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Mack Chico


2008/08/02 at 12:00am

Will Ferrell defends ShowBizCafe’s ‘Step Brothers’ negative review

08.2.2008 | By |

Will Ferrell defends ShowBizCafe's 'Step Brothers' negative review, the first Spanish language film website to have a radio movie segment on FM in the US on the ‘Luis Jimenez Radio Show’ (he’s like the Howard Stern of the Spanish world). Comedian Will Ferrell phoned in to promote his new film ‘Step Brothers’ (we had given it a bad review the week before) and we had the tough task of confronting him on our negative review to his face! Talk about a tense moment. Click on the video player to listen to the interview in English.

Listen to on ‘The Luis Jimenez Radio Show’ on ‘105.9FM La Kalle’ in New York, Los Angeles 1020 Radio AM, San Francisco La Kalle 100.7-105.7 FM, Chicago La Kalle 93.5 – 103.1 FM, Dallas La Kalle 99.1 FM, Fort Myers

Alex Florez


2008/08/01 at 12:00am

Johnny Depp to be in third Batman film?

08.1.2008 | By |

Johnny Depp to be in third Batman film?

With The Dark Knight bringing in over $400 million for Warner Brothers, it’s no surprise that everyone is trying to figure out the casting of the sequel. The latest casting rumors, courtesy of WENN have Johnny Depp and Philip Seymour Hoffman being eyed for the roles of the Riddler and the Penguin, respectively.

The role of the Riddler has previously been tackled by Frank Gorshin in the television version of Batman, with Jim Carrey wearing the question-mark covered tights in Batman Forever. Meanwhile, the Penguin was handled on television by the incomparable Burgess Meredith, and a distinctively disgusting Penguin was played by Danny DeVito in Batman Returns.

A source told the Enquirer that “(Producers) are convinced that the role of the Riddler is perfect for Depp. Johnny’s a pro. He’ll be able to take direction from director Chris Nolan and still make the character his own. And what better Penguin is there than Philip Seymour Hoffman.”

While it’s hard to argue against either Depp as the Riddler or Hoffman as the Penguin, when one considers the original source, it’s probably best to consider this one firmly in the ‘rumor’ category for now.

Alex Florez


2008/07/31 at 12:00am

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

07.31.2008 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for adventure action and violence.
Release Date: 2008-08-01
Starring: Alfred Gough, Miles Millar
Film Genre:
Country: NULL
Official Website:

Go to our film page

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor



Make no bones about it, The Mummy franchise is and always has been a blatant attempt to recreate the Indiana Jones lore.  In this third installment, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, the similarities are even more apparent.  Rick ‘Ricochet’ O’Connell (Brendan Fraser) is Indy of course; Maria Bello (who replaces Rachel Weisz as Evelyn) is their version of ‘Marion’; and their son Alex O’Connell (Luke Ford) matches up with Indiana’s heir apparent, Mutt Williams (as played by Shia LaBeouf).


Unfortunately, the similarities also extend to the campiness, predictability, and unintelligent plot lines of ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’.  Come to think of it, even their titles are both ridiculously long. 

This time around, the O’Connells travel to Asia to battle the resurrected Han Emperor (Jet Li), awoken from a 2,000-year-old curse that a chinese sorceress (Michelle Yeoh) cast on him.  The film, to its credit, moves along rather quickly with one battle scene following another, and its a good thing because the acting is often unbearable.  At times, I couldn’t shake the feeling that newcomer Luke Ford, was doing his best Matt Damon impression.  Just a terrible pick altogether to play Brendan Fraser’s son, since they look only a couple of years apart.   An army of mummies, yetis in the himalayas and witchery I can believe, but Luke Ford playing Rick’s son, not a chance.

Of the three films, this one seems like the most poorly thought out as it strives to become more of a family adventure, than the thrilling archeological escapades in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ that most likely inspired the filmmakers in the first place.  I assure you that years from now, these films will be no relic.


