02.13.2009 | By Jack Rico |

Rated: R for strong bloody violence, some graphic sexual content, language and drug material.
Release Date: 2009-02-13
Starring: Damian Shannon, Mark Swift
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website: www.fridaythe13thmovie.com
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Cinematically, âFriday the 13thâ is an awful film parceled with some terrible acting, an uninspired script and unimaginative direction…but god damn was it fun! And thatâs what these movies are all about – zoning out, laughing out loud with your buddies and enjoying an innocuous time at the theater.
Relating this premise to you is useless since there really isnât one to relate. It possesses all the cliches of hundreds of slasher films: bare breasts, gruesome decapitations and laughable dialogues. Not mush else to it. The producers missed a big chance to create something special with Jason and his origins.
The first 15 minutes are perhaps the best the film has to offer since itâs very fast paced, but then it slows down and any tension that was established is doused. Nevertheless, it is fun and thatâs what people who watch these type of films are looking for.