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Movie Reviews and Ratings

Jack Rico


2013/12/10 at 3:44pm

New Trailer: ‘Godzilla’

12.10.2013 | By |

I am mixed about this teaser trailer of Godzilla. One one end, WB has assembled a great cast of actors with serious cred like Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Juliette Binoche (The English Patient), Ken Watanabe (Inception), Sally Hawkins (Blue Jasmine) and Elizabeth Olsen (Martha Marcy May Marlene) to name a few. On the other end, after watching what Guillermo del Toro did with the monsters from the sea in ‘Pacific Rim‘, can anyone else imagine surpassing those visuals? I get it, we now get the original sea monster, but WB should’ve gotten Del Toro to direct Godzilla because now, Godzilla looks like ‘Pacific Rim: The Sequel‘. The surprise factor is gone, but perhaps the acting and the gravitas of the film will make it a different experience. I’d have to see it to evaluate properly, but for now, I’m ambivalent. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/12/08 at 8:01pm

New York Film Critics Online Names ’12 Years’ Best Picture!

12.8.2013 | By |

New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO) held its fourteenth annual awards meeting on December 8, 2013 in Lincoln Center’s Furman Gallery. Founded in 2000, NYFCO is our country’s most prestigious group of internet critics. Steve McQueen’s 12 Years a Slave won three awards, including an extremely close Best Picture race with the Coen Brothers Inside Llewyn Davis; Best Actor went to Chiwetel Ejiofor and Best Supporting Actress to Lupita Nyong’o. Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity picked up two awards, with Cuarón winning Best Director and Emmanuelle Lubezki picking up Best Cinematography. Abdellatif Kechiche’s Blue is the Warmest Color also won two awards: Best Foreign Language Film and Breakthrough Performance for its star, Adèle Exarchopoulos. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/12/06 at 3:17pm

Exclusive: Selenis Leyva talks “Orange Is The New Black”!

12.6.2013 | By |

If you’ve become a binge watcher, much like us, then you’ve probably got your eyeballs fused to Netflix’s ‘Orange is the New Black‘. You probably also know who Selenis Leyva is, the stand out and scene-stealing actress who plays evil eyebrow queen, Gloria Mendoza. She’s a guilty pleasure to watch and we had a chance to chat with her in this exclusive interview for about creating Gloria, the reasons for the shows popular fanbase and revisiting her old school roots in NY theater. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/12/05 at 4:15pm

Out Of The Furnace (Movie Review)

12.5.2013 | By |

The “1-4-0″: As a revenge drama, @OutOfTheFurnace offers solid performances and an intriguing story, but its goal of greatness falls short. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/12/05 at 1:51pm

Inside Llewyn Davis (Movie Review)

12.5.2013 | By |

The “1-4-0″: @InsideLlewyn is a heartbreak of a film that will perforate your emotional husk, courtesy of Latino actor Oscar Isaac and the Coen Brothers. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/12/05 at 11:09am

New International Trailer: ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’!

12.5.2013 | By |

Here is the first international trailer of The Amazing Spider-Man 2! It’s a thrilling trailer a bit shorter than the domestic but it packs a punch! It starts off excellently and it’s great to see 3 villains in the mix, even though it worries me since superhero films with too many characters bloats the story. I think the film will do huge box office numbers and break the $752,216,557 it made worldwide with its first part. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/12/04 at 2:32pm

National Board of Review Announces 2013 Winners

12.4.2013 | By |

For those who don’t know what the National Board of Review is, they are an nonprofit organization founded in 1909 in New York City, just 13 years after the birth of cinema. In 1930, the NBR was the first group to choose the ten best English-language movies of the year and the best foreign films. Today they chose their best in movies for 2013 and I can’t disagree more with them in many, not all, of their categories. Many of these winners won’t even stick come Oscar time. I belong to the BFCA and NYFCO and will make sure that my votes correct these mistakes, in my opinion. Read More

Jack Rico


2013/12/04 at 1:45pm

New Trailer: ‘300: Rise of an Empire’, Official Trailer #2

12.4.2013 | By |

I’m not sure if the sequel of ‘300’ will ever be better than its predecessor, but it looks like it could be fun to watch. Directed by Israeli director Noam Murro (Smart People), written by Zack Snyder and Kurt Johnstad and starring Eva Green, Brazilian actor Rodrigo Santoro and Sullivan Stapleton, the bloody R rated film promises tons of action, bundles of sanguine scenes and CGI that will make your eyes bloodshot.  Read More

Mariana Dussan


2013/12/03 at 2:29pm

In Celebration Of Paul Walker’s Life, His 5 Best Movie Roles

12.3.2013 | By |

It still seems surreal that Paul Walker has passed. I see it over and over on social media and the news and this reality still seems to be part of a movie. According to his twitter account the 40-year-old actor, husband and father died in a tragic car crash “while attending a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide,” the event was in aide of the Filipino victims of Typhoon Haiyan. In remembrance of his memory, we bring you the 5 best roles of this great actor’s career.  Read More

Mariana Dussan


2013/12/03 at 1:22pm

6 Hispanic Actors That Could Play Zorro In Fox’s “Zorro Reborn”

12.3.2013 | By |

With our ‘Zorro Reborn’ proof-of-concept trailer article, which we exclusively posted last week, there has been a plethora of speculation in Hollywood on who could become the next Zorro and lead the Latino masked fugitive into the next generation. Her then are 6 Hispanic Actors That Could Play Zorro In Fox’s “Zorro Reborn”!

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