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Karen Posada


2012/09/05 at 12:00am

5 behind-the-scenes pics of new IMAX ‘Indiana Jones’!

09.5.2012 | By |

5 behind-the-scenes pics of new IMAX 'Indiana Jones'!

Raider’s of the Lost Ark’ returns to theaters 31 years after its original release completely restored to be released on select IMAX for only one week in September 7, 2012, and on 69 of AMC’s theaters across the country a marathon of INDIANA JONES will be help on September 15th, presenting: ‘Raider of the Lost Ark’, ‘Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom’, ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ and ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’. This will be followed by a Blu-ray release of ‘Indiana Jones: The complete Adventures’ on September 18, 2012 which features seven hours of bonus material, with a two-part documentary called ‘On Set with Raiders of the Lost Ark’, also an hour of rarely seen on set footage and interviews with director Steven Spielberg, Executive producer George Lucas and Harrison Ford.

I have to admit that I haven’t seen ’Indiana Jones: Raider’s of the Lost Ark’ probably since I was a little kid, which is no surprise since this first Indy film came out in 1981. So, it’s fair to say that seeing it in the AMC IMAX theater that Paramount took us to was as if I were seeing it for the very first time, as I recall very little of it. Seeing it on IMAX though was fantastic as the high definition quality of the picture really brings out the colors and clarity in the film and now I can see why women go crazy over Harrison Ford, he was a total hunk when he was younger.

The film was restored into the image and sound quality that is expected of IMAX, with careful attention to preserving the original look, sound and feel of the original. The problem is that we’ve grown so accustomed to the special effects and thrills that technology has given us that some of the action scenes look almost silly; but they are still certainly fun to watch. The dialogue is certainly outdated, but it gives us a look back as to how movies were 30 years ago. The IMAX experience was very rewarding and still very entertaining.

The next morning after a late viewing of the film, we were taken up to George Lucas’ very own SkyWalker Ranch, about an hour outside of San Francisco in a dense area where deer were out running around the hills. As we arrived we drove past the main house to the tech building, where we had a brief press conference in the in the beautiful in house movie theater with sound designer Ben Burtt and visual effects director Dennis Muren.

After the press conference we were given a very special exclusive treat…a trip to Lucasfilm Archives! There we were surrounded by objects and artifacts used in the ‘Star Wars’ movies like a life size R2-D2 and Chewbacca mask, also there was a different display for each one of the Indiana movies starting with his usual archeologist outfit, hat, whip and all, followed by the main treasures of each movie such as the Ark from the first and the Crystal skulls from the last. Truly, a fan’s dreams come true!

They also explained to us how an Indiana Jones adventure called “Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology” which first opened in Montreal’s Science Center and then went on to Valencia’s Ciudad de Las Artes y Ciencias; will premiere in the United States at Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana, California on October 12,2012 and will continue until April 21, 2013. The exhibition, which will be about 10,000 square feet, is equipped with a personal video companion, where visitors can go on a quest to find the real origins of archaeological mysteries. It contains materials from the Lucasfilm Archives, as well as videos from the National Geographic Society and Penn Musuem.

After this gratifying experience we took a short walk around the surroundings of the Tech building where we saw grapevines and other crops in a lovely, peaceful scenario accompanied by a small lake.

Needless to say that the die-hard fans of Indiana Jones have all the things listed on here to look forward to. It sure will be a treat for the generations that grew up watching the films and for the new ones being introduced to them.

Mack Chico


2012/09/04 at 12:00am

‘Brave’ de Pixar debuta el 13 de noviembre en Blu-ray

09.4.2012 | By |

'Brave' de Pixar debuta el 13 de noviembre en Blu-ray


Disney•Pixar anuncia con orgullo el lanzamiento en Blu-ray™ de alta definición de “Brave”, la película animada número 1 del año y el 13º éxito consecutivo de Pixar Animation Studio, el 13 de noviembre de 2012. “Brave” es una aventura increíble que entretuvo a los públicos de todas las edades en el cine y que llega ahora como un sensacional estreno en Blu-ray, que incluye horas de material extra completamente nuevo, extraordinario contenido sobre la realización de la película, escenas extendidas y eliminadas, un misterioso y emocionante cortometraje nuevo (“The Legend of Mor’du”) y mucho más. 

