12.4.2008 | By Mack Chico |

It was announced back in 2006 that Alfonso Cuaron would direct and Guillermo del Toro would produce a remake of the film, which could easily turn into a mega-franchise. New details have finally surfaced online, which report that producer Guillermo del Toro might direct!
In the original 1990 film a young boy stumbles onto a witch convention and must stop them, even after he has been turned into a mouse…
Empire got the exclusive low down on Alfonso Cuaron’s involvement in “THE WITCHES”, which would put Del Toro in the director’s chair.
“Although it was rumoured that Cuaron was down to direct, it seems that he will instead be producing, while legend-in-the-making Guillermo Del Toro [taking] the helm,” reports Empire.
“The pair were discussing the potential of adapting the much naughtier Dahl story Uncle Oswald, when the conversation turned to The Witches. Cuaron told us: ‘Guillermo wrote this amazing screenplay really quickly.’
He also said that, ‘It won’t be like the original Nicolas Roeg version, which was a beautiful film,’ because (and this is the very exciting part), del Toro plans to ‘do it completely in stop-motion animation.’ We will just have to wait and see how they could ever replace Roeg’s army of cross-dressing bald-headed extras, however. “