01.12.2015 | By Jack Rico |
A perfect storm of legacy franchises, reboots of classic films and sequels of popular box-office fare has hit 2015 like a monsoon. Between Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avengers: Age of Ultron, James Bond’s Spectre, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 and Jurassic World, Hollywood should break all types of box-office records just on these 5 films alone. Take a look at the 43 movies that are must-sees this year.
To have five films reach the $1 billion dollar mark world wide in one single year is mind-bending. Never has the film industry had so many attractive movies for the general audience. When you start to add the second tier films like Ted 2, Pixar’s Inside Out and Friday the 13th, just to name 3 of the 43 films we are highlighting for you, 2015 is about to go boom! What will be interesting is how much revenue will some of these films make and be distributed in the new era post Sony’s The Interview. Regardless, if there was ever a year to be psyched about going out to the movies, this is the year that we will all end up remembering as one of the greatest of all time.