 En un viaje original y apasionante ambientado en las antiguas y mágicas tierras altas de Escocia, “Brave” sigue el heroico camino de la joven y obstinada aventurera Mérida.  Determinada a labrarse su propio destino en la vida, Mérida se enfrenta a las tradiciones y, sin darse cuenta de las consecuencias, desafía una antiquísima costumbre que desata el caos en el reino y la obliga a descubrir el verdadero significado de la valentía. La edición de 5 discos Ultimate Collector’s Edition (1 Blu-ray 3D + 2 discos Blu-ray + 1 DVD + 1 Copia Digital) tiene algo para cada uno —desde los fanáticos del entretenimiento hogareño que demandan la más alta calidad y los más recientes avances tecnológicos, hasta las familias que disfrutan del interesante material extra interactivo que solo el Blu-ray puede proporcionar—, lo que convierte a esta película hermosa y singular en un “agregado esencial” para cualquier colección de cine hogareña.

El emocionante debut en entretenimiento hogareño de “Brave” estará disponible de varias formas y contendrá material extra completamente nuevo que extiende aún más la asombrosa experiencia fílmica.



(DISCO BLU-RAY 3D + DISCO BLU-RAY de la Película + DISCO BLU-RAY del Material extra + DVD + COPIA DIGITAL)



  • Corto exhibido en cines “La luna” – Los fans adorarán este encantador cortometraje que acompañó a la película en el cine. Sigue la historia de un pequeño niño en su primera noche trabajando en el negocio familiar junto a su padre y su abuelo.


  • Corto “The Legend of Mor’du” – Este conmovedor nuevo cortometraje extra le dará a los fans la oportunidad de conocer más sobre la leyenda de Mordu, tal como la narra la excéntrica bruja que lo transformó.


  • Valiente mundo antiguo – Los fans podrán ver cómo los miembros del equipo de producción de “Brave” llevaron a cabo una investigación sobre Escocia, explorando su tierra, su cultura, su gente y sus dialectos. Los datos que recogieron cobraron vida de manera emocionante en la película. Los fans también podrán escuchar lo que piensa la actriz Emma Thompson (voz de la Reina Elinor) sobre la interpretación de Pixar de su país natal.


  • Merida & Elinor – Con la creación de Mérida y Elinor, los realizadores de Pixar ahondaron en la relación entre madre e hija. Destacando los contrastes en el diseño, la vestimenta, la animación, las voces e incluso los peinados de los personajes, podrás ver cómo los cineastas exploraron esta relación tan importante.


  • Osos – Da un vistazo al arte y el diseño detrás de los osos de “Brave”. Cada uno de los osos, la gentil Mum-Bear y el aterrador Mordu, demandaron un enfoque diferente para crear su apariencia física y su personalidad.


  • Gresca en la sala – Una fascinante y comiquísima mirada desde adentro al proceso de creación de los luchadores escoceses de “Brave”, a través de la animación, la simulación de multitudes y la coreografía de las luchas, sin mencionar una habitación llena de hombres gruñendo cuyas risas alegres agregaron autenticidad a la estridente escena.


  • Maravilloso musgo – Los fans explorarán cómo los artistas técnicos de “Brave” examinaron el paisaje escocés real y estudiaron las leyes de la naturaleza, para después convertir estos descubrimientos en códigos de computadora que cubrirían la Escocia de Mérida con exuberantes musgos, líquenes y helechos.


  • Magia – La magia y el misterio de Escocia se revelan a los fans en este encantador material sobre las leyendas que aparecen en “Brave”, desde pociones místicas hasta los fuegos fatuos.


  • Clan Pixar – En Pixar, entrar en personaje es un trabajo de equipo. Desde cocinar el plato típico escocés haggis hasta los viernes de falda escocesa y celebrar al poeta escocés Robert Burns, los fans podrán ver cómo el equipo de producción de “Brave” realmente adoptó las costumbres y los temas escoceses, que impulsaron al equipo de Pixar a lo largo de la creación de “Brave”.


