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Karen Posada


2012/04/10 at 12:00am


04.10.2012 | By |


Lockout’ is a fun action film despite its predictability. The concept of it is interesting and although you may know how it will end, it is all about the ride. Although I enjoyed the action my favorite part of the film was Guy Pearce, his character is just a smart mouth agent who’s looking out mainly just for himself; his sarcastic humorous comments make most scenes entertaining. This isn’t the best action film out there, but if you want to have fun at the movies and have a couple of laughs, this is definitely a good choice, despite of its’ flaws.


Agent Snow (Guy Pearce) is convicted of a crime against the U.S. government, that he denies having committed. Despite that he is offered to take on a mission upon MS One, an experimental prison in space where the 500 most dangerous criminals on planet Earth are kept in artificial sleep. He must rescue Emilie (Maggie Grace), the president’s daughter who has gone out to the station in a humanitarian mission and has fallen hostage to inmates who’ve broken free.   


Directors James Mather and Stephen St. Leger are two Irish boys from Dublin who sought out to make a futuristic action thriller that was entertaining. They reached their goal, however with a little more effort it could have been an even more entertaining film. They inserted a bit of themselves, which we perhaps can see in many of the inmates. Snow, Pearce’s smart mouth character is charming in his own jerk-like way although at points he does get dangerously close to being too macho therefore a bit irritating; but obviously he’s the one that carries the film on his shoulders. Honestly, I mainly hated Grace’s character, she was such a helpless girl throughout most of the movie that she was just annoying to watch, although she does redeem herself at the end.


My biggest problem with the movie is that the storyline didn’t convince me, starting by the fact that I could figure out the outcome since the beginning and there are some holes and various weak points. At times the storyline tries to get complicated and layered which takes away from the simplicity that would have enhanced it. The special effects are not that great, one scene in particular is just a videogame shot shaming the movie.


This is just a good time at the movies; it takes you on a wacky futuristic story in outer space, where a man and a woman alone face the world’s worst criminals. The arena they are in is unusual, defying authority is their motto and getting out alive is their goal. So if you can put the technicalities aside, get ready to go on a crazy journey with an insane guide that somehow has a good head on his shoulders and enjoy the video game like scenario where the bad guys outnumber the good ones. 

Karen Posada


2012/04/10 at 12:00am

The Cabin in the Woods

04.10.2012 | By |

The Cabin in the Woods

Just from seeing the preview of ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ you automatically know this will not be your typical horror movie. As a person who has seen the movie I know there is very little about it that I should tell you, because the thing that works best for this film is all the surprises it has. I’m glad no one ruined that for me, the advertising department has done a great job at making the public curious without giving too much away. I just wish the movie wouldn’t have gotten so out of hand, I think the ideas it has are fantastic, but unfortunately it is taken too far to the point of ruining the movie.


This is the story of five friends: Dana (Kristen Connolly), Curt (Chris Hemsworth), Jules (Anna Hutchinson), Marty (Fran Kranz) and Holden (Jesse Williams) that decide to escape the city by going to a cabin in the woods. Soon they begin to realize that there is something off about this remote place. This might sound like a story you already know but this horror film turns the genre inside out.


The best acting in this movie comes from Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford, their years of experience really enhance this story even more, as the unravel the horrors and purpose behind this story. The five friends provide us with the scenery of a typical horror movie combination of personalities, but some stick out more than others. I really enjoyed more than half of this film, which says a lot because it is very hard to find a good scary movie nowadays. Unfortunately, my enjoyment turned into a lot of eye rolling the last 15 minutes of the film. To me it became a joke that was taken too far to the point of being ridiculous, which killed me because I really liked the main concept behind the film.


I truly think it is original, but at the same time it’s a good combination of great horror films and there’s a reason for that. It is weaved in with comedy, which is quite refreshing, along with many other elements which really makes for an interesting story. The problem with these various elements is that they become suffocating for the audience towards the end of the film, they all clash together into a movie that becomes 10 different genres at once and ends with a punch. If you want to go to the theater to experience this crazy film with an open mind knowing that you might be disappointed after the roller coaster ride go ahead, otherwise I say it is probably better to watch it as a fun slasher flick on night at home.     

