyler Hawkins (Robert Pattinson) is a troubled soul, who feels completely helpless, he wants to be a hero or a voice to those that need it, like his younger sister Caroline (Ruby Jerins). He had a privileged life growing up, but now wants to make it on his own, away from his workaholic father (Pierce Brosnan); who doesn’t expect anything good out of him. With his poetic boy looks and the sadness he has about him, he has a way with the ladies. His roommate Aidan (Tate Ellington) convinces Tyler to date the daughter of a police officer (Chris Cooper), to spite him for arresting them one night. Tyler has no problem sweeping Ally Craig (Emilie de Ravin) off her feet. Tyler gets lost in his own game and ends up falling for Ally’s quirky personality. She has the ability to show him through their connection by their troubled pasts, that he can live again despite of all the pain he’s felt. She brings out the best in him.

The love connection here is strong; Pattinson and de Ravin make the romance as well as their life stories very real to the audience. It’s hard not to fall in love with Pattinson in this film; he is the typical artsy passionate guy every girl would want. The quarrels among characters, especially “the big fight” between the couple is a bit ridiculous. The script tries to create drama where there really isn’t.  Admittedly the ending is the strongest part of the movie, the filmmakers took a cheap shot at the audience, but it is the reason for the ½ star. It is a cheap shot that works, without it the movie wouldn’t have an impact and it would be easy to forget. We are given subtle hints about the ending throughout the whole movie but we only connect the dots when we arrive to it, it is what will make the audience feel a stronger connection to the story.

I definitely recommend it to the hopeless romantics; it will touch your hearts and leave you a little depressed. You are left with the sense that we do need to cherish every moment and live as if today was our last day.

Jack Rico


2010/03/09 at 12:00am

Up in the Air

03.9.2010 | By |

Rating: 4.0

Rated: R for language and some sexual content.
Release Date: 2009-12-04
Starring: Jason Reitman, Sheldon Turner
Film Genre:
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Jack Rico


2010/03/05 at 12:00am

Brooklyn’s Finest (Movie Review)

03.5.2010 | By |

‘Brooklyn’s Finest’ is a very good film that brings together some wonderfully gritty acting, an engrossing storyline and a riveting ending. There are some twists that you’ll enjoy and overall it’ll remind you of films such as ‘Crash’ and ‘Serpico’.

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