09.11.2013 | By Jack Rico |
I have been saying it for years now! Bob Odenkirk‘s character in ‘Breaking Bad’, Saul Goodman, is one of the best characters on TV and to prove it, AMC is now giving him his own new show!
Here is the official word from AMC:
“AMC and Sony Pictures Television confirmed today that they have reached a licensing agreement for a spinoff of Vince Gilligan’s landmark AMC/SPT series Breaking Bad. As conceived, the new series is based on the show’s popular Saul Goodman character with the working title Better Call Saul. Plans call for Saul to be a one-hour prequel that will focus on the evolution of the popular Saul Goodman character before he ever became Walter White’s lawyer.”
What does this mean for the remainder of Season 5 1/2? It means he’s not dying, will survive and crack a joke on his way to Graceland! I am sure AMC has already taped scenes that give Saul a major push towards the spinoff. For a while, Odenkirk has been, in my opinion, the most important character in ‘Breaking Bad’ rivaling even that of Bryan Cranston. He has served as the link between the shows other cast members, plus has had an invaluable place for Walter White. He’s Mr. Wolf (Pulp Fiction) and has been very funny at it too.
Check out some of his best moments in the video below as well as some pictures of him from the show!
[youtube id=”bBeQO1nBThQ”]
What do you think of the news? Do you agree on the Saul Goodman spinoff? Will you watch? Leave your comments below!
Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) – Breaking Bad _Season 5 – Photo Credit: Frank Ockenfels/AMC