  • Había una vez una escena – Un vistazo de cerca a la evolución de los guiones gráficos a lo largo de la producción de la película, que incluye escenas iniciales alternativas para la película y muchas escenas eliminadas.


  • Escenas extendidas – Tres escenas distintas se destacan en su versión extendida. El director Mark Andrews discute el proceso de toma de decisiones que condujo a las versiones acortadas de estas escenas.


  • Comentario del director



  • “Fergus & Mor’du”, una escena inicial alternativa – Hubo un tiempo en el que “Brave” tenía una escena inicial diferente. A la larga, este comienzo se eliminó de la película, y ahora los fanáticos pueden verla en su totalidad en este material extra narrado por el director de la película, Mark Andrews.


  • Montaje de guerreros caídos –Una selección de tomas eliminadas que se quitaron de la película hacia el final del proceso de producción se presentan a los fans en diversas etapas de terminación a través de un montaje de video narrado por el director Mark Andrews.


  • Gente peluda y sucia – Los fanáticos disfrutarán de este divertidísimo video que discute el desarrollo de los escoceses de “Brave”, incluido el diseño de su cabello, vestimentas y físicos cubiertos de suciedad.


  • Es inglés… más o menos – Este video extra ayuda a los fans a interpretar algunas de las líneas de diálogo más escocesas de la película, gracias a los actores que son realmente de Escocia  y que interpretan a los personajes principales, quienes aportaron sus propios dialectos y frases.


  • Angus – Un vistazo al fiel compañero de Mérida, Angus, un potente caballo de raza Clydesdale.


  • El tapiz – Los fanáticos podrán conocer la historia detrás de este emblema bordado de la unidad familiar, que fue creado con mucho amor por el equipo de artistas de “Brave”.


  • Video promocionales – Podrán ver clips de promoción de “Brave”, incluidos: “Feast Yer Eyes”, “Relics”, “Clan DunBroch”, “Launch”, y más.


  • Galería de arte – Una selección del increíble arte que formó parte de la creación de la película, que muestra personajes, escenarios, escenas y maravillosos paisajes.


  • Pequeños errores – Un montaje de bloopers de simulación, animación y rodaje.


  • Hombre de animación del Renacimiento – ¡Da un vistazo al amor del director Mark Andrews por Escocia, la lucha con espadas, la música y mucho más!


  • Avances y vistazos previos



  • Corto del cine “La luna”

  DVD incluye:

  • Corto del cine “La luna”
  • Corto completamente nuevo “The Legend of Mor’du”
  • Comentario del director


Karen Posada


2012/09/04 at 12:00am

‘The Possession’ #1 on Labor Day Wknd

09.4.2012 | By |

'The Possession' #1 on Labor Day Wknd

The horror film ‘The Possession’ which claims to be based on true events, took the number one spot for Labor Day weekend with $21.3 million dollars. The film surprised many by doing so well; it has even gotten compared to ‘The Exorcist’ and although it’s rated PG-13 it does the job.

Lawless’ a movie about moonshine that is headlined by a star-studded cast, landed the second spot with $13 million dollars. Despite of the great reviews not only by critics but moviegoers themselves the film didn’t do as well as expected, considering that it opened two days before the three day weekend.

Finally, the movie that has been number one for the last two weeks, ‘The Expendables 2’ falls to the third spot with $11.2 million dollars. This way the summer box office closes, giving way to the fall line up which offers plenty of movies we can’t wait to see!

The Top 10 Movies in the Box Office are:

1. The Possession – $21.3 mil

2. Lawless – $13 mil

3. The Expendables 2 – $11.2 mil

4. The Bourne Legacy – $9.4 mil

5. ParaNorman – $8.9 mil

6. The Odd Life of Timothy Green – $8.5 mil

7. The Dark Knight Rises – $7.9 mil

8. 2016: Obama’s America – $7.1 mil

9. The Campaign – $7 mil

10. Hope Springs – $6 mil

Mack Chico


2012/09/03 at 12:00am

Actor Michael Clarke Duncan, dead at 54 from heart attack

09.3.2012 | By |

Actor Michael Clarke Duncan, dead at 54 from heart attack

Michael Clarke Duncan a loveable and gracious man and actor has died today from a heart attack. He was 54. According to his fiancee, the Oscar nominee for “The Green Mile” passed away while being hospitalized following a July heart attack, two months ago.

