Pixels (Movie Review)
07.24.2015 | By Adam Garcia |
The 1-4-0: Adam Sandler and Chris Columbus try, and fail, to tap into 80’s nostalgia to make an ultimately forgettable alien invasion film. Read More
07.24.2015 | By Adam Garcia |
The 1-4-0: Adam Sandler and Chris Columbus try, and fail, to tap into 80’s nostalgia to make an ultimately forgettable alien invasion film. Read More
07.23.2015 | By Jack Rico |
Si es su primera vez aquí… “Viernes de Estrenos”, un segmento televisivo de criticas de cine y producido por Telemundo 47 NY. Es conducido por el crítico de cine Jack Rico.
Esta semana, crítico las siguientes películas: ‘Southpaw’, ‘Paper Town’, ‘Pixels’.
07.21.2015 | By Jack Rico |
The middle of July means three things: It’s time to head to the beach; it’s time to relax and its time to check out some movies. For that last summer fact, we are here to help. There are eight films being released and there is a little something for everyone. Mexican American actor Michael Peña is starring in The Vatican Tapes, a film that one wouldn’t expect at this time of the year. The lovely Cobie Smulders, with whom we had a chance to chat with, is starring in Unexpected, a peculiar comedic drama about a teacher and a student who become pregnant in the same time frame. If you are into foreign films, you will not be disappointed with Samba or Phoenix. Read More