Almodovar has a home in the USA
10.21.2008 | By Mack Chico |

Sony has officially picked up Pedro Almodovar‘s ‘Broken Embraces’. Pathe Distribution has picked up rights in the U.K., France, Belgium and Switzerland.
Cineart has taken Dutch rights.
Pathe has distribbed all of Almodovar’s pics since “All About My Mother,” including “Talk to Her,” “Bad Education” and “Volver.”
“The deal was effortless,” said Damien Golla, Pathe’s director of trade and theater marketing department. “We have a great relationship with Almodovar and we trust him completely.”
“Broken Embraces,” which stars “Volver” thesp Penelope Cruz, will be released next spring.
Shot in the style of an American film noir, pic shot in Madrid and the Canary Islands and is now in post.
Pedro Almodovar’s shingle, El Deseo, co-owned by his brother Augustin Almodovar, has retained Spanish rights.
Other territories are being sold by Focus Features International.