Publicist Joy Fehily released a statement from Clarke’s fiancée, the Rev. Omarosa Manigault, saying the 54-year-old actor died Monday morning in a Los Angeles hospital after nearly two months of treatment following the July 13 heart attack.

The 6-foot-5, 300 pound Duncan appeared in dozens of films, including such box office hits as “Armageddon,” ”Planet of the Apes” and “Kung Fu Panda.”

Duncan had a handful of minor roles before “The Green Mile” brought him an Academy Award nomination for best supporting actor. The 1999 film, based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, starred Tom Hanks as a corrections officer at a penitentiary in the 1930s. Duncan played John Coffey, a convicted murderer.

Here’s a movie clip that best remembers his work:

Jack Rico


2012/09/02 at 12:00am

The Possession

09.2.2012 | By |

The Possession

May people have been asking me if they should go see the exorcism film ‘The Possession’ this weekend. Even though, it is a PG-13 horror film, it is a serviceable film and much better than the desultory, aimless and unscary ‘The Apparition’. The Possession offers a better cast, a better story, a better production and most importantly, more frights for your bucks.

The plot goes like this: a young girl (Natasha Calis) buys an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the collectible lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl’s father (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) teams with his ex-wife (Kyra Sedgwick) to find a way to end the curse upon their child.

I’m not a fan of PG-13 horror movies. The shocks are not harsh nor violent because they’re geared for someone between 13-18 years to see. I think they should not be allowed a release. They need to be rated R to really maximize their potentials. The Exorcist, with its ten Oscar nominations back in 1973, was rated R. Nevertheless, the reality is that we’re being given PG-13 fright flicks whether we like it or not, so why not sift through them and pick the ones that do the most modest job and The Possession isn’t embarrassing.

The film develops slowly, you have to have some patience for it. But the acting isn’t half bad. It’s my biggest pet peeve with these genre movies, they usually can’t seem to convince any quality actors to perform in them, but I had a good time with it, much like the audience in the theater. Women in particular were screaming and screeching. Of course there are silly moments where you say, “I cannot believe you are SO stupid”, but it is the nature of these films. From 1 to 5, 5 being a masterpiece, I give it a 3 as a modest and not terrible movie. However, Ethan Hawke is starring in Sinister, a rated R film that from the looks of the trailer, does promise a much more horrifying experience on October 5th.

Jack Rico


2012/09/01 at 12:00am

Peliculeando: Lawless, Possession, For a Good

09.1.2012 | By |

Peliculeando: Lawless, Possession, For a Good

Este viernes en Peliculeando por X96.3FM, Univision Radio, Luis Jimenez habla con Jack Rico sobre sus críticas de el film de gangster LAWLESS, la comedia femenina FOR A GOOD TIME CALL… y el film de terror THE POSSESSION.

Además, hablamos de la comedia BATTLESHIP en blu-ray.

Este segmento en español es el único en los Estados Unidos que se dedica a hablar de críticas de cine.

Peliculeando será transmitido cada viernes a las 9:50AM dando las críticas y recomendaciones y más recientes estrenos cinematográficos EN ESPAÑOL!  Ustedes pueden escuchar nuestro segmento de cine a través de ‘The Luis Jimenez Show’ cada viernes a las 9:50AM por Univision Radio ‘X96.3FM’ en Nueva York o por la red mundial visitando la página:  ‘The Luis Jimenez Radio Show’ on ‘X96.3FM’ en New York, FM 97.7 Fort Myers, 98.5/101.1/100.3 FM, 890AM Boston, 1400AM Lawrence / Lowell  Haz cliq al vídeo para escuchar el más reciente segmento radial.

Jack Rico


2012/08/31 at 12:00am

‘On the Road’: New trailer from Walter Salles

08.31.2012 | By |

'On the Road': New trailer from Walter Salles

There’s a new trailer for Brazilian filmmaker Walter Salles‘ “On the Road” based on Jack Kerouac‘s classic homonym book.

