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Jack Rico


2012/07/29 at 12:00am

The Watch

07.29.2012 | By |

The Watch

Los mejores momentos de la comedia de ciencia ficción, The Watch, se encuentra en los avances. El resto del filme es un refrito de varias películas como Men In Black, que conduce solo al aburrimiento. Cuando una película une a Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill uno espera carcajadas a la libra, pero ellos son víctimas de un guión flojo y sin inspiración por parte de Seth Rogen y compañía. Nuestros protagonistas no tienen que comprobarse ya que su trayectoria de grandes logros hablan por si mismos (excepto por Richard Ayoade). Por lo que vi, se nota que los actores querían hacer más, pero no hay donde ir con esta ordinaria trama.

La premisa se desarrolla en un barrio en el que se crea una patrulla de vigilancia tras aparecer asesinado uno de sus habitantes. Al final, sus integrantes terminarán descubriendo una trama alienígena para destruir el mundo.

El gran problema con esta cinta son los chistes y su desordenada confabulación. El director Akiva Schaffer no es un maestro del arte de reír y fracasa penosamente aquí. En lugar de entregarnos una película fresca al estilo “Ghostbusters”, experimentamos una historia sin rumbo, alejandose de la historia principal en momentos, por ejemplo, cuando los muchachos repentinamente se encuentran en una orgía y otro sobre Stiller incapaz de preñar a su mujer. ¿Que tiene que ver esto con alienígenas? Sólo Hill y sus improvisaciones le traen un poco de vida a este problema cómico.

“The Watch”, igual que otro film de Stiller, “The Heartbreak Kid”, contiene momentos latinos. En esta ocasión un guardia de seguridad (Joe Nuñez) de la tienda de Stiller acabó de recibir sus papeles de ciudadanía, pero lo que no se espera es que sea devorado y destrozado por un extraterrestre. Luego de la muerte del hombre, Stiller se le ve deprimido escuchando a una canción mexicana en su carro a solas. Muy gracioso. Pero hay que notar que Stiller ve al cultura latina como graciosa y siempre merecedor de chistes, estereotipos. ¿No hay algo errado con eso?

No todo es terrible, pero los momentos jocosos son tan ocasionales que ¿en verdad vale pagar dinero para ver un producto así? Claro que no, especialmente cuando uno aun puede ver en cartelera y bluray las dos mejores comedias del año – “Ted” y “21 Jump Street” respectivamente. Mejor vean esos, y no se deje engañar por el trailer de ésta que debería de ser esperada en DVD.

Alejandro Arbona


2008/08/06 at 12:00am

Pineapple Express

08.6.2008 | By |

Rated: R for pervasive language, drug use, sexual references and violence.
Release Date: 2008-08-08
Starring: Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, Judd Apatow (historia)
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website:

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Pineapple Express

The title “Pineapple Express” refers to one plot element that turns out to be perhaps the movie’s most influential character: an especially potent kind of marijuana. It’s Pineapple Express that Saul Silver (James Franco) sells to Dale Denton (Seth Rogen), a sample that only Silver has. And it’s Pineapple Express that Dale is smoking when he witnesses a murder. And it’s due to drug cartels warring over Pineapple Express that that murder takes place. Now the killers, played by Gary Cole and the Puerto Rican actress Rosie Perez, spot the Pineapple Express that Dale dropped when he fled in terror, and they set out to kill Saul and his customer.

“Pineapple Express,” the movie, is an unexpected and interesting combination of three different genres, only one of which comes across in the synopsis I just gave you. It’s a hilarious comedy; it’s a buddy picture, about two friends adventuring and bonding; and, as you can gather from the above paragraph, it’s a crime story that eventually becomes excessively violent. That may just be this movie’s biggest surprise: that a Judd Apatow-produced comedy with the usual cast and improvisational style – usually associated with comedies about boy-men growing up like “The 40-Year-Old Virgin,” “Knocked Up” and “Superbad” – suddenly climaxes in shootouts, explosions, dead bodies and tons of blood. But, jeez, they sure do make that violence funny.


Alejandro Arbona


2007/07/14 at 12:00am


07.14.2007 | By |

Rated: R for sexual content, strong language and alcohol use.
Release Date: 2007-08-17
Starring: Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website:

Go to our film page


The teenagers Evan (Michael Cera) and Seth (Jonah Hill) are nerdy, uncouth and a disaster with the ladies. When the objects of their affection invite them to a party, they come up with a plan to buy alcohol illegally, get the girls drunk and lose their virginity.

An extremely immature premise, to be sure, but this is a comedy produced by Judd Apatow, the writer/director of “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” and “Knocked Up,” seemingly dumb, immature comedies that turn out to be very sweet and adult, about the discovery of wisdom and maturity. And “Superbad” is the best and the funniest of the three.

Laughing along with the humor, you don’t spot the emotional investment until it suddenly comes to collect. The events of this one night will be critical for the boys; at the tensest moment, they must decide if failing in their goal means utter disappointment, or whether it’s more important to remain friends.

Evan and Seth are surrounded by truly infantile adults, which is what they risk becoming if they don’t survive this crossroads. The stupidity they exhibit is essential to give them something to achieve in themselves; if they’re to become men, they must fundamentally grow. When the sun rises in the final scenes, only by having survived the changes of the past 24 hours will they succeed.

This is the same as affecting a pompous tone of voice and saying, “This movie is intelligent and wise, take it seriously.” But this movie is HILARIOUS. The comedy might be too over the top for some, but the effect is a masterpiece about the suffering and frustration of overcoming adolescence.

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