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Latino Archives - Page 16 of 16 -

Jack Rico


2011/06/21 at 12:00am

Cameron Diaz Explains Her Latina Heritage

06.21.2011 | By |

Cameron Diaz isn’t known to talk much about her Latina roots, but on a press day for her new R-rated comedy ‘Bad Teacher‘, Diaz opened up to me about her cultural heritage in a detailed fashion like never before. She said she doesn’t speak Spanish, but you could tell that she has close ties to her Cuban side and seems to be proud of it. So, what is Cameron Diaz’s ethnicity? Watch the interview. Read More

Jack Rico


2011/03/14 at 12:00am

A Spanglish interview with Michelle Rodriguez

03.14.2011 | By |

Michelle Rodriguez, of Dominican and Puerto Rican descent, sat down for the Battle: Los Angeles promotion, which is released this Friday, to give Jack Rico a Spanglish interview about always playing tough girls, giving a dig to Latino movies, and a brief description of her new movie concept ‘The Republic‘.

Alejandro Arbona


2007/07/30 at 12:00am

El Cantante (Movie Review Spanish)

07.30.2007 | By |

El cantante, sobre la vida del pionero de la salsa Héctor Lavoe (Marc Anthony), abre con una toma de la cara de Jennifer López haciendo de su esposa, Puchi.

Inmediatamente se nota el problema. Y sinceramente me da pena reportar que El cantante es un desastre.

La historia gira alrededor de Puchi, quien narra los sucesos en una entrevista, otorgando al público el punto de entrada al cuento. Pero la táctica narrativa fracasa porque se torna más importante que las escenas de la vida de Lavoe, y el personaje de Puchi domina cuando apenas debería figurar. Demasiadas veces, los momentos que giran en torno a Lavoe se interrumpen para que Puchi nos cuente lo que sucedió después.

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