Salles, known for such great films such as “Central Station“, nominated for two Academy Awards, and “Diarios de Motocicleta” starring Gael García Bernal, will release the film on December 21st, but not before we get some visuals via the second trailer.

The two main characters of the book are the narrator, Salvatore “Sal” Paradise, and his new friend Dean Moriarty, much admired for his carefree attitude and sense for adventure, a free-spirited maverick eager to explore all kicks and an inspiration and catalyst for Sal’s travels. The novel contains five parts, three of them describing road trips. The narrative takes place in the years 1947 to 1950, is full of Americana, and marks a specific era in jazz history, “somewhere between its Charlie Parker Ornithology period and another period that began with Miles Davis.”

The novel is largely autobiographical, Sal being the alter ego of the author and Dean standing for Neal Cassady. The epic nature of the adventures and the text itself creates a tremendous sense of meaning and purpose for the themes and lessons. Kerouac provides not only the story of a literal journey but also that of an intense internal quest and a pursuit of freedom and self-determination.

Spanish language actors Viggo Mortensen and Alice Braga are part of the cast and I like to think they’re the best part of the movie. Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart  and Sam Riley form the central trio of the adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s novel.

IFC Films will release “On the Road” in December. Take a look at the movie…

Jack Rico


2012/08/30 at 12:00am

The Hobbit trilogy: New dates, titles

08.30.2012 | By |

The Hobbit trilogy: New dates, titles

Good news for Peter Jackson fans and those who were on the bandwagon throughout the Guillermo del Toro director days, there is a new name and a new release date for Peter Jackson’s third prequel installment to The Lord of the Rings – it will now be titled “The Hobbit: There and Back Again” and it will be released worldwide on July 18, 2014.

But that’s not all, Warner Bros and MGM Pictures also announced the title of the second installment in the franchise, “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug”, which will be released on December 13, 2013. Oh, and yes, the original of the new trilogy being released later this year, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” is going to be an interesting watch due to the new technology of 48 frames per second.

All three movies are being shot in digital 3D using the latest camera and stereo technology.

So let’s recap:
“The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” Dec. 14, 2012.
“The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.” Dec. 13, 2013.
“The Hobbit: There and Back Again,” July 18, 2014.

Karen Posada


2012/08/29 at 12:00am

For a Good Time, Call..

08.29.2012 | By |

For a Good Time, Call..

‘For a Good Time, Call…’ is a hilariously offensive, awkward, and sometimes disgustingly funny comedy that you will not only be able to enjoy with your girlfriends, but you can actually drag your boyfriend to. For those of you familiar with ‘Sex and the City’, you would certainly like this comedy, but the bonus here is that the raunchiness Samantha’s character brought to the series, which was one of the funnest parts about it, here it is taken to a whole other level without the baggage of Carrie’s drama. One thing that keeps this comedy safe is that surprisingly there is no nudity; the R rating is attributed all to the language used. I think director Jaime Travis was able to put on a comedy that is mainly laughs, very little drama and a whole lot of shocking language that will satisfy the audience.


The story develops as Katie (Ari Graynor) comes to find out she’s about to loose her rent-controlled dream apartment in Gramercy Park, the only way to continue living there is to get a roommate. Lauren (Lauren Miller) has just been dumped by her boyfriend and has nowhere to go, thanks to their mutual friend, Jesse (Justin Long) the two find a solution to their problems. The issue is that the girls dislike each other since college. However, they start overcoming their problems when they see their only solution to keeping the apartment is setting up a phone sex line in order to make ends meet.  


These two characters represent different personalities that interestedly enough I can assure everyone in the audience can think of two different friends that are just like this. The main actresses have such a great dynamic together, Graynor is just the right amount of bitchy and independent and Miller, who is also the writer of the film, is your typical goodie two shoes without being overtly annoying. Long definitely is a nice addition to the film, as he delivers a balance between the polar opposites and is equally if not more hilarious. The movie will certainly make you feel uncomfortable at some points, but that’s where it succeeds in pushing the envelope. What’s most interesting about it is that despite of the core subject, it’s still able to develop a human relationship out of that; although it has some unrealistic elements it can still feel like a down to earth friendship flick, as both characters are able to grow from their experiences thanks to their interaction.


