‘Paranormal Activity 4’: Watch the second trailer!
09.27.2012 | By Jack Rico |

I still remember jumping out of my seat last year in “Paranormal Activity 3” at an early screening in NYC in October and saying to myself, “I thought people said these films were supposed to be laughable and infantile?” Not so anymore. Part 3 was outright scary and grossed over $104 million dollars at the US box office off of a production budget of only $5 million. People liked it, and evidently, it’s good business for Paramount Pictures.
Now, the directors of the third installment are back with “Paranormal Activity 4,” and boy are they going to try and top themselves. A new trailer was just released with a brand new cast, low budget and shadowy figures in the background. Will it be scary though? If part 3 was any indication, you better get the ambulances ready for your fright attack.
“Paranormal Activity 4” opens on October 19 in the United States. Check out the trailer now!