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Karen Posada


2012/05/21 at 12:00am

‘Anchorman 2’ – First Teaser Trailer!

05.21.2012 | By |

'Anchorman 2' - First Teaser Trailer!

Director Adam McKay released the first teaser trailer of ‘Anchorman 2 ’ or ‘Anchorman: The Legend Continues’ last Wednesday in theaters with ‘The Dictator’, it is set to open in 2013.

This is something we’ve all been waiting for, since Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) made the big announcement about the sequel on Conan.

The plot possibly will have something to do with a diverse 24- hour news broadcast, as that’s how the last one closed off. We can be sure that it will be filled with hilarious and cruel one- liners like the ones delivered in ‘Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy’. Check out the trailer!

Karen Posada


2012/05/21 at 12:00am

‘The Avengers’ is #1 at box office for third week!

05.21.2012 | By |

'The Avengers' is #1 at box office for third week!

The Avengers’ had another epic weekend at number one, adding $55.1 million dollars to their golden pot, which is almost half a million in the U.S. alone. Disney’s biggest blockbuster continues to take over the world.

A big release for Memorial Day Weekend ‘Battleship’ opened in second place with $25.3 million dollars. This naval board game brought to life was rumored to beat the superheroes, but it obviously wasn’t nearly a threat.

Sacha Baron Cohen’s new comedy ‘The Dictator’, reached third place collecting $17.4 million dollars. His eccentric new character, which is willing to risk his life to keep democracy from reaching his dictatorship hasn’t been well received, but it seems that his followers gave him a chance.



The Top 10 Movies in the Box Office are:

1. The Avengers – $55.1 mil

2. Battleship – $25.3 mil

3. The Dictator – $17.4 mil

4. Dark Shadows – $12.8 mil

5. What to Expect When You’re Expecting -$10.5 mil

6. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel – $3.3 mil

7. The Hunger Games -$3.0 mil

8. Think Like a Man – $2.7 mil

9. The Lucky One – $1.8 mil

10. The Pirates! Band of Misfits – $1.5 mil

Jack Rico


2012/05/18 at 12:00am

Radio Reviews: The Dictator, Battleship, What To…

05.18.2012 | By |

Radio Reviews: The Dictator, Battleship, What To...

This week from Miami, on the Enrique Santos Morning Show, Jack Rico reviews the new film releases: THE DICTATOR with Sasha Baron Cohen, the adrenaline action movie BATTLESHIP, the pregnant movie WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING, and the vibrator film HYSTERIA.

You can hear our movie review segment in Miami on the ‘Enrique Santos Morning Show‘ every Friday at 7:25 AM and 9:25 AM by Univision Radio ‘MIX98.3FM’ in Miami or the global network by visiting:

Jackie Zamora


2012/05/15 at 12:00am

The Devil Inside

05.15.2012 | By |

Though The Devil Inside received some disfavorable reviews, the Blue-Ray/DVD release event made it a real thriller.  This event took place at the Linda Vista Community Hospital, located in the heart of East Los Angeles, and notoriously known for being haunted.

The simple rumor that this old historical building is a home to inauspicious paranormal activity, which sends, chills down your spine. This eerie experience began with a few minutes of the hospital’s history and a tour around the creepiest rooms in the structure. The most impressionable room was the basement or better known as “the boiler room.” Not only was the basement a room for boilers, but also where bodies were desecrated.  The moment one enters the room, there is an immediate chilling breeze and the smell of mold.  Observing from the middle of the room, you will be able to notice particles of left over ashes from bodies previously cremated. Chilling, right?

The last portion of the tour was a scene from the film “The Devil Inside“. The scene was a female in a state of possession and showing obvious symptoms of demons dwelling inside. Her body contorted in a manner not any particular person can maneuver, bones moving out of place, but not broken, and just seeing someone’s body bend abnormally screams paranormal.

Susan Crowley, who played Maria Rossi in the film, explained she had to put herself in a state of mind to be able to play the character of a possessed woman. That even as an actress, and knowing reality from fiction, it still takes its toll on you.

Even though you might be a skeptic to such things, one can’t help to think of the possibility something unexplainable is lingering around you, which is the same possibility to being possessed by demons. Therefore, introducing the question, “Is there a Devil Inside?”

Karen Posada


2012/05/14 at 12:00am


05.14.2012 | By |


‘Battleship’ is based on the Hasbro naval combat game, so not much is expected of it but lots of mindless explosions and shooting. The film fulfills exactly that expectation, because besides the amazing special effects there’s nothing else nutritious in it. This navy propaganda movie has an extremely weak storyline, encompassing dialogue and comedy that are merely attached to try to make the film function as a whole. This movie continues the alien movie lineup to be seen this summer, I’m quite sure this will be the worst one of them all.


The Storyline revolves around Alex Hooper (Taylor Kitsch), who is basically a screw up and doesn’t have many goals for himself. His older brother Stone (Alexander Skarsgård) is the complete opposite and enrolls him in the navy. After what seems a couple of years later, Alex becomes a lieutenant and during a Naval war games exercise in Hawaii his crew, which includes R&B singer Rihanna, get involved in an extraterrestrial sea battle for the Earth’s survival.


