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Movie Reviews

Alex Florez


2009/01/12 at 12:00am

Swing Vote

01.12.2009 | By |

Rating: 2.0

Rated: PG-13 for language.
Release Date: 2008-08-01
Starring: Joshua Michael Stern, Jason Richman
Film Genre:
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Few would argue that Hollywood, as a whole, is a pretty ‘liberal’ industry whose star studded cast often shows its support by way of propaganda and sizable donations to left-winged presidential nominees every four years.  Nowadays, whenever filmmakers have the opportunity to chastise our republican administration in the not-so-subtle of ways, they’ve taken it and in some cases exploited it – and I’m not just talking about Michael Moore and his rattling documentaries.  Take films such as ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and ‘Transformers’, to name a more recent one, where the political jabs are more humorous than they are sharp. 

Nevertheless, there are those, more conservative members of Hollywood, that from time to time strike back. Which is why it’s so surprising to see actor Kevin Costner, a registered republican, so decidedly neutral in this latest comedy about a middle-class american who will decide the next president of our country.  Instead, the Costner produced movie, tries to focus itself on a father-daughter relationship while only underlining the importance of our civic duty.  But that’s as much credit as I can give Swing Vote.

In it, Costner plays Bud Johnson, an apathetic, disorderly, but lovable father who is coasting through a life that has almost passed him by. The only bright spot is his overly precocious and overachieving 12-year-old daughter Molly (Madeleine Carroll) who in this case, is the one that takes care of him.  That is, until one mischievous moment on Election Day, when she attempts to vote on Bud’s behalf when he is too drunk to show up to the booth.  Later that night, when the tallies are all in, the nomination happens to come down to one final vote – Bud’s vote – which needs to be recast because of a technical error in the voting machine.  The media soon takes hold of the news and within minutes, the courtship from both campaigns are full throttle. 

But It’s that same courtship to win over Bud’s vote, that makes this film hard to watch.  The politicians in the movie, played by Kelsey Grammer and Dennis Hopper are merely stereotypical representations of the republican and democratic party respectively, and consequently, the ways in which they attempt to win over Bud’s affection are beyond predictable. 

Then there’s the media – represented by George Lopez as the local, cutthroat news director and his journalist on the rise Kate Madison (played by Paula Patton), but both come off as one-dimensional. 

Costner seems more than complaisant with the notion of letting little Madeleine Carroll carry the movie, but she is too precocious for her own good.  If she were more like a ‘kid’ then perhaps it would be easier for us to empathize with her and the situation she’s in.

Notwithstanding, the film does deliver a couple of Disneyesque moments where Costner’s character finally shows some arc.  Unfortunately, they come way too late in the story, at a time when all you want to know is who ends up being president so you can leave the theater.  However, even those curious of the outcome will be seriously disappointed.

Mack Chico


2009/01/09 at 12:00am

The Unborn

01.9.2009 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and terror, disturbing images, thematic material and language including some sexual references.
Release Date: 2009-01-09
Starring: David S. Goyer
Film Genre:
Country: USA
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The Unborn
Mack Chico


2009/01/06 at 12:00am

Righteous Kill

01.6.2009 | By |

Rating: 2.5

Rated: R for violence, pervasive language, some sexuality and brief drug use.
Release Date: 2008-09-12
Starring: Russell Gewirtz
Film Genre:
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Jon Avnet’s new film ‘Righteous Kill’ reunites legendary actors Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. Both actors flood the screen with their trademark acting styles and larger than life personalities, and convert what is an ordinary police thriller into a surprisingly entertaining cop romp.

The premise has the Lennon and McCartney of detectives (Pacino and De Niro) hot on the trail of a serial killer who might end up being one of their own. Some tension is developed by two younger investigators (John Leguizamo and Donnie Wahlberg) who want to crack the case before the seniors do.

The film offers some believable acting from the supporting cast, but nothing outstanding to make you begin your Oscar nomination pool. Leguizamo seems to play the same wise cracking cop in every movie and Wahlberg just seems to be happy to be working. Underrated is Carla Gugino, De Niro’s love interest, who continues to deliver consistently fine work. The director Jon Avnet, who gave us one of Pacino’s worst efforts, 88 Minutes, doesn’t offer us anything new here. Screenwriter Russell Gewirtz, who did Spike Lee’s Inside Man, one of the better films of the cop genre in the last five years, regresses with this hit and miss script and dialogue.

De Niro and Pacino are no longer the multi-layered, method acting thespians with depth, but they still possess enough of that charm, wisdom and experience to know how to carry a movie, ergo ‘Righteous Kill’. Together it becomes memorable and nostalgic.

It wasn’t so long ago that whenever someone asked who the best actor in Hollywood was, the answer was either Al Pacino or Robert De Niro. That is no longer the case. The best way to put it I guess, is that we are still looking for that last performance of greatness from them, that last attempt to prove all us critics wrong, that last hurrah for ol’ time sakes. Regrettably, this movie wasn’t the one to make us believe that.

