02.8.2009 | By Mack Chico |

The star-studded romantic comedy He’s Just Not That Into You is the early leader at the weekend box office, having grossed $10.6 million on Friday. That’s well ahead of the $6.3 mil taken in by hearty holdover Taken on the weekend’s first day, and it far surpasses the grosses for the frame’s other big new releases — Coraline ($4.5 mil), Push ($3.5 mil), and The Pink Panther 2 (a very disappointing $3.4 mil). Friday’s chart is below, and please check back here tomorrow for a full weekend recap in the Box Office Report.
1. He’s Just Not That Into You — $10.6 mil
2. Taken — $6.3 mil
3. Coraline — $4.5 mil
4. Push — $3.5 mil
5. The Pink Panther 2 — $3.4 mil