The movie wastes a lot of time building a back-story, made up of romance and the brothers bonding along with an enormous amount of Navy propaganda. All pretty unnecessary and somewhat boring, that whole first 30 minutes or so could have been reduced to a five minute clip. The most outstanding thing in this movie are the spaceships, they are so real and detailed and the explosions and action they deliver are the best things this movie offers. The Halo like outfitted aliens are somewhat original and more real than most, but despite the obvious fact that they are more technologically advanced than us there’s not a lot of intelligent actions on their part.    


Liam Neeson once more signs up to be used as an advertisement tool by a mediocre film, given the fact that if you put all the scenes he’s in total, we only see him for about ten minutes. I actually wasn’t too annoyed by Rihanna, since most people such as myself have already judged the movie by her being in it; she played a tough chick without her usual eroticism in her music videos and just followed orders, her lines like the rest of the script are just flat; so not much acting was used. Kitsch and Decker are just eye candy, because nothing really intelligent comes out of their mouths. Another interesting scheme used to persuade the public into cheering for the movie is an appearance by a President of the United States, if this isn’t the biggest most annoying use of propaganda, I don’t know what is. The movie screams patriotism in a cheesy, in your face, “be a hero and sacrifice your life for your country” kind of way.


The storyline is so weak that it seems to contradict itself towards the end and there’s never a clear reason as to what the aliens are doing in our planet. It’s just an all out war and a whole lot of shooting without an explanation behind it. What’s worst is there’s a scene at the end of the credits that alludes to a second part. If you enjoy action for the sake of it and don’t care about anything else that makes up a movie, then you can enjoy this. Otherwise, I say wait for the rest of the alien invasion arriving this summer 2012 in theaters.    

Karen Posada


2012/05/14 at 12:00am

‘The Avengers’ breaks more records at box office!

05.14.2012 | By |

'The Avengers' breaks more records at box office!

The Avengers’ continues breaking records on its second opening weekend with $103.2 million dollars, exceeding 1 billion dollars worldwide. This action movie only dropped by 50%, which is the smallest decline that any blockbuster has ever had. It surpassed the second box office weekend record that ‘Avatar’ held.

Tim Burton and Johnny Depp’s obscure film, ‘Dark Shadows’ took second place with $28.8 million dollars. This movie which is typical Burton style, might stay in the box office for a while given its star power.

The comedy, which has remained high in the box office, ‘Think Like a Man’, ended up in third place with $6.3 million dollars. Followed by ‘The Hunger Games’, both have fought endlessly to continue in the prestigious list.



The Top 10 Movies in the Box Office are:

1.The Avengers – $103.2 mil

2. Dark Shadows – $28.8 mil

3. Think Like a Man – $6.3 mil

4. The Hunger Games – $4.4 mil

5. The Lucky One – $4.1 mil

6. The Pirates! Band of Misfits – $3.2 mil

7. The Five-Year Engagement -$3.1 mil

8. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel -$2.7 mil

9. Chimpanzee -$1.6 mil

10. Girl in Progress -$1.4 mil

Jack Rico


2012/05/12 at 12:00am

Radio Reviews: Dark Shadows, Girl in Progress

05.12.2012 | By |

Radio Reviews: Dark Shadows, Girl in Progress

This week from Miami, on the Enrique Santos Morning Show, Jack Rico reviews the new film releases: the horror comedy DARK SHADOWS with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, and the Latino dramedy GIRL IN PROGRESS with Eva Mendes.

You can hear our movie review segment in Miami on the ‘Enrique Santos Morning Show‘ every Friday at 7:25 AM and 9:25 AM by Univision Radio ‘MIX98.3FM’ in Miami or the global network by visiting: http: / /

Jack Rico


2012/05/10 at 12:00am

MPAA: Hispanics are #1 moviegoers again in US

05.10.2012 | By |

MPAA: Hispanics are #1 moviegoers again in US

And once again the MPAA (Motion Pictures Association of America) has revealed through its annual Theatrical Marketing Statistics, that Hispanics are the #1 movie going demographic, per capita, for the year 2011 (source: MPAA).

And yet, apart from’s coverage on its site and partner outlets, coverage for films is still minimal in the Hispanic media landscape. It is picking up, but hopefully it will be bigger by end of decade.

The MPAA, which is an American trade association that represents the six big Hollywood studios, advances the business interests of its members and administers the MPAA film rating system.

Its current Chairman, former Democratic Senator Chris Dodd, just at the end of April declared that, “I am confident we can do a better job of serving this growing population [Latinos] with themes that resonate strongly with them. The numbers just jumped out at me,” Dodd told reporters at a briefing at CinemaCon. “I think an effort ought to be made to work at that. You’ve got to be more sensitive about the subject matter than to just have Spanish subtitles,” Dodd said.

Dodd who speaks Spanish fluently, having worked as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic in his youth, understands that if you want to make the most money at the box office, you have to include Hispanics in your practices.

Hollywood’s top lobbyist said he was not sure if the push should come in terms of the movies that the industry produces or in the way it markets its films.

