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First Reaction Archives -

First Reaction Archives -

Jack Rico


2017/09/09 at 11:07am

PODCAST: #DACA And What It Means To You, Are Kids Cursing In Movies Ethical?, Review of ‘IT’ Movie

09.9.2017 | By |

If you are someone who’s been hearing about DACA this whole week and are curious about how it works and why it’s so important, we talk to Caitlin Patler, she basically holds a Ph.D. in #DACA, and has written several important papers on the subject. She joins us to explain in detail what you need to know. Then, what’s with kids cursing in movies? Between the Bad Moms 2 trailer and the IT clown movie, has Hollywood lost its values? We talk to Tara McNamara, an authority on family films about why parents have been silent on the topic. And speaking of the new horror remake of IT, we have our FIRST REACTION of the film. Is it really scary and was “it” worth the wait? Read More

Jack Rico


2017/08/18 at 3:09pm

Podcast: Bomba Estéreo Talks ‘AYO’ And Spanglish

08.18.2017 | By |

We’re sending our love and prayers to the people of Barcelona who suffered a senseless terrorist attack. But on a lighter note, this is probably one of the best podcast shows we’ve done. We chat with Mesfin Fekadu, music editor of the Associated Press, who broke the story about Despacito not being nominated at this year’s VMAs. Did this happen because of cultural bias? We dissect all the variables, along with some of our thoughts on whether MTV should start playing Spanish-language music videos. Then I talk to Colombia’s hottest band of the moment, Bomba Estéreo, about their new album AYO, music and race, coca leaves, payola in the music business, and their love for the street language of Spanglish. Read More

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