11.18.2016 | By Jack Rico |
In this episode of the Highly Relevant podcast with Jack Rico, I chat with Sean Braswell (2:18), a Senior Writer at OZY.com, to take me through who he thinks are the top political contenders poised to challenge Trump in 2020; and are we officially now in the Age of the Celebrity Presidents?
With The Rock now also interested in becoming President, how seriously do we take our celebrity’s political ambitions moving forward? Also, is the psychology of America shifting to the 60s culture wars? What is the future of multiculturalism in America and what is our role in it? VOX.com writer Sean Illing (11:33) explains the complexities of maintaining a multiethnic democracy. I will then be joined by reporter Oliver Staley (21:56) from the business website QUARTZ to illustrate the potential threat to corporate workplace inclusion under the Trump administration. And we end with same-sex marriage attorney and Trump supporter Brad Berfas (30:42) about the realistic outlook on Trump nullifying same-sex marriages.
Episode Summary:
- Sean Braswell, Age of the Celebrity Presidents 2:18
- Sean Illing, Multiethnic Democracies 11:33
- Oliver Staley, End of Workforce Inclusion 21:56
- Brad Berfas, Same-Sex Marriage Nullifications 30:42
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