01.8.2011 | By Jack Rico |

2011 brings us the first superheroe movie of the new year in The Green Hornet. Seth Rogen stars as the Hornet joined along a great cast of actors such as Cameron Diaz, Jay Chou, Christoph Waltz and Tom Wilkinson. The premise follows the life of a young, rich playboy who following the death of his father, teams up with his late dad’s assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team.
ShowBizCafe.com sat down with the new, slimmer, Seth Rogen in New York to discuss the conception of The Green Hornet, cracking the superheroe movie code, his weight loss and his response to Judd Apatows ‘Knocked Up 2’.
Have a look.
For more info on The Green Hornet check out our film page on the movie and follow us on Twitter to see a screening of the film for free!