07.20.2009 | By Jack Rico |

Rated: PG for some mild action and rude humor.
Release Date: 2009-07-24
Starring: Cormac Wibberley, Marianne Wibberley
Film Genre:
Country: USA
Official Website: http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/gforce/
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I have to hand it Jerry Bruckheimer, is there anything this man can’t do? I never thought he could pull off a family animation film and he has without a flaw. ‘G-Force,’ Disney’s new animated 3-D movie experience is a wonderful and fun film that kids as well as parents can enjoy. My wife who is in her 40’s loved it and laughed intensely throughout the film, particularly, at Tracey Morgan’s guinea pig character ‘Blaster’.
The story is about a team of specially trained secret agent guinea pigs that take on a mission for the US government. They’re dispatched to stop a diabolical billionaire, who plans to taking over the world with household appliances. A bit ridiculous, right? Yes, but it’s made for infantiles.
The voices here are top notch, except for Penélope Cruz who seemed uncomfortable voicing animation. I always have thought that is a talent very different from being in front of a camera and not everyone will equate their on-screen performances with their off-screen performances. Tracey Morgan was the highlight, but it was Nicolas Cage who surprised everyone by changing his voice for the mole character ‘Speckles’. The voice was unrecognizable. On a interesting note, at a press conference, Cage spoke about how his kids didn’t know he voiced the character, and the same goes for all his work, because he wants to shield them from his celebrity. Essentially, he implied that his children have no idea he’s a big time Hollywood superstar and will do everything from them ever knowing. Interesting, huh?
The 3-D experience was the best I’ve ever seen, and I’m not just saying that. Kids are so lucky that this film was made for them and not adults. The director Hoyt Yeatman, a visual effects guru, personally told me that he finished rendering the film just last week. Are you kidding me?! Not to get too technical, but the reason for such an onerous task is the attention to detail. According to Yeatman, the rendering took years with several hundred people working on it. If this isn’t a labour of love than I don’t know what is, but it shows and we’re all lucky for it.
Overall, I thought the film was funny, visually pleasing, and the pacing was never dull or incongruent. ‘G-Force’ is made for kids, but parents are going to be pleased applauding right into first place at the box office. Funny enough, I asked Jerry Bruckheimer if there was a sequel in the works and he said, “If we fill the seats with happy customers, we’ll do another one”. That’s not going to be a problem.