11.9.2009 | By Karen Posada |

If you’ve seen the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” by the same director Roland Emmerich then you’ve seen most of “2012”. It is definitely what one expects after seeing the preview, a movie that has a lot of entertainment value because it is action packed, there is not much more to take from it.
Emmerich seems to be stuck in the same genre with the last couple of movies he’s made, movies about the apocalyptic end of the world, this one just adds to that agenda. Not only do they develop a similar plot but the characters also seem to be the same just played by different actors. The movie which lasts 2hrs and 35minutes has a slow beginning and then slowly builds up to the earth cracking and the world sinking in, to comply with a myth from the Mayan calendar about the end of the world. Putting the Mayan calendar into play gives it a good backbone but it is barely discussed in the film, giving a little more thought into it would have made the film less surreal and the ending less utopical and carefree.
Our hero John Cusack (Jackson Curtis) was perfect for the role; he delivers every time and seems to be in control despite of the world falling around him. He is in charge of saving his family and what remains of the human race. Jackson is part of the broken family on which the film mainly focuses on; despite of the length of the film there’s not a real connection between these main characters. Amanda Peet (Kate Curtis) fails to convince me of her role as a caring mother. Chiwetel Ejiofor (Adrian Helmsley) who plays the all knowing scientist is pretty believable and takes on the role of leader with ease.
Emmerich wanted to make a film to entertain the audience and it does. The movie doesn’t drag but the fact that the world is ending and these few people are smarter than anyone else and are able to surpass a lot of the obstacles, made the film to me ridiculous to the point that I was laughing on scenes that I’m pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to. If you still want to see the movie it might be best to watch it in the movie theater to appreciate the special effects, otherwise save yourself the money and rent any of Emmerich’s latest films.
Rated: PG-13 for intense disaster sequences and some language.
Release Date: 2009-11-13
Screenplay: Roland Emmerich & Harald Kloser
Official Website: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/2012/