Guatemalan Oscar Isaac’s new trailer for ‘Llewyn Davis’
01.24.2013 | By Jack Rico |

Latinos are still kicking ass into 2013. Guatemalan actor Oscar Isaac will be starring (not playing an extra or doing the thug cameo with a line or two or any stereotypical roles that suggest the ignorance of casting directors) in the new Coen Bros. indie film “Inside Llewyn Davis” based on the life of musician Dave van Ronk, who played a part in the Greenwich Village coffeehouse scene that played a large part in the New York folk scene of the â60s.
We have the trailer for you to see Isaac in action. The film has shades of James Mangold’s ‘Walk the Line‘ starring Joaquin Phoenix (born in Puerto Rico, but not of Puerto Rican descent). From what I saw in the trailer, it looks depressing and heartbreaking. On the other hand, a great supporting cast led by Carey Mulligan (who worked with Isaac in Drive before), John Goodman,  F. Murray Abraham and Justin Timberlake give a reason to watch. Read More