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Peliculeando con Jack Rico Archives -

Peliculeando con Jack Rico Archives -

Jack Rico


2013/08/30 at 1:38pm

Peliculeando – ‘Getaway,’ ‘Closed Circuit,’ ‘One Direction 3D’

08.30.2013 | By |

This Friday I spoke to Luis Jimenez about Selena Gomez’s new movie Getaway with Ethan Hawke, Closed Circuit and One Direction: This Is Us 3D. What is the best movie for you? Here’s the audio below and find out for yourself! The audio begins a few seconds late.

Peliculeando airs every Friday at 9:50 a.m. giving reviews on the latest film releases in Spanish with some English thrown in. You can listen to my segment live on Univision Radio’s X 96.3FM in New York or the web by visiting:

Jack Rico


2013/08/16 at 9:17pm

Peliculeando – ‘JOBS,’ ‘The Butler’ and ‘Kick-Ass 2’

08.16.2013 | By |

This Friday I spoke to Luis Jimenez about JOBS starring Ashton Kutcher, The Butler co-starring Oprah Winfrey and Kick-Ass 2. What is the best movie for you? Here’s the audio below and find out for yourself!

Peliculeando airs every Friday at 9:50 a.m. giving reviews on the latest film releases in Spanish with some English thrown in. You can listen to my segment live on Univision Radio’s X 96.3FM in New York or the web by visiting: ‘The Luis Jimenez Radio Show’ is syndicated also on 97.7 FM Fort Myers, 98.5/101.1/100.3 FM, Boston 890AM, 1400AM Lawrence / Lowell.

Jack Rico


2013/05/17 at 12:00am

Peliculeando: ‘Star Trek Into Darkness,’ ‘Erased’

05.17.2013 | By |

En mi segmento Peliculeando por el Luis Jimenez Show, X96.3FM, Univision Radio, yo entregó mis críticas del nuevo film: STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS del director J.J Abrams con la caribeña Zoe Saldaña, ERASED con Aaron Eckhart y el Bluray de CLOUD ATLAS que a Luis le gustó y entretuvo.


Peliculeando es el único segmento de critica de cine en español en los Estados Unidos. Es transmitido cada viernes a las 9:50AM dando las críticas y recomendaciones y más recientes estrenos cinematográficos EN ESPAÑOL! Ustedes pueden escuchar nuestro segmento de cine a través de ‘The Luis Jimenez Show’ cada viernes a las 9:50AM por Univision Radio ‘X96.3FM’ en Nueva York o por la red mundial visitando la página: ‘The Luis Jimenez Radio Show’ on ‘X96.3FM’ en New York, FM 97.7 Fort Myers, 98.5/101.1/100.3 FM, 890AM Boston, 1400AM Lawrence / Lowell.

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