Pride and Glory
10.21.2008 | By Jack Rico |
Rated: R for strong violence, pervasive language and brief drug content.
Release Date: 2008-10-24
Starring: Joe Carnahan, Gavin O’Connor
Film Genre:
Country: USA
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‘Pride and Glory’ is one of the better cop films to come out in a long time. It’s still not as good as the films from the 70’s, but it can sure pack a punch in the drama and acting department. The choice of using the streets of Washington Heights and a large urban latino cast, gave the film its grit and authenticity. The film even gave us a return to Spanish speak for Ed Norton since his early work in ‘Keep the Faith’.
This story is centered around a family of New York City Police officers. The family’s moral codes are tested when Ray Tierney (Edward Norton), investigates a case that reveals an incendiary police corruption scandal involving his own brother-in-law (Colin Farrell). For Ray, the truth is revelatory, a Pandora’s Box that threatens to upend not only the Tierney legacy but the entire NYPD.
The last two good cop films I saw were ‘Narc’ with Ray Liotta and ‘Gone Baby Gone’ starring Casey Affleck, Ed Harris and Morgan Freeman. Yes, I’m not mentioning ‘The Departed’ since it wasn’t that good and you know it. Since then, every film of that nature has been monotonous, recycled and just plane ol’ stale. They just don’t make them like they used to back in the 70’s. Movies such as Bullit, Serpico, The French Connection, have stood the test of time and set the measuring bar way too high for any to reach, just ask Pacino who has not been able to replicate his own successes.
Nevertheless, Pride and Glory is darn good, I wouldn’t call it great just because I can’t see Ed Norton being a bad ass cop. As great an actor as he is, there are just somethings I can’t see him in and this is one of them. Jon Voight does his typical solid work and Farrell does his best job in years.
The performances of the Latino cast in the film composed of John Ortiz, Manny Perez, Ramon Rodriguez, Rick Gonzalez and Max Hernández were credible and sound. I particularly like the work of John Ortiz who keeps on getting better with time.
‘Pride and Glory’ is worth your time and money at the movies this weekend. It’ll remind you of a time when cop movies were something to be excited about. Let’s hope Hollywood keeps them coming.