District 9
08.14.2009 | By Jack Rico |
Rated: R for bloody violence and pervasive language.
Release Date: 2009-08-14
Starring: Neill Blomkamp, Terri Tatchell
Film Genre:
Country: USA, South Africa
Official Website: http://www.d-9.com/
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‘District 9’ is the must-see summer film of 2009! It is really two films in one – a thought-provoking political and social documentary combined with stylized action packed CG film with all the bells and whistles. The direction of the film allows the story to rise to a crescendo at the very end satisfying even the non sci-fi cinephiles.
This is a smart film like those who too infrequently visit our multiplexes. The premise is a bit intricate since it deals with various social layers such as racism, bigotry, immigration, corruption, but with a quirky and entertaining twist. An extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on District 9 in South Africa, suddenly find a kindred spirit in a government agent that is exposed to their biotechnology. To reveal anymore would be to give away the movie.
What is wonderful about the movie is how director Neil Blomkamp manages to intertwine several genres with success: off-beat comedy, drama and sci-fi action. His use of handheld cameras at the start build an eery tension that gives out a vibe that what you’re watching is factual. Not bad for a fictional movie.
The acting is solely centered around the character Wilkus Van De Merwe (Sharlto Copley), a klutzy man who works for the South African government and whose job it is to lead the aliens to a new location. His first day in this position ends with him in the hospital, having been contaminated by an alien fluid – and that’s where his personal nightmare begins.
Peter Jackson, director of Lord of the Rings, produced the movie, adding an internationally revered name to the credits that will doubtless help in marketing. District 9 speaks with a loud, clear voice and by defying as many science fiction conventions as it embraces, it becomes a singular movie-going experience. For fans of the genre, the summer of 2009 will be remembered by the films ‘Moon’ and ‘District 9’