02.20.2017 | By Jack Rico |
Welcome to episode 19 of the “Highly Relevant” podcast! Our friend Carrie Keagan (26:00), host of Bravo After Hours, stops by the podcast to promote her new book “Everybody Curses I Swear,” Ice Cube (1:20) joins me to discuss his new high school movie “Fist Fight”. We also talk a bit about the American educational system, why raunch comedies aren’t offensive to people anymore and his secret to making hit movies. And if you like Latin pop music, you probably have heard of the Mexican brother/sister duo – Jesse y Joy (8:14). They have a new self-titled bilingual album and we chatted at length about bilingualism in music and in this country. It’s a great show, so put your headphones on or if you’re listening in your car, crank it up.
Episode Summary:
- Ice Cube 1:20
- Jesse y Joy 8:14
- Carrie Keagan 26:00
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