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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Jack Rico


2014/12/18 at 5:24pm

The Interview (Movie Review)

12.18.2014 | By |

**On December 10th, 2014, a few critics were invited by Sony Pictures to watch THE INTERVIEW. I was one of them. Here are my thoughts on the now historic and controversial action-comedy, which most likely will never be seen.

The 1-4-0: #TheInterviewMovie is an above-average comedy which though isn’t a masterpiece, did provide some hearty laughs and a memorably cool Kim Jung-un character. Read More

Jack Rico


2014/12/18 at 2:46pm

Las 10 Mejores Películas Latinas de la Década 2000-2009

12.18.2014 | By |

Escogí, en mi opinión, las 10 mejores películas latinas de la década entre los años 2000-2009. Todo el mundo hace sus listas de los 10 mejores de Hollywood, pero pienso que el cine latinoamericano se merece su propio reconocimiento. Para ser estricto, no incluí filmes de España sino que me enfoqué en filmes desde Mexico hasta la punta de Argentina.

Jack Rico


2014/12/17 at 9:31pm

Top Five (Movie Review)

12.17.2014 | By |

The “1-4-0”: #TopFive is the best comedy of 2014. It is an urban Stardust Memories/Annie Hall. Chris Rock gives us a smart, romantic, thought-provoking film along with all the humor we’ve known from him.

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Jack Rico


2014/12/11 at 8:24pm

Exodus: Gods and Kings (Movie Review)

12.11.2014 | By |

The “1-4-0″: #ExodusGodsandKings is an epic blockbuster Biblical tale that will satisfy those fans of religious fare and visual cinematic entertainment. Read More

Jack Rico


2014/12/10 at 3:13pm

Alejandro Iñárritu’s ‘Birdman’ Leads 2015 SAG Awards Nominations

12.10.2014 | By |

BIRDMAN came in as the most nominated movie with 4. Benedict Cumberbatch was the most nominated actor of the day with 3 along with Edward Norton. Is BIRDMAN the movie to beat come March 2015 for the Oscars?

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Jack Rico


2014/12/10 at 2:31am

New Trailer: ‘San Andreas’ starring The Rock

12.10.2014 | By |

Seismologists for years have predicted that an earthquake could one day take out all of California via the San Andreas fault. On May 29th, 2015, Hollywood is going to make us see it what it will look like with our own eyes. My Los Angeles friends… start packing those bags! Read More

Jack Rico


2014/12/06 at 9:02pm

The Rico Report: ‘Wild,’ ‘The Pyramid,’ ‘The Hustler’

12.6.2014 | By |

Cada semana hago un segmento de reseñas de películas en español en la televisión hispana en Telemundo 47 New York TV. Esta semana se tratará de los nuevos lanzamientos que debería considerar ver este fin de semana.

Esta semana, crítico las siguientes películas: ‘Wild,’ ‘The Pyramid,’ y el clásico ‘The Hustler’ con Paul Newman y Jackie Gleason en DVD.  Read More

Jack Rico


2014/12/05 at 10:10pm

The Pyramid (Movie Review)

12.5.2014 | By |

The “1-4-0″: #ThePyramid is a mix between ‘As Above, So Below’ and ‘The Descent’. It’s a juvenile, fun, horror thrill-ride much like the ones you experience at Universal Studios. Read More

SBC Staff


2014/12/05 at 10:00am

The Best Movies To Watch While Stoned Out Of Your Mind!

12.5.2014 | By |

With Danish director Lars Von Trier revealing that he made almost all his films under the influence and the New York Times having endorsed the legalization of marijuana in 2014, it’s only time before “weed” becomes legal in all 50 US states. When a major newspaper like the Denver Post creates a website called The Cannabist to report all things on “pot,” you know some major changes are coming to our country. We imagine an FM morning radio show dedicated to the art of “blazing grass” – wait and see. This is why we have decided to mash-up weed and movies to make this article – The Best Movies To Watch While Stoned Out Of Your Mind!

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Jack Rico


2014/11/28 at 9:14pm

New Trailer: Disney’s ‘Star Wars – The Force Awakens’

11.28.2014 | By |

Get ready for history to repeat itself. To be more specific, get ready to relive your childhood. Disney just flipped it and this new Star Wars VII 88-second teaser trailer has all the retro-sensibilities of the classics we love and worship, but with all the bells and whistles of today’s state-of-the-art tech. Read More

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