Official picture of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man!
01.13.2011 | By Jack Rico |

Today I received in my email, a nice little arachnid gift from my contact at Columbia Pictures – the first image of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. This is without doubt, one, or if not, the, most anticipated movie photograph of 2011.
A few days ago we posted the first photographs of the set where Garfield and Emma Stone, who plays Gwen Stacy, were kissing. In those pics, Garfield looks happy, excited. But this time, Garfield, I should say Peter Parker, is miserable, sweaty, scratched up and contemplative as he walks through a dark alley. The tone of the picture is bleak and dismal letting us know that the film will not resemble at all a Disney movie. The scratch on the left of Garfield’s face must belong to Dr. Curt Connors a.k.a The Lizard, one of the fiercest archenemies of Spider-Man (that’s our speculation). We think that this photo was taken during, or after the supposed first battle scene with Connors.
The details are slowly being revealed, but the synopsis still remains a secret. On the other hand, don’t even think you’re going to see an official trailer until mid-summer or later this year. The director Marc Webb just started shooting this month and it would be illogical for any visual effects footage to be finished in order to preview already. The poster for the film could very well be this picture, but obviously, with the titles of the film, etc.
The other actors, Rhys Ifans, Martin Sheen, Sally Field, Denis Leary, Julianne Nicholson, Scott Campbell, Irrfan Khan and Annie Parisse, will join the film in the coming weeks. The official release in the US of ‘Untitled Spider-Man Reboot’ will be July 3, 2012 in 3D.