Mack Chico


2008/07/31 at 12:00am

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 – 4 scenes of the film

07.31.2008 | By |

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 - 4 scenes of the film

We have 4 scenes with the 4 lovely ladies of “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2″ from Warner Bros. The film is defintely targeted towards women, young women who are becoming independent and have a great sense of friendship. The film is a bit too long and the resolution doesn’t come quick enough for us, but it is still a decent watch and not bad at all. Here are the 4 scenes of the film and let us know what you think!

Alex Florez


2008/07/31 at 12:00am

Angelina Jolie to play ‘Catwoman’ in next Batman film?

07.31.2008 | By |

Angelina Jolie to play 'Catwoman' in next Batman film?
Angelina Jolie is reportedly being lined up to star as Batman’s nemesis Catwoman in a new movie.

The 33-year-old actress – who gave birth to twins Knox and Vivienne earlier this month – is said to be in final negotiations with studio bosses to play the feline villain who first appeared in the Batman comics.

It is not clear whether she would play the role in the current Batman film series, starring Christian Bale as the caped crusader, or in a spin-off film as Halle Berry did in 2004’s Catwoman.

Actress Julie Newmar, who played Catwoman in the Batman TV series from 1966 to 1967, has given her blessing for Jolie to play the part.

“Angelina would own the part,” Newmar, now 74, said.

“My industry friends tell me she has already made enquiries about the role. I can understand how it would pique her interest. Catwoman is Batman’s one true love.

“She is tremendously popular with women because she’s both a heroine and a villainess.”

Other actresses to take on the role of Catwoman include Michelle Pfeiffer in 1992 movie Batman Returns, and Eartha Kitt who took over from Newmar in the TV series.

Jolie was recently tipped to be starring in The Thomas Crown Affair 2 alongside Pierce Brosnan and has reportedly been ordered by studio bosses to put on weight for the role.

Alex Florez


2008/07/30 at 12:00am

Swing Vote

07.30.2008 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for language.
Release Date: 2008-08-01
Starring: Joshua Michael Stern, Jason Richman
Film Genre:
Country: NULL
Official Website:

Go to our film page

Swing Vote


Few would argue that Hollywood, as a whole, is a pretty ‘liberal’ industry whose star studded cast often shows its support by way of propaganda and sizable donations to left-winged presidential nominees every four years.  Nowadays, whenever filmmakers have the opportunity to chastise our republican administration in the not-so-subtle of ways, they’ve taken it and in some cases exploited it – and I’m not just talking about Michael Moore and his rattling documentaries.  Take films such as ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and ‘Transformers’, to name a more recent one, where the political jabs are more humorous than they are sharp. 

Nevertheless, there are those, more conservative members of Hollywood, that from time to time strike back. Which is why it’s so surprising to see actor Kevin Costner, a registered republican, so decidedly neutral in this latest comedy about a middle-class american who will decide the next president of our country.  Instead, the Costner produced movie, tries to focus itself on a father-daughter relationship while only underlining the importance of our civic duty.  But that’s as much credit as I can give Swing Vote.

In it, Costner plays Bud Johnson, an apathetic, disorderly, but lovable father who is coasting through a life that has almost passed him by. The only bright spot is his overly precocious and overachieving 12-year-old daughter Molly (Madeleine Carroll) who in this case, is the one that takes care of him.  That is, until one mischievous moment on Election Day, when she attempts to vote on Bud’s behalf when he is too drunk to show up to the booth.  Later that night, when the tallies are all in, the nomination happens to come down to one final vote – Bud’s vote – which needs to be recast because of a technical error in the voting machine.  The media soon takes hold of the news and within minutes, the courtship from both campaigns are full throttle. 

But It’s that same courtship to win over Bud’s vote, that makes this film hard to watch.  The politicians in the movie, played by Kelsey Grammer and Dennis Hopper are merely stereotypical representations of the republican and democratic party respectively, and consequently, the ways in which they attempt to win over Bud’s affection are beyond predictable. 