Karen Posada


2012/04/10 at 12:00am


04.10.2012 | By |


The best word to describe ‘Detention’ is- WEIRD! This movie is so wacky in every sense: the storyline, the characters, even the images. This is a mash-up of various genres: horror, comedy, teen-movies, and romance. It is hard enough for just one movie to accomplish something good in just one genre, therefore one that tries to encompass various is bound for disaster. The movie does make you laugh more than once, mainly because of the witty dialogue, but also because of the ridiculousness of it. This might only be worth a watch if it’s on TV on a day where you have nothing else to do and there’s absolutely nothing to else to watch.


The movie explores high school life for seniors in Grizzly Lake. There are the popular kids among them Clapton Davis (Josh Hutcherson) and Ione (Spencer Locke) and the outcasts like Riley Jones (Shanley Caswell) and Sander Sanderson (Aaron David Johnson). Not only are they all trying to survive high school, but they are also trying to survive a killer named Cinderhella who’s slashing one student at a time.


The movie tries to be fun and cool and it accomplishes it at some points, by having the characters talk to the audience, making small movie montages about each character’s life and even taking us through a journey in music and fashion. The movie is like ‘Mean Girls’, ‘The Breakfast Club’, and ‘Scream’ all in one. But the storyline goes on a tangent and as it develops it becomes less and less interesting, because it gets more ridiculous by the minute.


The movie might ride off on Hutcherson’s success in ‘The Hunger Games’ and that’s a smart move on their part, but he should also be happy that this film didn’t do wide-release a year ago when it began to be promoted. Movies are expensive to make so it is hard to understand why a studio or director would decide to spend money on such a fruitless project, especially because it is said that director Joseph Kahn used his savings to make it. All in all there are better movies coming out this weekend than wasting your money on this one.   

Karen Posada


2012/04/09 at 12:00am

‘The Hunger Games’ reaches $302 million at the box office!

04.9.2012 | By |

'The Hunger Games' reaches $302 million at the box office!

The Hunger Games’ not only continues to hold the number one spot in the box office with $33.5 million dollars, but it has reached the outstanding amount of $302 million total (in the U.S., it is almost at $460 mil world-wide) in just three weeks. Despite of the tough contenders it had, it keeps holding on strongly.

The fourth installment of the American Pie franchise ‘American Reunion,’ took the second spot in the box office with $21.5 million dollars. It seems like many of its’ loyal followers decided to check out what this last slice of pie had to offer.

Another blast from the past ‘Titanic 3D’ shows up in third place with $17.4 million dollars. James Cameron continues to show that his work is hard to top; he was capable of re-making a film from 1997 flawlessly into 3D and it almost already made up for the $18 million dollars it took to convert it.

The Top 10 in the Box Office are:

1.The Hunger Games – $33.5 mil

2. American Reunion – $21.5 mil

3. Titanic 3D – $17.4 mil

4. Wrath of the Titans – $15 mil

5. Mirror, Mirror – $11 mil

6. Jump Street – $10.2 mil

7. Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax – $5 mil

8. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen – $ 975 Thousand

9. John Carter – $ 820 Thousand

10. Safe House – $581 Thousand

Jack Rico


2012/04/06 at 12:00am

American Reunion

04.6.2012 | By |

American Reunion


‘American Reunion’, the new sequel from the ‘American Pie’ franchise of 1999, is a nostalgic film that fails to reach the heights of laughter as its original predecessor. The laughs are sporadic and the attachment to the characters are not the same. Both reasons are rooted in the argument that the best of this friendship tale has passed its expiration date.

