10.23.2009 | By Jack Rico |

If you’ve seen the films ‘Aviator’ from the director Martin Scorsese and ‘Titanic’ from James Cameron, then you will have a good idea of what to expect from ‘Amelia’.
The film is a celluloid biography about the real life of Amelia Earhart (Hilary Swank), the first woman that attempted to fly around the world. The movie focuses on her beginnings as a pilot, her voyages in the Atlantic and Pacific, her marriage to George Putnam (Richard Gere) and eventually, her mysterious death around Hawaii in 1937.
‘Amelia’ is a good film but it doesn’t deserve too many praises. The cinematography of the film was great and recreated the 20’s and 30’s on point. Acting wise, Hilary Swank was once again splendid, capturing Earhart’s innocent and joyous essence. Her nomination for an Oscar is more than assured. Richard Gere on the other hand, did not move me with his acting, to be franc, he was indifferent to me. I don’t know, I think his best days as an actor are over.
Anyway, the film lacked the magic that ‘Titanic’ or ‘La Vie En Rose’ by Olivier Dahan had. Those are movies that you keep in your heart for months, years, even a whole life time after you’ve seen them in the movie theater. As a cinematographic piece I recommend seeing ‘Amelia’. It’s a good film but is not that special.
Rated: PG for some sensuality, language, thematic elements and smoking.
Release Date: 2009-10-23
Screenplay: Ronald Bass, Anna Hamilton Phelan