Then there’s the media – represented by George Lopez as the local, cutthroat news director and his journalist on the rise Kate Madison (played by Paula Patton), but both come off as one-dimensional. 

Costner seems more than complaisant with the notion of letting little Madeleine Carroll carry the movie, but she is too precocious for her own good.  If she were more like a ‘kid’ then perhaps it would be easier for us to empathize with her and the situation she’s in.

Notwithstanding, the film does deliver a couple of Disneyesque moments where Costner’s character finally shows some arc.  Unfortunately, they come way too late in the story, at a time when all you want to know is who ends up being president so you can leave the theater.  However, even those curious of the outcome will be seriously disappointed. 


Mack Chico


2008/07/30 at 12:00am

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince – the new trailer

07.30.2008 | By |

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - the new trailer

Harry Potter’s sixth year at Hogwarts turns out to be quite the exciting year. The obvious darkness of Voldemort’s impending rise to power is always apparent. The incredible action-packed climax is sure to leave the audience stunned and, inevitably, prove that you shouldn’t trust everybody who you think is good and also prove that not everyone can manage to survive.

Mack Chico


2008/07/30 at 12:00am

‘Friday the 13th’ 2009 has its first poster

07.30.2008 | By |

'Friday the 13th' 2009 has its first poster

The new Friday The 13th 2009 from Warner Bros., directed by Marcus Nispel and written by Damian Shannon & Mark Swift (Freddy Vs Jason) stars Jared Padalecki (Supernatural), Derek Mears (Hills Have Eyes 2), Amanda Righetti, Danielle Panabaker, Travis Van Winkle, Aaron Yoo, Adam Finberg, Nick Mennell (Rob Zombie’s Halloween), Jonathan Sadowski, Nana Visitor, Arlen Escarpeta, Ryan Hansen, Richard Burgi, Julianna Guill and Willa Ford. It hits theaters Friday, February 13th, 2009! Here’s a look at the leaked trailer and teaser poster that was shown at the San Diego Comic-Con a few days ago.


Poster for Friday the 13th, 2009

Jack Rico


2008/07/30 at 12:00am makes history!

07.30.2008 | By | makes history!


Hello movie lovers and welcome to! For those of you who don’t know us, we are the first fully bilingual, English and Spanish, website devoted to movies in the world wide web. Our main objective is to highlight the great work Hispanics do in Hollywood and Latin America.

What is
– is the first dedicated film website developed specifically for US Hispanics who are Spanish dominant and English dominant, featuring breaking news, exclusive video, interviews and movie reviews.
– celebrates today’s cinema and theater while highlighting the best and brightest of Hispanic talent.
– Target audience: US Hispanic movie-goers with internet access.
– Launched Winter 2007

What makes unique from other movie sites?
– Written completely in Spanish and English.
– Content covers Hollywood and Latin America while highlighting Hispanics in film.
– No other Spanish language film site offers video and text reviews in Spanish about today’s Hollywood films.
– Unique weekly video segments like “Viernes de Estreno”, a video program highlighting the weekends opening films. Also, video reviews of your favorite movies.
– The only site of its kind for Spanish dominants and bi-culturals.
– The site is 100% dedicated to movies

SBC Partners and Associations:
– People en Espanol Magazine: SBC is the exclusive film review content provider for the #1 leading Hispanic magazine.
– Morning Radio Program “The Luis Jimenez Show” nationally syndicated to 7 cities and based out of New York City’s, 105.9FM ‘La Kalle’, Univision Radio.

Alejandro Arbona


2008/07/29 at 12:00am

Sex and The City: The Movie

07.29.2008 | By |

Rated: R for sexual content, nudity and strong language.
Release Date: 2008-05-30
Starring: Candace Bushnell
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website:

Go to our film page

Sex and The City: The Movie

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