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Jack Rico


2010/08/06 at 12:00am

Middle Men

08.6.2010 | By |

Middle Men

The pornography premise for ‘Middle Men’ will be a main attraction for many male moviegoers who enjoy a good dose of sex plot to their movies with a touch of humor. It chronicles the rise and fall of three entrepreneurs who create the first legitimate porn website.

The film is “inspired by a true story” and that tagline held my interest throughout most of the 1hr and 45 minute duration. Part of my interest stems from its dramatic and almost absurd incidents about ludicrous business decisions that took place with copious amount of sex and drugs passed around. The acting by the cast was very good, in particular, Luke Wilson, who showed a dramatic presence absent from his previous roles. Giovanny Ribisi, delivered an interesting character, but I felt a bit over the top.

The film has enough drama, humor along with twists and turns to keep the interest level very high. If you want to see something under the radar, filled with sex, drugs and more sex, Middle Men has to be on the top of your list this weekend.

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