08.3.2012 | By Jack Rico |
Guatemalan actor Oscar Isaac recently revealed important tidbits about “Inside Llewyn Davis”, the new Coen Brothers period movie set in the heart of the early 1960s folk music revolution in Greenwich Village. The Latino actor stars as Llewyn Davis in an original screenplay inspired by real-life folk singer Dave Van Ronk’s life.
Isaacs said he was psyched to work with the famed directors of ‘No Country for Old Men,’ “It was bliss. It was complete bliss. I play a guy that’s down on his luck, but it was very hard to feel that way because I was just always had a smile from ear to ear. I was elated just to be there.”
The musical-like-movie, think ‘Once,’ offered the guatemalan a chance to show off his years of guitar playing. Remember him in ‘Ten Years’? – “I’ve been playing for 20 years, so it was kind of the perfect storm of things that came together for me to be a part of it,” he said. “We did all the music live, no playback; it’s like a concert movie. There’s like six or seven songs in it.”
Justin Timberlake also features in the movie, as do Carey Mulligan, Garrett Hedlund and Coen brothers veteran John Goodman.
Look for “Inside Llewyn Davis” to come out in 2013.