The last time we saw most of the original cast assembled was in 2003 in ‘American Wedding’, perhaps the filthiest in the entire series. This time we see the characters come together, probably for the last time for a reunion at their high school graduation. The plot goes like this: Over a decade has passed and the gang return to East Great Falls, Michigan, for the weekend. They will discover how their lives have developed as they gather for their high school reunion. How has life treated Michelle, Jim, Heather, Oz, Kevin, Vicky, Finch, Stifler, and Stifler’s mom? In the summer of 1999, it was four boys on a quest to lose their virginity. Now Kara is a cute high school senior looking for the perfect guy to lose her virginity to.

The reasons to see this film are the same reasons that many went to see the last three parts, plus the straight to DVD releases – for it’s denigrating, black humor, obscenities and gratuitous nudity. These elements are still part of the essence of the film but it is marked by the maturity of the characters, that somehow or other, weakens the comedy.

However, many fans will be fixed to what the film represents on a nostalgic level – reliving their happy past, remembering the old days, together with friends and the first time they saw a comedy so daring and bold.

Vulgar material aside, the producers injected a certain levelheadedness to every character in their central theme. The lead story is that of Jim and Michelle who have a son and are having marital problems. Conceptually, this should connect with fans of the movie who are now parents, but I object to that view because the reason that we clung on to these characters was because of their irreverent youth, disrespect, and irresponsibility that their ages brought. By removing those characteristics, the whole attraction is no longer the same and the film is directed to a whole other crowd altogether.

Judging the movie objectively, its rude comedy does occasionally entertain and seeing the ‘reunion’ of the original actors, even though aged, is a welcome sight. I woudn’t pay to see the movie in theaters, but seeing it on DVD, at a cheaper price is a sensible option that will save you some bucks.

Jack Rico


2012/04/06 at 12:00am

Titanic 3D

04.6.2012 | By |

Titanic 3D

Coinciding with the centenary of the sinking of the transatlantic ship Titanic, director James Cameron returns us to the most famous ship in history, but now in 3D. His aim is to revive the magic of the film to audiences who saw it in its original theatrical release back in 1997, but also present it to a new generation of potential fans.

I will not bore you with the plot, since you should already know it, so let’s talk about the 3D implementation. Does it make this film better? Yes it does. Cameron has created perhaps the best 3D conversion in film history at a cost of $18 million dollars and over a year’s time of meticulous work. But besides this particular movie, there is usually a difference between a film shot in 3D and one converted to 3D – it’s cheaper and less effective. The  three-dimensional effects are weakened when the film is not shot in stereography cameras and the viewer’s eye might notice the defect. It can take away from the experience you are paying for.

In the opening scenes, the quality you can notice the spectacular conversion, as if it were shot in 3D back in 1997. The three hours of Titanic will still make you sigh, tie you up in knots, crying again all the way until the end of the credits.

Titanic‘ is a classic, and arguably one of the best films in cinematic history. Defending this point are its accomplishments: winner of 11 Oscars, including Best Picture and director, most expensive production ever in 1997, highest grossing film in history to the world for twelve consecutive years until ‘Avatar’, from Cameron beat it. The love story is just as strong, reminding us why it occupies a prominent place on our shelves and in our memories… and in 3D it’s much better.

Karen Posada


2012/04/03 at 12:00am

War Horse

04.3.2012 | By |

Bring your tissues to this film! I’m speaking to the animal lovers in particular. This is such a beautiful story about perseverance, love, understanding and adventure. Steven Spielberg has managed once more to make a family film that will capture many. It is so difficult to make a living, breathing animal be the main character of a major motion picture, but it was pulled off majestically.


We are taken on a journey placed during WWI in England mainly but also France. A young boy, Albert Narracott (Jeremy Irvine) has the great challenge of raising a young horse that he names Joey. The two build an unbreakable bond thanks to the obstacles they go through such as plowing a hopeless piece of land. Since Albert’s family is poor they end up giving up the horse when the war hits their small village, Albert swears to Joey that they will meet again. Rose (Emily Watson), Albert’s mom tries to help her son be strong and understand his father’s (Peter Mullan) decision. In his journey through war Joey gets various soldier owners both English and German, who instantly realize this horse is like no other. One of them, Captain Nicholls (Tom Hiddleston) swears to Albert he will return his horse after the war and cares for Joey like Albert would. We follow our main character, Joey, through an unbelievable story during the WWI, which was the last war where horses were used. 