It really is both. One idea that I myself have been thinking for years, and one day it’ll click for someone over at the top 2 Spanish language broadcasts – Univision or Telemundo – is to adapt their hit telenovelas to the big screen. Telemundo, for example, has the best chance of making this happen because their parent company, Comcast/NBCUniversal, already owns one of the preeminent movie studios in the business with Universal Pictures. Chairman Ron Meyer could have taken Telemundo’s biggest hit – ‘La Reina del Sur’ some time last year, when it was at its zenith shattering ratings in English and Spanish, and have adapted it immediately to the big screen with the same actors, etc. Or who knows, even done a bigger production with Salma Hayek instead of the original actress Kate del Castillo. Nevertheless, why this hasn’t been done yet, even as an experiment defies, my logic. Univision is a little trickier. Historically, they did not produce telenovelas, but its Mexican partner Televisa does. Televisa is very wise to the power of this moviegoing audience and partnered with Lionsgate to create Panteleon Films. So far, no telenovelas have been adapted. But, I applaud them for making a statement to develop and distribute Latino stories for Hollywood and Latino audiences.



, ‘Betty La Fea’ or ‘Pedro Escamoso’ – could have made it to the big screen and be box office specialty hits. Why? There is already a niche fanbase audience, similar to the ‘Twilight Saga’ series, that won’t care about quality or the director behid the cameras, just the extension of their favorite novela.

Mack Chico


2012/05/10 at 12:00am

Del Toro and Diaz team up in ‘Agent: Century 21’

05.10.2012 | By |

Del Toro and Diaz team up in 'Agent: Century 21' just reported that Latino heavyweights Cameron Diaz and Benicio Del Toro have joined Agent: Century 21.

Adam Hashemi, a first time director, will be making his debut and looks like it will be an action comedy. The script is written by Greg Brooker.

From what has been gathered, Diaz and Del Toro will be part of a story that follows a down-on-her-luck real estate agent who accidentally is caught up in a Mexican drug war (sound a lot like Knight and Day, the movie Diaz did with Tom Cruise).

This pairing is a great sign for Hispanic actors in Hollywood – it says that there are Latinos who can be leads in a Hollywood movie not just supporting actors like. It is also one of the few times two Latinos are the sole protagonists of a big movie in who knows when.

The film is set to start shooting sometime in September.

Jack Rico


2012/05/10 at 12:00am

Latinos raise $85,000 for ‘St Jude’s Gala Por La Vida’

05.10.2012 | By |

Latinos raise $85,000 for 'St Jude's Gala Por La Vida'

NEW YORK (May 10, 2012) – More than 300 guests celebrated the 50th anniversary of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® at the third annual Gala Por La Vida (Gala for Life) on May 3 at the Legendary Copacabana in New York by raising more than $85,000.

Funds raised at the Gala Por La Vida will benefit the St. Jude International Outreach Program (IOP), which aims to improve the survival rates of children with life threatening illnesses worldwide, through the sharing of research and technology. IOP has 19 affiliate clinics in 14 countries, including Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica and Mexico.

In 50 years, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has changed the way the world treats pediatric cancer and other life-threatening diseases, saving the lives of countless children and helping push overall survival rates of childhood cancer from 20 to 80 percent. Thanks to the generosity of donors, no family ever pays St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for anything – care, housing, transportation, meals and education.

At this year’s Gala Por La Vida, several celebrities walked the red carpet, including Kika Rocha, Anna Maria Perez de Tagle, Carlos Fuente Jr., Pablo Montero, among others.  Performers included renowned jazz trumpet master and classical musician Arturo Sandoval, legendary Caribbean artist Jose Alberto “El Canario” and Latin superstars in the making, Valentino and Sammi* Benz.

“Earlier this year, I visited this wonderful hospital to meet patients and witness the pioneering research and innovative treatments at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital,” said Carlos Fuente, Jr., gala chair. “It is a great honor to represent the St. Jude family and bring smiles to thousands of children battling cancer and other deadly diseases. I will continue supporting its lifesaving mission as long as I live.”

During one of the most inspirational moments of the night, a St. Jude patient named Miguel shared his incredible story of survival against osteosarcoma, an aggressive bone cancer that attacked his left leg. By combining the hospital’s world-class research with first-class patient care, doctors pioneered a surgical technique to save his limb by replacing the cancerous bone with an expandable prosthetic device. Miguel continues to receive chemotherapy treatment at St. Jude.

This year’s gala was sponsored by The Fuente Family Foundation, d’expósito & Partners, J.C. Newman Cigar Co., Viva República and AT&T. Univision Radio New York was the gala’s media partner. 

About St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Since opening 50 years ago, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has changed the way the world treats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. No family ever pays St. Jude for the care their child receives and, for every child treated here, thousands more have been saved worldwide through St. Jude discoveries. The hospital has played a pivotal role in pushing U.S. pediatric cancer survival rates from 20 to 80 percent overall, and is the first and only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. It is also a leader in the research and treatment of blood disorders and infectious diseases in children. St. Jude was founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas, who believed that no child should die in the dawn of life. Join that mission by visiting or, following us on and

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