12.2.2008 | By Jack Rico |

New images from Agora, Alejandro Amenabar’s follow up to The Sea Inside, have shown up online as Fotogramas.es has a pair of images of Rachel Weisz as the astronomer Hypati.
Amenbar directed The Sea Inside, which won the Best Foreign Film Oscar, as well as Nicole Kidman ghost story The Others. Agora, like those other two is co-written by Amenabar, and is set in Roman Egypt in the fourth century telling the story of the legendarye Nastronomer Hypatia (Weisz), trapped in the legendary Library of Alexandria, and her fight to save the old world’s wisdom from the religious riots sweeping the streets of Alexandria. Her slave Davus (Max Minghella) wrestles with his yearning for freedom and his professed love for his mistress.