Eva Mendes in new trailer for ‘Bad Lieutenant’
05.28.2009 | By Mack Chico |

A new trailer for Werner Herzog’s (Grizzly Man) Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans has found its way online. The film is a quasi-remake of Abel Ferrara’s infamous 1992 film, which starred Harvey Keitel.
The new film stars Nicolas Cage as a crooked drug-addicted cop who takes sexual favors for bribes. The film co-stars Eva Mendes, Val Kilmer, Jennifer Coolidge and Fairuza Balk.
Filming began in July 2008 in Louisiana, and also around South Mississippi shooting some scenes at the Hollywood Casino in Bay St. Louis. A release date has yet to be scheduled.
The remake of the 1992 film Bad Lieutenant was first announced in May 2008 with Werner Herzog to direct and Nicolas Cage to star. The script for the remake was penned by TV writer William Finkelstein. One major change from the original film was moving the setting from New York City to New Orleans. Herzog insists that the film is not a remake, saying, “It only has a corrupt policeman as the central character and that’s about it.” At the Academy Awards in 2009, Herzog stated that he has never seen Ferrara’s film, saying “I haven’t seen it, so I can’t compare it. It has nothing to do with it.”
Abel Ferrara, director of the 1992 film, has been quoted by various media outlets as being very angry about this film. After the film was first announced, Ferrara was quoted as saying “As far as remakes go, … I wish these people die in Hell. I hope they’re all in the same streetcar, and it blows up.” When asked later for his response to Ferrara’s statements, Herzog stated that he does not know who Ferrara is, saying “I’ve never seen a film by him. I have no idea who he is.”
Watch the trailer after the jump, and leave your thoughts in the comments below.