Jack Rico


2009/01/03 at 12:00am


01.3.2009 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for violence and brief strong language.
Release Date: 2008-12-26
Starring: Christopher McQuarrie, Nathan Alexander
Film Genre:
Country: USA, Germany
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Mike Pierce


2008/12/26 at 12:00am

The Spirit

12.26.2008 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for intense sequences of stylized violence and action, some sexual content and brief nudity.
Release Date: 2008-12-25
Starring: Frank Miller, Will Eisner (Comic)
Film Genre:
Country: USA
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The Spirit

Well…well…well…what can I say about Frank Miller’s, The Spirit? If you don’t know…this is the same guy who brought you…SIN CITY…and my favorite…300.
SOOO…I was definitely setting my standards high. Well people…it was CRAP!! As in Great Dane crap!! It’s about this cop – – who gets murdered in the line of duty – – he is then brought back to life…by an experimental drug (Yeah, I know)…once realizing his super abilities – he decides to fight crime. (Wack!)
It’s got a HOT cast – Miss Eva Mendes and Scarlett Johansson are in the movie…if it wasn’t for them…I would’ve gotten up and left the theater. I was sooo confused…and bored…not going to lie…it didn’t make any sense to me. (lol) Mr. Samuel L. Jackson stars in it as well…and, I’m not going to lie. The more I watch his movies – – the more he annoys me. I don’t know what it is. I just know its super wack…with a capital S.
The movie is filmed great though – it did have that Sin City / 300 feel to it…but that’s about it. Maybe that’s why it only made 4 million at the box office opening weekend.

Mack Chico


2008/12/26 at 12:00am

The Spirit

12.26.2008 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for intense sequences of stylized violence and action, some sexual content and brief nudity.
Release Date: 2008-12-25
Starring: Frank Miller, Will Eisner (Comic)
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website:

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The Spirit
Alex Florez


2008/12/25 at 12:00am

Revolutionary Road

12.25.2008 | By |

Rated: R for language and some sexual content/nudity.
Release Date: 2008-12-26
Starring: Justin Haythe, Richard Yates
Film Genre:
Country: EE.UU, Reino Unido
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Revolutionary Road
Mack Chico


2008/12/23 at 12:00am

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

12.23.2008 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for brief war violence, sexual content, language and smoking.
Release Date: 2008-12-25
Starring: Eric Roth, F. Scott Fitzgerald (historia)
Film Genre:
Country: USA
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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mike Pierce


2008/12/19 at 12:00am

The Tale of Despereaux

12.19.2008 | By |

Rated: Not available.
Release Date: 2008-12-19
Starring: Gary Ross, Will McRobb, Chris Viscardi
Film Genre:
Country: UK, USA
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The Tale of Despereaux

Awww…there’s nothing cuter than a little, big eared mouse with a sword. The Tale of Despereaux stars a little mouse named, Despereaux.


At an early age – his family and friends noticed he wasn’t your average mouse. He doesn’t cringe to the site of knives. He doesn’t fear cats. He laughs at the of mouse traps. He’s just one COOL mouse. The story starts in a kingdom called, Dor…and in this kingdom…they love soup…yes, I said soup. SOUP DAY that is – it’s a day of celebration!

Well, something bad happens…an accident (not going to tell you) where the king…broken hearted…decides to banish soup and KILL at rats. I know, I know – your saying to yourself, “Mike – what the heck does rats have to do with it?” – Well, go see the movie and you’ll find out. (lol)
This movie teaches you a lot of lessons – It has like 4 little stories all wrapped in 1 movie. This happens to be great family, holiday movie. There’s comedy, drama, action and adventure.
Just remember…size DOESN’T matter if you put your mind to it!

Mike Pierce


2008/12/19 at 12:00am

Seven Pounds

12.19.2008 | By |

Rated: PG-13 for thematic material, some disturbing content and a scene of sensuality.
Release Date: 2008-12-19
Starring: Grant Nieporte
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website:

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Seven Pounds

WOWWWWWW…Seven Pounds starring Will Smith…Mrs. HOT Rosario Dawson, Cool dudes Woody Harrelson, Barry Pepper, and Michael Ealy.
I’m not going to lie – this movie rocked! I knew it was going to be good – but not THAT good. It’s about an IRS guy (Will Smith) who decides to go on this crazy, detailed plan of his. People…once everything happens – he will have changed the lives of 7 strangers.
OK…no more…that’s right…I’m not going to ruin this one for you.  It’s that good! Heck…if you MUST know…check out the trailer. J All I am saying is – GO SEE THIS MOVIE. You laugh and you cry…I completely lost it. At one point I was thinking to myself, “Mike – this is going to get a 4 ½ popcorn rating…but…the last 30 minutes…turned it into a 5!!
I give Seven Pounds…5 out of 5 Popcorns! And, DON’T text while driving! (You’ll see)
Merry Christmas!

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