Jim Jarmusch, Gael García Bernal team up in ‘Limits’
02.27.2009 | By Mack Chico |

If you don’t know who Jim Jarmusch is, you better do some research. Not only has Darren Aronofsky mentioned him as an inspiration, but he was referred to as the savior of independent film in the 1980s. His latest project is called The Limits of Control and is about “the story of a mysterious loner, a stranger in the process of completing a criminal job.” We haven’t even heard of this until now, but it sounds like it could be great, and it’s exciting to see Jarmusch again, since he last directed Broken Flowers in 2005.
The Limits of Control stars Isaach De Bankolé (seen at the top), Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, John Hurt, Gael García Bernal, and Paz de la Huerta. The photo of the white haired beauty directly below this is apparently Tilda Swinton. Additionally, there are some shots of Bill Murray, John Hurt, and Gael García Bernal scattered throughout this arrangement.
The reason why all of these photos look so gorgeous is because the cinematographer on The Limits of Control is none other than Christopher Doyle, the same guy behind all of Wong Kar Wai‘s beautiful films. It’s very likely that this will be premiering at the Cannes Film Festival later this year. Focus Features already has the distribution rights in the US and they’ve tentatively scheduled it for a late May theatrical debut.