The horses used to play the character of Joey are gorgeous beasts that fulfilled Spielberg’s task of having an animal as a main character and will make the public to want to go out and immediately get a horse after the movie. This is Irvine’s first movie on the big screen and he plays his character very humbly with an easy to like attitude, which many pet owners can identify with. War is the backdrop of the story and I really enjoyed the way it was perceived; most movies depict war as something so strategic; here we see how much the element of surprise has to do with it and how little the soldiers involved in it know about it, how clueless they are because of their youth and their fear and all they do is follow orders. One of the most beautiful scenes of the movie is played out in no-man’s-land, where Toby Kebbell’s character is united with the so-called enemy thanks to this amazing horse; this scene alone makes the whole film worth it.  


Most of the shots in this film are beautiful, not only because of the countryside shots but even the ones in the war are so well done that they easily captivate the public. Even when corniness seems to overwhelm the screen one is easily distracted by the sunset and the imagery. The film was adapted from a book and there’s also a play in Broadway on it, all the actors recommended the full experience in our interviews and none seemed to have felt overshadowed by the outstanding performance of the horses as it should be since they each contributed to what makes this movie as a whole what it is: a great family film. This movie will make you tear up but it will also make you smile and leave you with a content feeling, it’s no surprise its release date is Christmas day.

Jack Rico


2012/04/03 at 12:00am

DVD Radio: War Horse, We Bought A Zoo

04.3.2012 | By |

DVD Radio: War Horse, We Bought A Zoo

This week from Miami, on the Enrique Santos Morning Show, Jack Rico reviews the new DVD/Bluray releases: the epic war film War Horse by Steven Spielberg, and the family drama We Bought A Zoo starring Matt Damon.

You can hear our DVD review segment in Miami on the ‘Enrique Santos Morning Show‘ every Tuesday at 7:25 AM and 9:25 AM by Univision Radio ‘MIX98.3FM’ in Miami or the global network by visiting: http: / /

Karen Posada


2012/04/02 at 12:00am

‘The Hunger Games’ Keeps Being #1

04.2.2012 | By |

'The Hunger Games' Keeps Being #1

‘The Hunger Gamescontinues to hold on to the number one spot in the box office, it seems like it will be very hard for someone to take its’ place. This was one of the most anticipated movies of the year and it begins the month of April holding on to its’ place with $61.1 million dollars.

A sequel follows it, ‘Wrath of the Titans’ which has received compliments because it is better than its’ predecessor. This movie of action and mythology took second place with $34.2 million dollars.

The children’s movie ‘Mirror, Mirror’ starring Julia Roberts shyly took third place with $19 million dollars. It could be because according to critics this new version doesn’t enhance the story of Snow White.


The Top 10 Movies in the Box Office are:

1. The Hunger Games – $61.1 mil

2. Wrath of the Titans – $34.2 mil

3. Mirror, Mirror – $19 mil

4. 21 Jump Street – $15 mil

5. Dr. Seuss’ ‘The Lorax’ – $8 mil

6. John Carter – $2 mil

7. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen – $1.3 mil

8. Act of Valor – $1 mil

9. A Thousand Words – $0.915 thousand

10. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island – $0.825 thousand

Jack Rico


2012/03/30 at 12:00am

Radio Reviews: Bully, Wrath of the Titans, Mirror Mirror

03.30.2012 | By |

Radio Reviews: Bully, Wrath of the Titans, Mirror Mirror

This week from Miami, on the Enrique Santos Morning Show, Jack Rico reviews the new movie Wrath of the Titans 3D, also the unrated documentary Bully and the reboot of the Snow White story – Mirror Mirror

You can hear our film review segment in Miami on the ‘Enrique Santos Morning Show’ every Friday at 7:25 AM and 9:25 AM by Univision Radio ‘MIX98.3FM’ in Miami or the global network by visiting:

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