02.17.2009 | By SBC Staff |

We just got our hands on 12 images from the new ‘Watchmen Portrait’ book that was released a week ago. The movie’s official photographer, Clay Enos took these black-and-white portraits of the individuals working on the production. From the lead heroes to supporting characters, extras in the crowd and the crew who put the film together.
We bought the book and it makes for a pretty good collector’s item and film memorabilia. From what we hear, Enos, combined the aesthetic gravitas of Richard Avedon’s In The American West series with the unsung heroics of Michael Disfarmer’s work, to subtly pair the images across double page spreads like Rorschach ink blots and providing a unique look into the world of Watchmen.
The movie ‘Watchmen’ will be in theaters and IMAX 03.06.09, and just in case you want to check out Clay’s website click here: www.clayenos.com.
The pics are below. Enjoy them and check out our Watchmen film page which has SO MUCH MORE images on ‘Watchmen’.