The movie does have some silly and weak jokes, which fortunately don’t last long enough to ruin it. There’s also some predictability as to what will happen, but despite that it’s still able to keep you entertained all throughout. I could have done without some scenes, but like I said the discomfort might be one of the charms of the film. The ending isn’t a complete circle, but it’s enough to keep you wondering without needing more.


There’s not much out there in the comedy genre targeted to women specifically, but what’s nice about this one is that it doesn’t shut out guys completely either. Miller seems to share her husband’s (Seth Rogen) streak of good humor, with a nice touch of femininity. The reason why this movie is so funny is because it dares to go beyond what we are used to without resorting to slap stick humor; it is all about the dialogue as we hear more than what we are shown. Look out for some pretty memorable and hilarious cameos as well as some funny interactions with the other characters. This movie is a fun, exciting and entertaining way to end the box office summer. 

Karen Posada


2012/08/28 at 12:00am


08.28.2012 | By |


Lawless’ is a combination of western and gangster movies, which worked for me as it really captures the qualities of these two genres in an interesting mix. To be clear it is not fully either or, so don’t go expecting a shoot out in every scene, as the drama is used as a break pedal. The film is based on Matt Bondurant’s fictionalized account of his family’s history, led by the Boundurant Brothers; titled ‘The Wettest County in the World’. The Australian duo, director John Hillcoat and screenwriter Nick Cave picked up the story. They combined visceral violence with beauty, melancholy and a sort of innocence that the film portrays of Virginia during the depression and prohibition era in the 20’s and 30’s. The film has its flaws, but it’s already emanating some Oscar buzz, more than anything for the big names in it as well as its production quality.


The tale is narrated by Jack (Shia LaBeaouf) the youngest and most sensitive of the Bondurant brothers also composed of Howard (Jason Clarke) the oldest of the three, scarred after surviving the Great War; and Forrest (Tom Hardy) who almost died from the Spanish Flu which killed their parents and made him the strongest one; converting him into both their mother and father. The brothers run a successful business selling moonshine; but corrupt Special Deputy Charlie Rakes (Guy Pearce) is about to stop Franklin County’s bootlegging days. The catch is that the brothers won’t back down or bow to anyone.


LaBeauof is basically the main character and I have a new found respect for him, although his behavior is more foolish than anything, he delivers a wonderful performance portraying the process of a boy growing up, who’s trying to find his place. Hardy’s performance comes from his actions more than anything, as his character is a man of few words and most of his dialogue is grunts; despite this Hardy shows his acting skills as one of the most powerful characters of the film. Pearce’s character is so easy to hate because you can clearly see Pearce’s worth as an actor in him, he’s a sneaky, slimy villain from the way he looks to the way he behaves. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some Oscar nominations from here, especially for Hardy and Pearce.


It was disappointing to see Gary Oldman, who portrays the character of Floyd Banner- a ruthless big city gangster that Jack idolizes, be on screen for such a short amount of time. Here he makes one of the best movie entrances I’ve experienced. I also would have liked some more character development on Maggie Beauford (Jessica Chastain) as she’s the strongest female character, which was very refreshing to see in this type of film. The legend of invincibility that the film deals with changes the tone of the movie, which although can be townsfolk tales it almost made me feel like it was uncharacteristic to the film. Also, the time scale of the film seems off at times, as it’s hard to tell how much time has passed in some scenes. Lasty, although the dialogue in the film is not very profound, it is a little hard to understand some characters in it; but I kind of expected that knowing we would be hearing southern accents.


My favorite things about the film: the tone and beauty of the colors and landscapes, the rawness of some of its characters that stayed true to the nature of the south such as Cricket Pate (Dane DeHaan), and the way the story has a Robin Hood feel to it where fighting against the government is the only way to support their families and communities. Movies based on real life usually contain all the elements to make it successful and in this one I think the director did a great job in staying true to the times and the story without forgetting what he wanted to illustrate. If you like to see stories that contain a little bit of history, mixed in with some classic entertaining genres, accompanied by some of the best actors of today; then you won’t be disappointed with this one.      

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